
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

It's a good thing that laws have changed regarding unsafe toys. No doubt they need to go even further.

Warning labels won't compensate for inattentive parents and for the ingenuity of kids who can't be supervised at all times. I think the US goes too far sometimes. I bought a battery operated drill a couple months ago and the warning label said "do not insert in rectum."

Warning labels won't compensate for inattentive parents and for the ingenuity of kids who can't be supervised at all times. I think the US goes too far sometimes. I bought a battery operated drill a couple months ago and the warning label said "do not insert in rectum."

LOL! We-e-e-ll, these warnings are no doubt caused by legal actions due to some twit actually doing the warned-about activities...and suing the manufacturers. :???: Hence, the warnings.
Africa is falling short on cocoa beans due to disease. World chocolate supply is under threat. The sky is falling. Life without chocolate would be....I can't even....
Africa is falling short on cocoa beans due to disease. World chocolate supply is under threat. The sky is falling. Life without chocolate would be....I can't even....

Wouldn't life without chocolate be horrible? At least it would be for me. Maybe start stocking up for the future (like a survivalist)?...
Wouldn't life without chocolate be horrible? At least it would be for me. Maybe start stocking up for the future (like a survivalist)?...

I'm stocking my pantry like a survivalist. I must be be able to self-soothe through election season as well as through 3 home improvement projects that I'm juggling. Stressssssssssssssing
There isn’t enough chocolate on this planet to soothe me through the next eight months. Gah, I wish I could just sleep through it all in a delirious chocolate coma.

God this is the truth!!!! I hear you Bonfire.
Life has been challenging these past few years but never so much as since October 2023. Among other real world problems my poor dad broke his femur in October. It just crumbled and then he fell. Not the other way around. He was in the hospital, then rehab then home finally in December where he fell again less than a week later. He went to the hospital again. Then went to rehab about a month later. Then he was finally home once again in March 2024. We saw him yesterday at his home and he was doing well. Improving and in good spirits. Got a phone call early morning today from my mom. She called saying my dad fell again last night. He is back in the hospital with a compound fracture of the femur. Hoping to get on the surgery schedule tonight if possible (hospitals are super crowded). This is such a nightmare. If I am being realistic I do not see a way out. He is 90 in April and he is frail. His brain sharp which at this point I feel is more of a curse than anything. He is fully aware of what is happening and his future looks extremely bleak. And short :(


This was taken sometime in 2023 I think

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7.04.49 AM.png

My parents have been married 60 years this past December. I do not know how my mom will survive without my dad. :(
Life has been challenging these past few years but never so much as since October 2023. Among other real world problems my poor dad broke his femur in October. It just crumbled and then he fell. Not the other way around. He was in the hospital, then rehab then home finally in December where he fell again less than a week later. He went to the hospital again. Then went to rehab about a month later. Then he was finally home once again in March 2024. We saw him yesterday at his home and he was doing well. Improving and in good spirits. Got a phone call early morning today from my mom. She called saying my dad fell again last night. He is back in the hospital with a compound fracture of the femur. Hoping to get on the surgery schedule tonight if possible (hospitals are super crowded). This is such a nightmare. If I am being realistic I do not see a way out. He is 90 in April and he is frail. His brain sharp which at this point I feel is more of a curse than anything. He is fully aware of what is happening and his future looks extremely bleak. And short :(


This was taken sometime in 2023 I think

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7.04.49 AM.png

My parents have been married 60 years this past December. I do not know how my mom will survive without my dad. :(

Oh, @missy I am so sorry to hear about your father falling again. Sending all my love and support to you.
Life has been challenging these past few years but never so much as since October 2023. Among other real world problems my poor dad broke his femur in October. It just crumbled and then he fell. Not the other way around. He was in the hospital, then rehab then home finally in December where he fell again less than a week later. He went to the hospital again. Then went to rehab about a month later. Then he was finally home once again in March 2024. We saw him yesterday at his home and he was doing well. Improving and in good spirits. Got a phone call early morning today from my mom. She called saying my dad fell again last night. He is back in the hospital with a compound fracture of the femur. Hoping to get on the surgery schedule tonight if possible (hospitals are super crowded). This is such a nightmare. If I am being realistic I do not see a way out. He is 90 in April and he is frail. His brain sharp which at this point I feel is more of a curse than anything. He is fully aware of what is happening and his future looks extremely bleak. And short :(


This was taken sometime in 2023 I think

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7.04.49 AM.png

My parents have been married 60 years this past December. I do not know how my mom will survive without my dad. :(

I'm sorry you (and your mom/dad) are going through this. I can sympathize, because we are experiencing the same with my 92 year old mother-in-law. Initial snap of the femur, and subsequent fall (not the other way around - so strange) in January. She is still in assisted living with the hope of going back home, but we will have to see. She is experiencing some dementia that we hope is temporary. I guess it is common for old people to have some temporary dementia after a major break like this.

