So annoyed with a co-worker. Every post I put on FB she always has some passive aggressive or downright negative comment to make. I posted something yesterday and she responded in her usually negative way. I went out to eat at a restaurant and they had these little outdoor heated igloo seating arrangements. She asked me if I watched them clean it. Then she said I had the Corona Virus. I laughed it off in my usual way when she comments. Meanwhile she told me she walked into a supermarket without a mask and when the teenage worker told her she had to put one on, she refused and told her to call the manager. Then she argued with the manager about having to wear a mask. And she’s a nurse!
Today I posted a meme I thought was funny BC I’ve been having back pain lately and I’m 48. The meme is below.
This is what she commented on my post-
“Zip it sister! I will come slap you with my good hand LOL”
I mean seriously, I don’t see anything offensive in this meme that would make her respond to me that way.
My two coppers: If she's older than you, I could see her meaning that comment as a jokey way of saying "Ah, you're not that old kiddo, just wait til you get to be my age." But when there's already a pattern to her comments, that's different. If you've ever missed work due to back pain, she might also be trying to insinuate that it's not legit. I also wondered if these comments are made late at night when she's drinking.
Regardless, it sounds like she's got a screw loose and for some reason has targeted you for ongoing harassment, doing passive-aggressive things like adding "LOL" to her slurs so she can get by with them.
I always think about what could happen next in situations like this. When someone is being strangely aggressive, it could not only continue but also escalate.
So, I'd write notes on everything she's done and when, and collect any evidence that backs it up.
Then block her, without comment. That might seem a little cringey. But if it goes further, it could be considered implicit consent that you allowed her to keep commenting or that whatever social excuse you made for cutting her off was your actual reason for it. She'd probably try to claim it was just a misunderstanding on your part.
I think it's likely she'll get nervous about being cut off and find someone else to bother, as bullies often do. But if not, you'll be in a good position to go to a supervisor at work or the law. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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