
Lets talk maternity clothing....

that's quite a haul VL! I wish I hadn't spent so much early on, because my preferences have really changed since my belly has expanded LOL!

I got some stuff at motherhood (@ Macy's ) once my regular pants were to small between 2-3 months along, and ordered a bunch from old navy. The stuff from motherhood is turning out to be too small (bought pre boob expansion!) and I am HATING the panel on the super cute capris I bought.

Of the Old Navy stuff I ordered, I kept only the trouser jeans with wide waistband (no panel) and 2 pairs of shorts with panel. I love the jeans' fit so much I'm going to convert the capris and teh shorts I bought to that waistband style with some wide elastic I bought on Amazon. I've also researched DIY and am going to try my hand at some DIY conversions.

The ruched t-shirts I got from motherhood are annoying because, at least for now, they won't stay down! I have to constantly pull them down to keep the panel of my pants covered. I'm hoping once the belly is bigger it will help hold the shirt in the stretched position.

Otherwise I'm sporting lots of regular (but larger) old navy ribbed tanks, thin vintage t's and a few other longer tanks to make regular tops wearable. I'm 17 weeks tomorrow and I think this scenario is nearing it's end. I am so grateful to be able to wear wahtever, even yoga pants to work, but even most of those are getting uncomfortable, just cutting me the wrong way in the waist. I may try to do some waistband adjustments on those too.

One of my girlfriends at work also says she hated the belly panels and just cut them off of her maternity pants and wore them low-rider with no band.

I'm thinking about getting the maternity spanx, mostly to smooth and prevent chafing with dresses. Anyone tried those yet?
I'd like to put in a word for Isabella Oliver, for anybody whose planning on more than one pregnancy: they're pricey, but you can find them for cheap on eBay, and they have frequent sales that bring their prices inline with regularly priced lower-cost brands. The difference in quality is HUGE - all the Gap, Olian, Motherhood Maternity stuff I bought pilled inside of one wash. The expensive Nicol Carmel pants I bought new and full price as my one "splurge" thinking they'd last? Fell apart at the seams inside of two weeks. (Ugh!) But the IO stuff that I bought used is going strong - definitely a case of "investment shopping." Plus, it's nice to know I won't have to hunt so much next time, when I have a toddler to run after!

P.S. - Since maternity stuff IS pricey, what I also did was keep an eye out for wrap dresses and long full skirts I could just hike over my belly. Interspersed with the IO stuff, that got me all the way through!

P.P.S. - The most important thing for me was to have comfy shoes. Fluevogs were LIFESAVERS, I am just saying.
Well, I hate to have to say it yet again, :lol: but I agree with Circe...I just clicked on this thread to say that Isabella Oliver stuff is lovely! I wore a lot of IO when I was pregnant, way, way before I even had a bump.