
Leon Mege ring finally done and being shipped!

I'm very excited for you, and can't wait to see it!!!
Yeaaaah, what @blingmeupscotty said! I want to punch a butt cheek in impatience.
But also, kinda lovin' your 'old man' right now, he's got a cruel streak.
I also see your Schwartz is as big as his. This pleases me to no end. :lol:
I hope you feel better soon! Think of the Rolex, it'll help.:evil2:
That’s so exciting! My current engagement ring was crafted by Leon Mege and I absolutely love it! I’m looking to upgrade my engagement ring this year and plan on getting Leon Mege to create the setting again.
I can’t wait to see pictures of your ring when you get it!!
I am not sure I was completely sane either. It’s arriving January 6th!!!!! Then starts the LOOOOONG wait. I feel almost like a lady in waiting.

On one hand it is scary to release the reins… but I do think there were some benefits to him taking over.

1. I was originally looking at a smaller stone (I was hoping for a 3.3 carat, H, VS2, super ideal) in a Leon Mege setting. And the stone he decided on is larger.

2. I think I had very little idea of what I wanted. For example…. I originally asked for a squared off band. Then Leon suggested rounded… I thought I wanted the diamond set high… then realized maybe that might be too high. Etc etc. Leon did agree to set the diamond as I requested (2 mm higher) but when I changed my mind, he said “thank god!” It required a bit of a restart but he didn’t like the aesthetics of my original request.

Ultimately I think it would have been too much stress to determine what would look “nice”. It will be a completely Leon ring. At the end… we didn’t go with any of my original requests

Leon is an amazing craftsman, so I’m sure it will be outstanding. I hope you love it!
That’s so exciting! My current engagement ring was crafted by Leon Mege and I absolutely love it! I’m looking to upgrade my engagement ring this year and plan on getting Leon Mege to create the setting again.
I can’t wait to see pictures of your ring when you get it!!

I am Canadian too! Please post your current ering pics! Or the inspiration fro upgrade. We love looking at nice rings.
When is this d@mn ring arriving??
Did I miss that part?

Hope you're ok.
It was better when I didn’t know. LOL. One day… if he leaves me alone in the house….. I’m tempted to do a systematic search of the house. LOL.

He might give it to me February 14….

wut? That's over a month away...

Work the covid angle. You feel so sick and sad... Doesn't he want to make you feel better?

The Rolex makes a good bribe.

Or you could withhold other things as well...:Up_to_something:

You do what ya gotta do...
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Sigh. My husband said maybe I could take a look…

It was shipped priority overnight… was supposed to arrive today before 12 but appears stuck in Memphis, Tenn.

So close…. But not yet :rolleyes:

I mean really he should let you look… make sure there’s no egregious errors… and try on… to confirm ring size…

Leon won’t want to hear about problems months later! Best to look ASAP! :D
Oh gosh, shipping is still so crazy! It’s so inconvenient having to wait for a package that’s delayed! Definitely look at it and try it on! (Of course, it should be a little loose now if you live where there’s cold weather!) I hope he doesn’t wait long to give it to you! I don’t believe in beautiful jewelry to be hidden away for months!
Oh gosh, shipping is still so crazy! It’s so inconvenient having to wait for a package that’s delayed! Definitely look at it and try it on! (Of course, it should be a little loose now if you live where there’s cold weather!) I hope he doesn’t wait long to give it to you! I don’t believe in beautiful jewelry to be hidden away for months!

It was sent priority next day. It hasn’t moved in over 24 hours. I read the weather at that hub is horrible.
Watching this thread and waiting with you. So impatient to see this. Am honestly on the edge of my seat here.
I swear on PS understand the pain of this.

I think I need to mentally give up for this week. The package only has week day delivery…. So unless it moves soon, will go to Monday.

Nooooooooo!!!! You NEED this package.
Waiting with you!

Its here. My husband looked at it. All he said was:

1. diamond does not look yellow (I was worried as I heard that larger carat weight show more color and it’s an H

2. The diamond band is slightly thinner then my previous engagement ring (due to no miligrain)

3. The halo is thinner then my old engagement ring.

4. As neither of us have actually seen any 3 carat stone… he feels that it’s not suitable for everyday wear.

The waiting begins.

and Yes! Leon does take pictures. But my husband is refusing to let me see. From the way he’s talking…. I’m not seeing it anytime soon.

Its here. My husband looked at it. All he said was:

1. diamond does not look yellow (I was worried as I heard that larger carat weight show more color and it’s an H

2. The diamond band is slightly thinner then my previous engagement ring (due to no miligrain)

3. The halo is thinner then my old engagement ring.

4. As neither of us have actually seen any 3 carat stone… he feels that it’s not suitable for everyday wear.

The waiting begins.

and Yes! Leon does take pictures. But my husband is refusing to let me see. From the way he’s talking…. I’m not seeing it anytime soon.

No pics?? Grrrr....

I NEED to talk to your husband!

Sooo it sounds like you’re not allowed to see it… but we are haha?

I wish there was as some way we could peek without you having to see it! Ok I’m evil, sorry!
I think your husband is being cruel to you unless there’s a logical reason that he’s withholding it for!

I think it is too. I think he planned some sort of thing though.

Here’s the thing, in 2014, we separated for about 6 months. My mom was very angry about the situation…. (She’s “special” ) She went to my house and destroyed everything associated with my engagement (burned pictures… he had made me an elaborate treasure hunt with a letter.. anyways. She destroyed it all). As well as letters, cards, mementos I had collected since I was 16.

All that is just “stuff” but.. it’s not. Anyways. I think he might want to do something. Not necessarily propose or anything. But something to to make up for it a bit.