
LIW: What is keeping you "waiting?"

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we aren't ready. we broke up for a while because he had a committment phobic response to my closing the distance in our ldr, but he's worked it out and we're getting back together. until that happened, i thought i was ready to start talking about marriage but the short breakup made me question everything. im back here now because im tooling around the internet trying to figure out if i even still want the traditional marriage/family that i always thought i wanted. it's not a question of the person, he's the one i want to grow old with, it's a question of whether those things are really what i want.

if we did decide to get married, it wouldn't be for several more years.
For us its timing.
Two years ago, we had 5 weddings. Three were close friends of his, and two were my sisters. Last year, three more close friends of his got married, so I thought this year for sure we''d get engaged. We had decided that we both liked the idea of having a destination wedding in spring 2009. Well that all changed when another of his friends (can I add that he''s been in every single one of these weddings!!), got engaged and announced they''re having a destination wedding in spring 2009. Let''s just say I almost died.
Anyhow, I have no clue what my dear BF is thinking now, and although I did like the idea of getting married down south, I don''t have my heart set on it, so who knows what will happen!
He FINALLY just finished college and is now looking for a very good job. So I have been waiting and waiting for him to finish school. (He was working full time and was only able to go to college part time, the past 2 years he took accelerated courses which took up most of his (and my) freetime.)
I just got laid off my job last week, so that sort of puts a damper on things. lol
And the fact that I think we still need a little more time before we are truly "ready" to tie the knot. Though, I think we are getting pretty close to that time....
For me its just a matter of waiting for him to do HIS thing lol. The ring has been bought (its a 1.25ct H antique solitaire) Although I thought he would have done it by now lol I have a feeling it''ll be on my birthday which is the 1st week of September. Because BF isnt much of an in advance planner and a week or so ago I had seen something (dont remember what) and said he coiuld get me THAT for my Bday. And he said no...I already know what youre gettin for your bday and its all planned out. What he said was just so out of charector for him that it just made me wonder lol. Even if its not for my bday he told me from the beginning it would be this year. And i DOUBT he can hold onto it long.
I'm not sure..............
He wants to wait till after his home is built & I move in before he buys me a ring ( sounds like a trap
And that's going to be at least a year.
Plus he lives far out in never never land
so the only job I think I could get there is substitute teaching because I don't have my degree yet.

I think he should buy my ring now.
money. Maybe he''ll win the lottery soon! haha
Been together for 11 years, but we are young (26 and 27). I never wanted to get married before 25. He has a good job and his MBA. I have 2 degrees and I''m studying for the MCAT and applying for Fall of 2009. I don''t have a job right at the moment so my BF supports us. We have been living together for 5 years and we have a house. We are almost common law! Ha ha! I think he wants me to figure out my life before any proposal, but I don''t think everything in life needs to be so planned. Maybe we will be the next Goldie and Kurt!
Haven''t posted in awhile because I''ve been away but I saw this post before I left...

I am waiting because we decided in April that this was the year we would take the next step. Now its really just about him buying the ring (he been very good about keeping quiet and I know nothing so far...) and doing what he needs to do (by himself, as he has stictly instructed me to stop poking my nose) to propose. I am figuring it will happen sometime in the fall...but honestly, I could sit here all day and try to guess I won''t. The only thing I do know is that it is happening this year.

The ball is in his court now...
My younger sis

We have tried on rings and both decided exactly what we want. So it is just a matter of him going and buying it. Hopefully i will not have to wait too long because it already feels like forever and ever lol. I have a feeling it will happen very soon (like within a month) but im finding it hard to be patient as it get closer, which is strange cos im sure it will be soon!

Oh and my lil sis just got engaged (for those of you who have read my other posts) so we wanted to wait a month or so, i was afraid it would look bad, sill i know!
I don''t like to consider myself a LIW because I don''t want to be anxious for so long. But what is keeping me/us is waiting for BF to get through school. He''ll graduate after this year, then he wants to take a year to travel. THEN he''ll go to grad school. And he and I completely agree that as long as he''s in school we maybe shouldn''t get married because then he can''t put me before school. So I''m looking at a possibility of 6 years. BUT he said that we could maybe get married and then do a reception later. But...that is still nowhere in the near future.
School... We are both going on our 4th year in college (been together since april 2006) and we are both pretty traditional. we want to get married after we both finish college. he is going to graduate in December of 2009 and i will graduate may of 2010. If things go my way....(haha) we will be engaged next summer sometime and married soon after i graduate!
School, Timing, & Age:

I feel that I''m too young in my early 20''s, but I''m starting to get over it... ha ha. I want that ring! I''m OK to be engaged during school- but a wedding will have to wait until that''s over, and then it will have to wait some more until my residency is over which will be after 2012 and I don''t really want to have a 4 year engagement...

Fun thread, though!
Waitin'' on him to.... to feel ready I guess. And money. There is never enough.
My recent job transition, moving in together, he''s still in school, so money''s a bit tighter than usual for both ends....
The military. :) He''ll be home in a couple months, so hopefully my LIW status will end sometime around then. We''ve been dating over two and a half years and living together for the majority of that.
Money. He''s in a bit of a spot with his rental homes due to the current mortgage market and thought he''d have the money for a ring this summer, but that didn''t happen. He needs to pay off some debts before he can even think of starting to plan for a wedding, and I told him that I didn''t want a ring until we were ready to jump into the planning right away. We''ve been together almost a year and just started living together, so there really isn''t a big rush. I wouldn''t have a problem with getting a proposal next summer, though later this year would be a nice surprise.
ME, age, schooling.

I want to wait until I am done with my schooling. I have health conditions, so I have to stay on my father''s insurance until I turn 25. Luckily, I should be done with my masters exactly 2 weeks before I turn 25. I also have to be a full time student to stay on this wonderfully generous insurance. Blah.
I''m 21, he''s 19. Enough said. :)
School- I''m 20 weeks from finishing my degree to be a registered Nurse, I want my masters though. He is about 2 years from finishing his degree.

Oh the joys of being young & in love.
The fact that he has another year in dental school, and we just aren''t ready financially. We''ve already looked at rings, and talk about when we are going to get married, it''s just that money is a little tight right now.
Money!!! Effing money.

But soon!!! We''re working on it... the diamond is in our house, now it just needs a house to live in. Weeeee!!
my boyf wants to get settled in (financially wise) and become perm employee with the state. he also wants to buy a house. but i''ve decided that i will not sign for a loan on a house until there is a ring on my finger.
SO is waiting until after he gets his electrical license, which will be around January 09, soooo finances basically.
Date: 6/29/2008 1:45:53 AM
Author: musey

Date: 6/29/2008 12:43:28 AM
Author: WishfulThinking
We''re not being held up being engaged. We''re engaged- rings and all!

I still consider myself a ''lady in waiting'' [well, both of us, I guess!] because we''re not allowed to legally marry. The government is keeping us waiting. Indefinitely.
Hopefully this will change very soon... California is setting a good example right now. Two of my friends got married on June 17. They''d been engaged for four years!!
My cousin is coming out for my wedding in Oct and he and his FI are getting married the day after I do on the private beach that comes with the houes (his dream wedding - to marry on a beach). They live in Indiana currently and it''s def. not legal there. He''ll have the full party/reception etc next spring in Indiana but will do the paperwork and mini ceremony out here.
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