Pokey it is absolutely amazing I hope you don't mind I added it in the Leon thread as well. Oh btw I like yours much better then the daniel K, It probably is the amazing contrast of the green center.
That is absolutly the most beautiful stone and setting combination I have ever seen. Wow! I''ll be setting up an appointment with Leon ASAP. The workmanship and porportions are perfect. You made wise choices.
Pokey, OMG! That is such a stunning ring I cannot even find the words (well, that is a lie, I can!)...How elegant and amazing and rich looking that is! Unreal! I am sure she will love it. Keep us posted on all the details! You did good, my man!
Seriously, that has got to be one of the most stunnign rings on this entire forum hands down. Was never enthused about Leon Mege but yowza. I mean, any girl here would like to be yours just for that bauble! Nice, so my BF contact info is .........
n...e...e...d... s...o...m...e... a...i...r!!!!! That is gorgeous!!! Not only do I love the work Leon did, but the stone you picked!! The color is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice rich, and deep color!! CONGRATS!!!
Oh my . . . that ring is beyond beautiful. It''s priceless and will be a treasured family heirloom. I can honestly say I have never seen a more beautiful ring . . . I love Tsavs, and that is a stunning example.
Oh my god, I too literally gasped when I saw your pictures!!! I can''t believe how beautiful the ring is! Just stunningly wonderful! Absolutely to die for
! I can''t wait to hear how your girlfriend responds when you give it to her!
WOW WOW WOW is what keeps going through my head! More pics pretty please!!!!
WOW!!!! It is absolutely STUNNING. I''m wiping drool off the keyboard right now. It''s just breathtakingly beautiful. She''s going to love it. Please, please share more pictures and hand shots when you get it. Wow.
I was LITERALLY DREAMING about this ring last night! Had I known something like this COULD EXIST -- it would have been a much tougher decision picking out my e-ring. And if we wanna play what if .. eg: "what if for some crazy reason my e-ring couldn''t have been designed the way it is now" ... I''LL TAKE THAT ONE!!!
Pokey - to my taste - best e-ring concept/design/purchase by a SOLO MALE in my history on Pricescope!!
ps-very flattered to hear you''re fond of my ring - ME TOO
I love tsavorite! I dream of a nice tsavorite!
Your's is just gorgeous! That color is just beautiful - perfect!
Leon really out did himself with that setting for it. It's just magnificent.
(He clearly liked your project. What did he say about it?)
I waaaaaaantssss it!
Please comeback when you've proposed and tell us all about her reaction!
Hands pictures as well please.
Men like you are just wonderful! You brought romance back to the ering process! You and Familystone (
I agree with deco 110% Pokey and familystone is right up there with you. You guys truly did an amazing job researching and ending up with one of the best custom guys around to make heirloom/lifetime rings for your fiancee''s. job VERY well done..
oh my! i''m not over here very often but am glad i didn''t miss out on this! that is to die for!!!! please post hand pics when the time comes...please!!!!
Wow! Great ring! Your soon-to-be is one lucky lady.
It is always nice to see a non-diamond E-ring.
I love the color of that tsavorite and the split shank.
The ring is very regal.
Oh, great choice in going with the tradiitonal cushion cut.
I feel the same way about the concave cut too.
It gives the gem lots of amazing sparkle, but there is just something
romantic about the traditional non-concave cut.
By the way, can you tell me where you get the Tsavorite?
Oh my heavens, Pokey, that ring is stunning--one of my favorites!
The color in that Tsavorite is...mmm....savory, delicious, truly exquisite. And Leon did a fantastic job on the setting. I love the split shank & his signature claws--the setting highlights your garnet perfectly! Your sweetie is going to have a heart attack when she sees that luscious ring! She''s a lucky lady to have a guy who put so much time & effort into creating the perfect ring for her. (And, apparently, most of the ladies on PS!!!
Congrats on a job well done & on your upcoming engagement. Good luck with the proposal & make sure you post hand shots after she says yes!
POkey... Once again I just have to say that you did an amazing job. WOW... you are awesome.
And one more... BRAVO to you and your Wife to be for wanting to come to the side of color!!! Neither one of you will ever regret it!! AND I think it is a wonderful inspiration to those to afraid to break from the norm and did something with color!!
I''m spoiled because I get to see a lot of beautiful pieces, but I can honestly rank this one among the all-time best I''ve seen. I wish for you and your future wife to enjoy a wonderful life together!
Drool......drool.....O....M.....G.....that ring is gorgeous, beautiful, breathtaking, and I can''t think anymore because it''s so pretty!!!! I LOVE that! Wow, that is beautiful, did I say that yet? Please please please please post some handshots!
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