
London. Bombs...

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Date: 7/7/2005 4:16:28 PM
Author: MINE!!
Here Here AChi... I understand your fear.. I am sure all will be well... Are you going for vacation or business? My Dh LOVES it there. HE says that it is an amzing place. we plan to go there next summer. I am excited.

MINE...We''re going for pleasure...vacation...we love London too! My parents used to live there so I have many fond memories of London...I hope everyone there will stay safe in this crazy world!!

We''re staying in London for 4 days and then taking a Baltic cruise from there for 12 days...
Date: 7/7/2005 12:26:37 PM
Author: Blue824
Yeah, definitely not in response to Olympics, its the G8.

I will never understand the religions that can condone these actions. I will never understand the people that believe these religions. Even if we had gotten Osama bin Laden, wouldn''t there be someone else happy to step up?

My best friend has yet to hear from her boyfriend...its scary and frustrating. Although he shouldn''t have been near those areas its just the whole needing to hear it from him.

Sending lots of prayers and thoughts across the pond.
My friend works in a pre-dominently muslim borough which incidently is where several of the explosions happened so many muslims were affected today too.

I hope your friend hears about her boyfriend soon.
Oh.. that sounds so wonderful!! I am sure that it is going to be fabulous! You are going to have a great and safe time!!

DH He has a lot of family there and spent the day both answering emails (to say that no he was not in London) and sending emails to find out it everyone is alright. He used to live there for a while and his father was an Arch Bishop for the Angelican Church so they were over in London rubbing elbows with the queen. But he says that he would go live in London again in a heartbeat.

Dh was just telling me today that they were going to plan a London/Paris Museum class for students next year.
I just got back from visiting my SIL and BIL. Luke grew up in London and his whole family is there, and extended family. He finally got in touch with them and everyone''s ok. He was very upset because it was hard to get through. Now we are just praying for all those souls that were injured or killed by this senseless act of terrorism.
This is such a sad day and brings back such terrible recollections of 911. We live in Downtown Manhattan and could see the towers fall, leaving an empty space. Our neighborhood was full of smoke. My son, who was in the television industry at the time, lost several friends. The main antennas were at the top of one of the World Trade Center buildings and he knew as soon as that tower was hit that they were doomed.

I was working as a volunteer in the New York Cornell Burn Center at the time. The families were devastated as one after another got terrible news about their loved ones. Those who survived were horribly burned and needed numerous skin grafts and were prone to infections. They would need years of therapy.

How can people do this to each other? What happened in London today affects us all in one way or another. I guess all we can do is pray for those who are sufferring after such a horrendous act.
We lost 2 very good friends on 9/11. They both worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. They were able to call their wives as they were headed downstairs, and then the tower fell on top of them. Doug''s body was recovered, but Ted''s was not. We went to college together and have raised a lot of money through the University. They each had 3 kids. So sad.
Date: 7/7/2005 5:56:01 PM
Author: mightyred

Date: 7/7/2005 12:26:37 PM
Author: Blue824
Yeah, definitely not in response to Olympics, its the G8.

I will never understand the religions that can condone these actions. I will never understand the people that believe these religions. Even if we had gotten Osama bin Laden, wouldn't there be someone else happy to step up?

My best friend has yet to hear from her boyfriend...its scary and frustrating. Although he shouldn't have been near those areas its just the whole needing to hear it from him.

Sending lots of prayers and thoughts across the pond.
My friend works in a pre-dominently muslim borough which incidently is where several of the explosions happened so many muslims were affected today too.

I hope your friend hears about her boyfriend soon.
Sorry, I guess when I said "these religions" it sounded very general and I worded it incorrectly. I completely understand that the people committing these acts are a minority and have interpreted the religion differently. Sorry if I made it sound differently, I definitely didnt mean all Muslims. However, there are lots of things I do not understand, most importantly how did we get to this point?! I know little bits and pieces and I guess I still cannot understand.

