My take is that you guys have been living with a great big elephant sitting on your sofa that you both pretend not to notice. But its there and you both know its there.
Meaning, what happened on that night was really big. It changed the course of (your) history and to go on like nothing happened is like living woth an elephant in your living room.
I dont know enough about your partner to know if this is his (passive) way of paying you back for (1) embaressing him infront of your family (2) putting the brakes on something he was looking forward to doing (3) you not appologising or discussing this to give closure etc etc. To me it feels abit like his strategy is to patiently wait till the length of time elapsed tells you that something is wrong, and he is waiting for you to realise this. I suspect that when you eventually bring up the topic, you will find that he is still licking his wounds.
Im sure he still loves you, but he probably wants you to innitiate the asking this time around.
On a lighter note, you could always make the engagement chicken~!!
Meaning, what happened on that night was really big. It changed the course of (your) history and to go on like nothing happened is like living woth an elephant in your living room.
I dont know enough about your partner to know if this is his (passive) way of paying you back for (1) embaressing him infront of your family (2) putting the brakes on something he was looking forward to doing (3) you not appologising or discussing this to give closure etc etc. To me it feels abit like his strategy is to patiently wait till the length of time elapsed tells you that something is wrong, and he is waiting for you to realise this. I suspect that when you eventually bring up the topic, you will find that he is still licking his wounds.
Im sure he still loves you, but he probably wants you to innitiate the asking this time around.
On a lighter note, you could always make the engagement chicken~!!