
LIWFAW - what are you doing while you wait?

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Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Here''s something to distract those of you who are ''waiting'' for a while from feeling like you''ve put your life on hold.

What are your OWN goals for the time you''ll be waiting? What would you like to accomplish during that time, beyond getting engaged?
I would like to get a decent paying job which is SO hard around here. I''ve taken my EMT exam and just waiting for the results to come back but it seems, like everything else, that it''s taking a very long time. So in the mean time, I''m looking for a decent paying job.

And over the last year I''ve managed to gain at least 10 pounds so I am trying to work out a lot more so I can get back to my normal size.

So I''m trying to keep myself busy between those two things!
Oooooh, this is easy! I feel like I have so many things I want to accomplish in the next 1-2 years: Take the LSAT. Decide where to go to law school. Graduate from undergrad in December. Get a job for a few months. Move. Go to law school.

I have lots to keep me busy. :)
well I just got a new job, and am going back to school for my master''s, should keep me busy...
Graduate from college, get a good job, and try not to lose my sanity!
Graduate college, find my own place, find a job, go to South Africa, take a dance class, start doing yoga, take a ceramics class, get a dog, get into a good/great MBA program.

I like having goals.
Finishing up in an interpreting program in December... then will begin looking for an interpreting job.

Picking out my setting (just decided on a diamond).

Trying to make decisions about the wedding.


That''s all cake compared to the impossible task of making room in my closet for his stuff!
*Finishing my PhD

*Linked to that, I have about four publications I need to get cracking on and just finish already! (IndyGal you are my hero, I saw your thread about your book!

*Going travelling (the big trip we talked about in the other thread!)

*Getting back into a routine of playing my instruments more regularly. That''s an ongoing ambition...

*Getting all set up for a bit of a career change next year
I''m working on getting into a graduate program for Medical and Family systems therapy.

It feels great to finally have decided on what to do for a career.

I''m also learning how to knit socks. I love knitting!
Dude, you guys ROCK.
Finishing College, only a 1.5 years to go!! yahooo

I just got my motorcycle license so thats a new found freedom, even thought i want my man to get his too!
I just started my postdoc 4 months ago and am busy getting some research going while waiting for my honey to move to California with me! :) I am also enjoying all the love we have between us, several house of Skype/phone chat every night, and monthly visits across the country..... I love my man!!!
Date: 9/7/2007 5:14:16 PM
Author:Independent Gal
Here''s something to distract those of you who are ''waiting'' for a while from feeling like you''ve put your life on hold.

What are your OWN goals for the time you''ll be waiting? What would you like to accomplish during that time, beyond getting engaged?

Well... while I''m a LIW, I''ve decided to go back to school. I just recently got laid off, but also recently got hired at a much better company and am starting a new career. So I''m learning A LOT right now between my new job and school. That pretty much keeps my mind busy. I also take step aerobics 2x a week, so I''m trying to get into shape. I also have a parrot and am trying to teach him new words to say and tricks to do. And A LOT of pampering for me too - bubble baths, pedicures, facials... I''ve been taking really good care of myself. I''m basically just trying to stay busy to keep my mind off the stress of being a LIW, and trying to take care of myself.

It seems like everyone we know is getting engaged right now, and it gets frustrating, but once I hear the proposal stories I am all like "awwwww!!!" and get all dreamy and so happy for them, and remind myself that our time will come. And I dream about how unbelievable it will feel for us when we get engaged. And how every day that passes is one day closer to it. I''m basically trying to stay as positive as I can when the LIW tension appears. I''m getting better at it. Though it has taken some practice. LOL
OOPs I take back my posting. I have been dating with my love for less than a year... so I guess that means I am NOT a LIWFAW? TRUST ME it feels like a LONG WHILE when you know in your heart that you two are meant for each other.....
Date: 9/13/2007 5:27:51 PM
Author: SeattleSweetheart
I''m working on getting into a graduate program for Medical and Family systems therapy.

