
Lightbox has a countdown

Ugh- the 1 carat white diamond earrings are not available per the website and within one minute of viewing the white diamond solitaire pendant it was sold out.
@LisaRN That stinks! I’m sure they’ll stock more soon..
I’m hoping when I get ready to buy my princess cut earrings the frenzy will die down and they’ll have more items in stock. I spent a fortune on my mrb studs but they were worth it..I wrestled it in my mind and tried to be logical..I wouldn’t be wearing the princess earrings every day. If they don’t come out with 2ctw princess cut white studs..I would have to buy two necklaces and have someone set $1800 for the necklaces and if I spent $500 on stud settings..that would cost me $2,300. If I were to buy the equivalent size in mined diamonds it would be over $8,000...That’s not bad but it takes away money for other sparklies. I wouldn’t do that because there are other things I would like to get this year..I had to convince myself they weren’t moissanite..I have a small pair of round moissanite studs and I love them but the square cuts were not good. The Lightbox princess earrings would be chemically they’re fine. I really think I would even be fine if they sold studs in 10k white gold. They would be sturdy and I would just have them rhodium dipped occasionally..I just wouldn’t leave them in sterling...
There is definitely something going on over at Lightbox..I was just there two minutes ago..The half carat pendant was available it’s not again. Some of the other items have been removed...Whoever planned this isn’t very good at it..I wonder if this is a marketing strategy. No one could be this bad..
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@Mamabean Great point about the jeweler probably not being the best person to ask, and great tip about not holding it with metal tweezers! I wonder if I should even still bring it when I go on Saturday to look at settings. If I'm only looking at settings, I'm not sure if I need to have my stone with me. I'm also not sure how upfront I should be with them about where it came from?

Also when I told my boyfriend this morning that I got the .5 solitaire instead of the 1 carat halo because the halo had sold out, he asked why don't I just wait until it's back? And I said I just don't trust that they will get their act together, and I feel like everything they are doing is some weird manipulative marketing strategy, so I'd rather get the .5 in my hands now than risk not being able to get anything for an unknown amount of time.

It's funny though, the more I think about it today, I'm almost happier with the .5 at half the price!
@frogplus - if you halo or bezel the diamond, it will look bigger too. I tried to take a pic of my .46ct bezeled pendant on my finger for you, but the effer kept flipping. So, here it is at an odd angle, but keep in mind too that it's flat on my finger - not raised on a ring . just an idea :)

I'm a 4.5 finger too (gonna load below from my phone)
Did anyone order any of the pink diamonds?
@HappyNewLife Beautiful! I've spent a lot of time looking at different settings and even though I know some settings definitely make a smaller diamond look bigger, I just really love the simple solitaire. I do plan to keep an open mind when I go to look at settings though. There are some halos that I like the look from the top, but the side view doesn't do it for me.
If you can’t find a local jeweler to set your ring, I just received a new custom pinky ring from Aurora Designer on Etsy ( who worked with a center stone I purchased from d.nea. It’s dainty, perfect and was just a couple hundred dollars.
@MelloYello8 Thank you I will definitely keep that in mind! I'm going to check out what the perks are of using the local jeweler first, see if they offer free cleanings or I've heard some jewelers have a package you can buy that provides free dipping/plating for the white gold band. Do you have pictures of your ring from Aurora Designer?
Update from Lightbox order. I just got this text from FedEx. Looks like I'm going to have it tomorrow morning!

Free FedEx alert: Signature req'd by someone at your address for package delivery 09/28 by 10:30A.

Will update of course when I actually receive it. I'll be at work, boyfriend will be home to sign for it. I don't know how I'm going to get through the day knowing it's at home waiting for me!
Update from Lightbox order. I just got this text from FedEx. Looks like I'm going to have it tomorrow morning!

Free FedEx alert: Signature req'd by someone at your address for package delivery 09/28 by 10:30A.