And thank you, my friend just recently called to update me. Just as we were hoping, her boyfriend is fine. So scary when you can't get ahold of someone in a time like that though. He's moving to the US in about a month, I told her to make him take taxis until then!

Amandapanda...I totally know what you mean...for 9.11 I could see the Pentagon from my room. My campus was on lock down and it was pretty scary. On top of that, two days later we had a bomb threat and once again had to be entirely evacuated. Totally traumatizing and I couldnt deal with hearing it all over. After about 11am on 9/11 I started ignoring all media and stuck with the movies and HBO.
Date: 7/7/2005 5:52:30 PM
Author: AChiOAlumna

Date: 7/7/2005 4:16:28 PM
Author: MINE!!
Here Here AChi... I understand your fear.. I am sure all will be well... Are you going for vacation or business? My Dh LOVES it there. HE says that it is an amzing place. we plan to go there next summer. I am excited.

MINE...We're going for pleasure...vacation...we love London too! My parents used to live there so I have many fond memories of London...I hope everyone there will stay safe in this crazy world!!

We're staying in London for 4 days and then taking a Baltic cruise from there for 12 days...
AchiOAlumna ....try and check this out when you are there

Natural History Museum Diamond Exhibit

PS Blue - no worries I know enough from your posts you are not like that :)
I have family in London and near Manchester. I was supposed to be IN London as of yesterday but got a bad feeling and felt too overwhelmed so I cancelled, planning to just fly in and out of Manchester to see my sister on Monday. I have big problems with travel on a GOOD day, now I am a nervous wreck. It is just too soon after and though I do not think where she lives will have issues, I am concerned about travel and other attacks and getting stuck there. I feel as a mom that maybe, since it is so soon and it is a pleasure trip, it might be best not to go...feeling VERY unsettled about it altogether, do not want to disappoint my sister, but just do not feel good about it...cannot get a hold of my family in London yet...
I am so sorry for all who have family members and friends in London. It is such a terrible tragedy. I just simply cannot understand how little value is placed on human life in our society (globally). This reminds me of when 9/11 happened, I was in Florida and my hubby was stationed in Virginia, also between my parents I have a total of 21 aunts and uncles, and of those 21 only 4 do not reside in NY. My family had actually relocated to FL from NY after living most of our lives there. We are all extremely close and I could not get through to my hubby (fiance at the time) or any of my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents etc. at the time. Those of us not in NY were so mortified, numb, hurt, confused, many emotions and just no understanding ''why''...although we were very lucky in that none of my relatives were hurt, I will never forget the day we spent wondering ''what if?''. As for my fiance (now hubby) the first communication I had from him came a week later by e-mail, his carrier crew had been deployed immediately after for the whole ''shock and awe'' campaign. My heart and prayers truly goes out to all those affected from this horrendous tragedy.
All my family are safe, most live within 15 minutes of me up here in Liverpool. We only have one cousin who works in London, he is safe, thank God.

I would like to applaud the work of the emergency services, they were outstanding yesterday. I was very pleased by the stoical reaction of the London people, they are British and will not allow these terrorists affect their way of life. They will stand defiantly against the terrorists. However, I would like to express my disgust at those taxi drivers and hotels who increased their charges by up to five times the normal rate.

Our government has been chipping (hacking?) at our long-cherished liberty ever since 9-11, I just hope and pray that we won't let this attack further undermine our way of life. We can not have a society that is one hundred percent secure. We certainly can not have a society that is both free and safe. "Those who are willing to surrender their liberty for security, deserve neither." We should also put this attack into context. Attacks similar to this are happening frequently in Iraq, and were in Israel prior to the construction of the security barrier. The loss of life, whilst regrettable and tragic, is very small in comparison to 9-11.