It feels great to finally have decided on what to do for a career.

I''m also learning how to knit socks. I love knitting!

SeattleSweetheart me too!!! I knit like a mad thing!!! But I haven''t started socks yet, I plan on taking a class one day soon. A good friend of mine owns (yes, owns) a yarn shop and she runs amazing classes and sells the most beautiful cashmere blend yarns. Lucky for me! Not so lucky for my wallet...
Date: 9/14/2007 3:51:09 AM
Author: zhuzhu
OOPs I take back my posting. I have been dating with my love for less than a year... so I guess that means I am NOT a LIWFAW? TRUST ME it feels like a LONG WHILE when you know in your heart that you two are meant for each other.....
LIWFAW means you don''t think you will be engaged in the immediate future. Even if that isn''t you I enjoyed your answer!
I am so confused.... So LIW is someone who thinks engagement is coming within 6month while LIWFAW is expecting it in more than a year...???? Does that sound about right????
I dont think there are any hard definitions! Correct me if I am wrong, anyone. LIWFAW was a term Beanie coined and I liked it so I used it for that other thread.
I knew I was going to marry him before I met him in person (you don''t have to buy that but it is true). So I guess I have been waiting for a while...... :)
I''m doing a law degree and really enjoying it btw even though I have to work my a$$ off. I think the whole engement bug thing has really bitten me since I''ve been lurking here so I spend a fair amount of time on PS envying all the lovely sparklers.I originally considered having an aquamarine engagement ring so I actually found this site while googling something to do with aquamarines but now I''ve actually changed my mind and decided nothing sparkles like a diamond, ha, ha
When I''m not doing that I''m playing playstation believe it or not. I have this addiction to ratchet and clank (I dont actually admit that to anyone except on here where nobody knows me
If I start feeling down I watch movies and play around with designs of bold colours. Iv''e been doing that since I was a teenager.
I love art so I make pages with my own designs on and then colour them in with glitter/coloured or any other gel pens I can lay my hands on. Very therapeutic I find and I''ve built up quite a nice little portfolio by now....
I''m not a LIWFAW yet, but I know I will be so I''m going to reply to this post.

While waiting, I''m going to: start a new exercise regimen, begin yoga, read lots of books (i love to read!!
), learn how to cook with my love as a guinea pig (kekeke
), and fall in deeper love with my man.

By the time we''re ready to take that step towards the rest of our lives together, I''ll be lean and fit, a great cook and nice and bendy
!! hahahaha.
Date: 9/15/2007 12:19:17 PM
Author: julie04
I''m not a LIWFAW yet, but I know I will be so I''m going to reply to this post.

While waiting, I''m going to: start a new exercise regimen, begin yoga, read lots of books (i love to read!!
), learn how to cook with my love as a guinea pig (kekeke
), and fall in deeper love with my man.

By the time we''re ready to take that step towards the rest of our lives together, I''ll be lean and fit, a great cook and nice and bendy
!! hahahaha.
Sweet post. I had a nice giggle when I read this. Kudos to you for having such a healthy outlook. I would rather snuggle up in front of the TV and munch on chocolate (which is really reflected in my figure, ha,ha). I would do well to follow your example
face20.gif I wait...RATHER IMPATIENTLY... I am finishing my undergrad...I graduate in MAY!

Moving AGAIN...Unfortunately not moving in with my FF (he has strict rules about not living together until were engaged).

And finding a GREAT job!

I really am keeping busy but it doesnt seem to take my mind off the wait :) Ohhhhh wellllllll.
i would like to go back to school and get my RN license!! i started this process 8 years ago before the 3 kids that keep me crazy busy now!!

and the kids are a major focus as well. seeing that they are healthy and happy is my biggest focus (along with getting my ring!!)

This is one of my favourite threads in the LIW forum and I thought it would be fun to re-open it (thank you Andrey
) to hear contributions from some of the LIW who joined more recently!