Will update of course when I actually receive it. I'll be at work, boyfriend will be home to sign for it. I don't know how I'm going to get through the day knowing it's at home waiting for me!
Found out why one of my credit cards was denied. They said that the billing info was showing up as outside of the US and coupled with the high dollar amount it looked suspicious. I am surprised that it didn't show up as a US company. They didn't mention where outside of the US it was.

@Mamabean, I can't believe I missed out on that necklace twice. :wall:
@kindred I thought I saw something about London? I might be totally thinking of something else though.
Found out why one of my credit cards was denied. They said that the billing info was showing up as outside of the US and coupled with the high dollar amount it looked suspicious. I am surprised that it didn't show up as a US company. They didn't mention where outside of the US it was.

@Mamabean, I can't believe I missed out on that necklace twice. :wall:
I know! I really would keep checking..It looks to me that they’re doing this on purpose and releasing little bits at a time. They also added a new design and then pulled it. I’m getting frustrated seeing people disappointed...and I’m not even getting anything now!
@kindred I thought I saw something about London? I might be totally thinking of something else though.
They say on the website they’re made in Ascot, England. They could very well be processing the payment in London.
@MelloYello8 Thank you I will definitely keep that in mind! I'm going to check out what the perks are of using the local jeweler first, see if they offer free cleanings or I've heard some jewelers have a package you can buy that provides free dipping/plating for the white gold band. Do you have pictures of your ring from Aurora Designer?
Free dipping is definitely a plus. Just took a car pic at dusk so maybe not the best lighting. The aurora designer one is on my pinky. Less than half carat size 4.5 engagement ring and band, for your reference.
And I’m sitting here in Australia crying my eyes out
So not fair, no international shipping
@Bron357, Let me know if you're interested in something they have in stock right now. I could probably help you out assuming I could get an order through.
@MelloYello8 Gorgeous! I'll be visiting my local jeweler on Saturday so I'll find out if they do free cleanings or dippings, etc. Since my setting is so simple, I can probably just go wherever has the best benefits. This one is just super convenient because it's a few blocks from my house.
@stonewell. Please come back with lots of pics of the blue earrings. I would like to get one of their blue diamonds, but am waiting as the color looks different in some of the pics.

Will do! I am interested about the color as well... the 1ctw sets look pretty good in the ear photos, but I wasn’t too impressed with the .25ctw. Since the set I ordered are .50ctw, it’ll be a middle of road example.
And I’m sitting here in Australia crying my eyes out
So not fair, no international shipping

I wonder what their rationale is in limiting it to the US - other than they don’t seem to have enough inventory yet to satisfy the demand here. I noticed they posted on IG earlier that they’ll be releasing more styles through the end of year and into 2019. Hopefully that will include expanding the range of countries they will ship!

Happy to help you with a purchase if there’s anything there that strikes your fancy. LMK
IT'S HERE! My boyfriend just sent me this picture. I told him last night not to open it because I want to do it, hence the threatening scissors in the picture lol. So the delivery was on time, half an hour early.
Don't know how I'm going to get through the day knowing it's waiting for me at home! Photos coming tonight, stay tuned. Should I start a new thread for photos of lightbox diamonds? Might be nice to keep them all in one place for other people to add.
we can’t wait!!
@frogplus, Yes, please start a new thread. So exciting!
Started a new one in case anyone else gets their delivery today. I'll post pics tonight.
Driving to Maryland today..I’ll be checking every time I stop! So exciting!
My husband ordered me the princess pendant (I think it's too expensive, so I plan to return). It shipped yesterday morning and will be here today. He didn't pay for faster shipping, so these must be shipping out near Philadelphia. If I can figure it out, I'll post pictures :).
My husband ordered me the princess pendant (I think it's too expensive, so I plan to return). It shipped yesterday morning and will be here today. He didn't pay for faster shipping, so these must be shipping out near Philadelphia. If I can figure it out, I'll post pictures :).

I think mine came from NY.

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