{{Hugs}} to you as you traverse this journey with them.
Sending gentle hugs @missy. I hope, when the time comes, that your dad's transition from this mortal plane is pain free and peaceful.
I'm so sorry, Missy. Falls and fractures are terrible for the elderly.
Oh gosh @missy , I am so sorry. I am hoping that he makes it through the surgery ok. You, and he, are in my thoughts.
So very sorry to hear about your Dad’s fall, Missy. Incredibly sad and stressful watching our aging parents’ health deteriorate. I have a 94 yo Mom who we just had to
Place in Assisted Living last June. Keeping you, your Dad and Mom in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a successful surgery and recovery.
Life has been challenging these past few years but never so much as since October 2023. Among other real world problems my poor dad broke his femur in October. It just crumbled and then he fell. Not the other way around. He was in the hospital, then rehab then home finally in December where he fell again less than a week later. He went to the hospital again. Then went to rehab about a month later. Then he was finally home once again in March 2024. We saw him yesterday at his home and he was doing well. Improving and in good spirits. Got a phone call early morning today from my mom. She called saying my dad fell again last night. He is back in the hospital with a compound fracture of the femur. Hoping to get on the surgery schedule tonight if possible (hospitals are super crowded). This is such a nightmare. If I am being realistic I do not see a way out. He is 90 in April and he is frail. His brain sharp which at this point I feel is more of a curse than anything. He is fully aware of what is happening and his future looks extremely bleak. And short :(


This was taken sometime in 2023 I think

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7.04.49 AM.png

My parents have been married 60 years this past December. I do not know how my mom will survive without my dad. :(

You know all the things I would say, and the love is overwhelming and wonderous.
Drink them in, drink it all in. Words seem small and inadequate. Time is precious.
I wish I could help you hold it.
Aww @missy your pictures are so beautiful! What an accomplishment. 60 years together and happy, successful children. Much to celebrate there. But with that comes late-life living. Very difficult in the best of circumstances. Sad how the final years can really take a toll…
Sending prayers and well wishes to dad and you all.
Sending you hugs @missy
Hoping your parents pull through this fall.
Thank you @springerspaniel @RMOO @Matata @pearlsngems @tyty333 @rcjtraveler @ItsMainelyYou @Slickk @nala
I truly appreciate all your well wishes and kind support. Thank you

My dad had two fractures. They got my dad into surgery fast (12 hours from arrival to surgery is fast IMO) given the fact the hospital was overrun with patients. He went into surgery at 1045 AM yesterday. The surgery took 4 hours. I spoke with the surgeon. He had a compound fracture. A mid shaft fracture spiral fracture that needed pins and wires etc. That was the complicated fracture. Then he had another femoral neck fracture-so he took out the pins from the prior surgery just a few months ago and placed in new pins. The surgeon said it went well.

It was a very long operation and my dad was under general anesthesia for a long time. Not easy at that age. He was in recovery a very long time afterwards. He had bad gas in his belly from the anesthesia so they gave him a nasogastric tube trying to dissipate it. And they put him in surgical ICU. My mom stayed with him overnight. She has been at the hospital since Sunday night now.

We are pleased with the surgeon and the staff. Everyone is so nice. And most importantly they seem very competent. They also were so so gracious to my mom. They gave her food and coffee and took good care of her, I am so grateful for the little things and mainly that my dad came through it all. Recovery will not be easy but one day at a time.

@RMOO I wish your MIL all the best. That is exactly how my dad's first fracture (October 2023) went...femur snapped and then he fell. That's actually not uncommon for hip fractures. Your hip gives out then you fall. While 99% of all fractures happen after someone falls it can and does happen the other way around in people who are elderly and/or have OP their femur snaps and then they fall. Sending her and your family lots of healing wishes.
@rcjtraveler thank you and I wish all the best for your dear mom.
I know its just the beginning of recovery for your Dad but I am so happy for him (and your family). What is the prognosis for
walking again? I think I would be happy for my parent to be in a wheelchair at this point. The falls and bad breaks are just
too much. Your Dad may have other ideas though. Wishing him a safe and speedy recovery.
Thanks for the update, Missy. Am praying for your folks.
@rcjtraveler thank you and I wish all the best for your dear mom.