Come on ladies, I bet you have lots of goals for yourself during this exciting time - please share!
I need to start dancing again!!!! Seriously, going from a retail-walk-5-miles-a-day-around-the-store + dancing 5 hours a week to a desk job + no dancing is a horrible thing to do to a body.

And start saving money for my eventual wedding and eventual house, since I''m apparently the only one who has zero interest in a masters degree! Haha!
Date: 1/31/2008 4:51:13 PM
Author: Delster
This is one of my favourite threads in the LIW forum and I thought it would be fun to re-open it (thank you Andrey
) to hear contributions from some of the LIW who joined more recently!

Come on ladies, I bet you have lots of goals for yourself during this exciting time - please share!
What a great thread to resurrect Delster! I''m not expecting a proposal anytime in the near future, so for the time being, I''m just focusing on fixing up my new house of nearly a year now (adding my own personal touches), training for a 5k (never ran one before - hopefully I can drop a few pounds in the process!), and expanding my work skills in my spare time (I work in IT). Can''t wait to hear what some of the other ladies will be up to...
Date: 1/31/2008 7:14:42 PM
Author: sunnyd
I need to start dancing again!!!! Seriously, going from a retail-walk-5-miles-a-day-around-the-store + dancing 5 hours a week to a desk job + no dancing is a horrible thing to do to a body.

Ooh, Sunny--you''re a dancer, too? What sort? I swing dance but haven''t gotten to go much recently.

Aside from my immediate goal of finding another job ASAP (oh, the resume submitting!), here are my goals over the next couple of years:

*Save enough money for a down payment on a house
*Get more in shape--I''ve started jogging 3x a week and I want to start dancing more often again. I''m also considering taking an adult ballet class--I used to do it for fun in college and I''d like to start again.
*Figure out what I REALLY want to do. I didn''t go to grad school because I wasn''t sure what my career goals were and I''m still trying to figure out what they are and if grad school is needed.
*Take some fun continuing education classes through the local university--they offer some really cool ones like screenwriting and jewelry making.
*Get a couple of kitties--I''m hoping we can once we move up North. I miss having a furball to cuddle (aside from Kris
*Do some local theatre. I miss being on stage!
*Play more music--I play keyboard in a jam band with some friends in town, but I''d love to start playing classical piano again and singing more.
*Do more crafts--I knit, quilt, and am learning how to make lace, and I want to do more of it. I just found out about a local stitch''n''bitch that meets on Tuesdays, so I''m going to start going.
*Cook a lot--since I''m job hunting right now, I''ve had more time for this, which has been GREAT.
*Keep up with my language learning--I moved away from the city where I was taking my Gaelic classes, but I''d love to continue learning it on my own. I''d love to learn some other languages as well--maybe Spanish?

OK, that''s the list off the top of my head. I''m sure there are a few more, though, since I love having plenty to do!
Date: 9/15/2007 11:50:26 AM
Author: ice_princess
When I''m not doing that I''m playing playstation believe it or not. I have this addiction to ratchet and clank (I dont actually admit that to anyone except on here where nobody knows me

Don''t worry, ice_princess, I''d love to be playing ratchet and clank. My bf hasn''t caved yet and bought a playstation, but it''s coming. (I think he may just have spent all his money on something shiny though...

Delster, I''m trying to finish a PhD too! It''s killing me, I think. Originally my bf was planning to wait until I finished before we talked about getting engaged, but fortunately he''s let that plan go. Otherwise I would be insane or dead by now.

I think my big waiting activity (you can''t count the PhD, it''s been going on for too long) is yoga. I''ve been to exactly 1 class! Yay, me! (Also, ouch...)
While waiting I think I''ll:
-Finally finish my BA, which has been 7 years in the making (kind of)
-Get into shape again
-Cook more, bake less
-Continue thinking about what I want to do when I "grow up"
-Spend as much time as possible with the ''rents

I''m sure there is more, but those are the big things. I figure I have 1-2 years to get it all done (Even though some of it is continuous).
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