Thank you all for your messages of support and solidarity with my country.
Date: 7/8/2005 8:17:04 AM
Author: diamondgeezer
All my family are safe, most live within 15 minutes of me up here in Liverpool. We only have one cousin who works in London, he is safe, thank God.
Thank you all for your messages of support and solidarity with my country.

Thank you for posting and letting us know how you and your family have fared, Andrew. My thoughts and best wishes are with you as always.

The events of yesterday underscore the reason to fight terrorism near its home bases whenever we can. If we cower in our safe little part of the earth, the war will come to us. Better to bring fear, death and trauma to our confirmed enemies where they live than to have them visit us where we and our families live. A few will get to us and create havoc. Just imagine how much more might happen if we retreat.

The enemy is a poisonous snake with many heads combined with a scorpion with many stinging tails. There is no single place to go to destroy it. It is a huge problem for all of us with no easy solution.

My point of view is not shared by all. I understand. I served in the Army Reserves during Vietnam and was most fortunate to have escaped combat. I missed the draft by only a single day and luck. Right now my son-in-law is an Army Ranger First Sargent in Iraq training Iraqi Army troops. How can I do less than to support him and his fellow soldiers? I respect them and honor their service. They are helping to keep such events from becoming even more commonplace in our part of the world.

I don't blame religion, but I do blame narrow minded ideologies. I blame clerics who condone violence in the name of their religion. Most adherents to religions are peaceful and law abiding folks. It isn't how they believe in their God, but how they interact with their fellow men that worries me. The US and Brits need to be respectful of other countries and their sovereign rights, while seeking to protect our population from radical nuts who want all the infidels killed.

Being courageous, unafraid and going about your normal routine defeat terrorists. One cannot forget the 9/11 and 7/7 tragedies, but one must face each day with renewed optimism. This is the way it must be. There is no other way to live life and to live it well. Out of the respect one gives to those who have paid the ultimate price for freedom, one is obligated to never give in to brutality and fear.

I hope they catch those who did this and give them rapid justice with no reprieve.
Date: 7/8/2005 1:34:14 PM
Author: oldminer
The events of yesterday underscore the reason to fight terrorism near its home bases whenever we can. If we cower in our safe little part of the earth, the war will come to us. Better to bring fear, death and trauma to our confirmed enemies where they live than to have them visit us where we and our families live. A few will get to us and create havoc. Just imagine how much more might happen if we retreat.

The enemy is a poisonous snake with many heads combined with a scorpion with many stinging tails. There is no single place to go to destroy it. It is a huge problem for all of us with no easy solution.

My point of view is not shared by all. I understand. I served in the Army Reserves during Vietnam and was most fortunate to have escaped combat. I missed the draft by only a single day and luck. Right now my son-in-law is an Army Ranger First Sargent in Iraq training Iraqi Army troops. How can I do less than to support him and his fellow soldiers? I respect them and honor their service. They are helping to keep such events from becoming even more commonplace in our part of the world.

I don''t blame religion, but I do blame narrow minded ideologies. I blame clerics who condone violence in the name of their religion. Most adherents to religions are peaceful and law abiding folks. It isn''t how they believe in their God, but how they interact with their fellow men that worries me. The US and Brits need to be respectful of other countries and their sovereign rights, while seeking to protect our population from radical nuts who want all the infidels killed.

Being courageous, unafraid and going about your normal routine defeat terrorists. One cannot forget the 9/11 and 7/7 tragedies, but one must face each day with renewed optimism. This is the way it must be. There is no other way to live life and to live it well. Out of the respect one gives to those who have paid the ultimate price for freedom, one is obligated to never give in to brutality and fear.

I hope they catch those who did this and give them rapid justice with no reprieve.
I couldnt have said it any better.
Well said Oldminer.. Thank you
Unfortunately, the news media and politicians have deceived the public into thinking that acts of murder and terrorism are committed only by "extremists" and "right wing fundamentalists" of Islam. The truth is that these acts are entirely consistent with and are justified by the basic teachings of Islam. Further, the "evangelistic" tool of Islam always has been and always will be the sword; convert or die. It is used wherever it can be.