Thank you, Missy. I am so happy to hear his surgery went well and you are comfortable with the care he is receiving. Keeping you, your Dad and Mom in my thoughts for a successful recovery. Take good care of yourself as this is beyond stressful for you and your sister.
I know this sounds so minor compared to the very sad situations others find themselves or their loved ones in but….

If my husband doesn’t do something to get his snoring under control I might have to kick him over a cliff and claim on his life insurance policy!

I’m NOT fat-ist at all and have been very overweight at different stages of my life, but OMG since he has put on weight he snores like a freight train and because he is unhappy with himself he is moody and grumpy and doesn’t want to go out or get dressed up or have intimate time.

I find him just as physically attractive as the day we met but the knock on effects of his weight gain is so negative on his mental and physical health and our relationship. If he could be fat and happy I’d be fine with it (and buy better earplugs / a bigger house!). But he isn't.

How do I deal with this without making his self esteem even worse? I just want him to go to the doctors at least to check his health status. He is 50 in a month and I really worry about him.

And oh my god I would kill for a whole night’s uninterrupted sleep!
I know this sounds so minor compared to the very sad situations others find themselves or their loved ones in but….

If my husband doesn’t do something to get his snoring under control I might have to kick him over a cliff and claim on his life insurance policy!

I’m NOT fat-ist at all and have been very overweight at different stages of my life, but OMG since he has put on weight he snores like a freight train and because he is unhappy with himself he is moody and grumpy and doesn’t want to go out or get dressed up or have intimate time.

I find him just as physically attractive as the day we met but the knock on effects of his weight gain is so negative on his mental and physical health and our relationship. If he could be fat and happy I’d be fine with it (and buy better earplugs / a bigger house!). But he isn't.

How do I deal with this without making his self esteem even worse? I just want him to go to the doctors at least to check his health status. He is 50 in a month and I really worry about him.

And oh my god I would kill for a whole night’s uninterrupted sleep!

I second the sleep apnea test. I bet he has it. I didn't think I could have it because I'm not overweight but I was wrong. It increases with weight but also with age. It really is seriously horrible for your health to leave it untreated.

Plus, after a few months with the CPAP machine, I am amazed at how much more energy I have and how much more I get done. I do have some memory loss though, which does not seem to be getting better. It might have been caused by my oxygen being cut off many times per hour for who knows how long.

Now when I take my CPAP thing off in my sleep, my husband immediately wakes me up and tells me to put it back on. I had no idea I was keeping him up that much all this time. I just thought he was a little strange for sleeping with earplugs and a white noise machine.
Again with the stinkin' data leak...and having to change perfectly good/creative passwords. What's the use of have excellent passwords when the data is leaked? So, so, SOOOOO annoying.

How do I deal with this without making his self esteem even worse? I just want him to go to the doctors at least to check his health status. He is 50 in a month and I really worry about him.

My DH is physically fit and still has sleep apnea. Separate bedrooms was the only solution for us even after he got his CPAP because the machine makes some noise and I'm a light sleeper. I need total blackout and complete silence in order to sleep.

Maybe approach your dh from the standpoint that you love him, want him to be happy and part of happiness is being healthy enough to do the things that bring him pleasure. If you're comfortable about it, discuss the negative impact his unhappiness is having on your relationship.
My DH is physically fit and still has sleep apnea. Separate bedrooms was the only solution for us even after he got his CPAP because the machine makes some noise and I'm a light sleeper. I need total blackout and complete silence in order to sleep.

Maybe approach your dh from the standpoint that you love him, want him to be happy and part of happiness is being healthy enough to do the things that bring him pleasure. If you're comfortable about it, discuss the negative impact his unhappiness is having on your relationship.

Don't know if this applies but a few years ago I tried the ResMed10 and gave up because it was loud, among other problems. This last time, I got the ResMed11 (APAP) and it is practically silent and also far easier to use. Just in case he doesn't have the latest one. :)
Another vote for the ResMed11.
When I first turned it on DH and I assumed it wasn't plugged in.

It's that quiet.
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Just in case he doesn't have the latest one


His is virtually silent but he also has leg twitches and tends to flail his arms in his sleep and sleep diagonally across the mattress so his reward is his very own room.