Surely these statements CAN''T be true most will surely say. Well, do your homework. Learn about the acutal teachings of Islam for yourself, and don''t do it by asking the local Muslim down the street.

An easy to read, objective, well documented book explaining the teachings and history of Islam, including numerous quotes from the Koran, is "A Cup of Trembling" by Dave Hunt. It would be more than worth the time to read it.
Date: 7/9/2005 2:21:36 PM
Author: carrot
Unfortunately, the news media and politicians have deceived the public into thinking that acts of murder and terrorism are committed only by ''extremists'' and ''right wing fundamentalists'' of Islam. The truth is that these acts are entirely consistent with and are justified by the basic teachings of Islam. Further, the ''evangelistic'' tool of Islam always has been and always will be the sword; convert or die. It is used wherever it can be.

Surely these statements CAN''T be true most will surely say. Well, do your homework. Learn about the acutal teachings of Islam for yourself, and don''t do it by asking the local Muslim down the street.

An easy to read, objective, well documented book explaining the teachings and history of Islam, including numerous quotes from the Koran, is ''A Cup of Trembling'' by Dave Hunt. It would be more than worth the time to read it.
Wow that was really offensive. Actually I ahve learned about Muslims for myself thank you. I was not always Christian and I was curious to see what was out there. I did not care for the way female were veiws and in the end did not belive what they belived so I took a pass. However one of the most important things I did learns was their belif about "people of the book". This refears to the belief that Muslims, Christains, and Jews are all people of the book beucase we all belive in the same in one God. Does that mean that is what is practiced, no it doesnt. But please make a destinction between what the religion says and what those practicing it say. I would hate to have my faith judged by what was done in Jesus'' name.
The religionists of Jesus'' day accused Him of being offensive.

A "faith" is not "judged" by the behavior of those who claim to follow it, but rather by what it truly teaches. There is no correlation whatsoever between the God of the Bible and the concept taught by Islam.

Many people think that one becomes a Christian by being "baptized into a church" or by being "confirmed" or by "going to a ''Christian'' church" or by "being good" or by simply being raised in a family that has had some identification with the term Christian. But these notions are not found in Scripture.

I came across an excellent tract that illustrates the gospel very clearly and would be happy to email it to anyone who would PM me with their email address.
So Carrot, you read a book and now you think you know the teachings of the Koran and muslims?? Just as you say that Matatora''s statements CAN''T be true, neither are yours and she is closer to the ''truth'' than yourself, I''m sorry to say. I am not muslim, so I can''t claim to know all about Islam. I did however live in the Middle East for 14 months and talked everyday to actual muslims and followers of islam and I can tell you many things that most people don''t see or hear of when it comes to this faith and way of life. I honestly don''t have time right now as I am visting with family right now and need to get offline, but I will be back on later and we can get into this then if you''d like. I just feel that perhaps you are misinformed.....
Guys, please keep in mind, negativity toward ANY religion or ethnic groups is not allowed here.

It includes posting links/references to other religious sites or sources especially that advocate the superiority/inferiority of any religion or ethnic group over/than another.

This site is simply not an appropriate place for that.
Just a quick glance at the postings here make me ill.

Leonid is right and if this continues I am sure he will shut down this post.

The basic fact is that the most blodiest wars of the world have always been "religious" driven; or at least a misintrepritation of the religion in most cases.

This has happened all over the place and in almost every "religion" in the world.

Just within the last 10 years an extreemly bloody war between different sects of christianity in Ireland and England has largly died down (but not totally).

My view is: If you are looking for a reason to control, hate, and kill, it is always convienient to claim a religious basis for your personal actions; weather one exist or not. It is also true that religion provides a structure that other people can use for non-religious purposes.

Please do not confuse those actions with the fundamental teachings of that religion.

Now can we move on?

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