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Date: 11/27/2008 9:24:22 PM
Author: LostSapphire
What's the emotie for scared?
Aww, honey.Date: 11/27/2008 9:24:22 PM
Author: LostSapphire
What''s the emotie for scared?
Hello ladies.Date: 11/28/2008 7:33:17 AM
Author: jcarlylew82
LS- i''m glad for the semi good news. We''ll take what we can, right? i hope your future appointments turn out positive as well.
Ditto, I will keep thinking of you and hoping they can find some time for you soon. Thanks for checking in, and please don''t feel badly for posting less than cheery comments--we''re here to hear the hard stuff that''s bothering you and getting you down, so we can try to help you feel more positively! *hugs*Date: 11/28/2008 7:55:10 PM
Author: ladypirate
LS, sending prayers and dust that they are able to find a spot for you before the holidays. *Hugs*
Is thirtto a word?Date: 11/29/2008 2:13:48 PM
Author: gwendolyn
Ditto, I will keep thinking of you and hoping they can find some time for you soon. Thanks for checking in, and please don''t feel badly for posting less than cheery comments--we''re here to hear the hard stuff that''s bothering you and getting you down, so we can try to help you feel more positively! *hugs*Date: 11/28/2008 7:55:10 PM
Author: ladypirate
LS, sending prayers and dust that they are able to find a spot for you before the holidays. *Hugs*
Thank you Pandora, for taking the time to post what you did. I am so sorry to hear of the pain you have in your legs. Hopefully, one day the herniated discs can be dealt with there a possibility of having that fixed after your baby is delivered?Date: 11/29/2008 11:51:39 AM
Author: Pandora II
Sorry to hear about your situation LS. I had a lot of investigations for a possible acoustic neuroma a few years ago - turned out to be something completely different causing the symptoms, but was quite scary at the time (although I now know that a) I have a brain and b) it is 100% healthy looking which is a bonus!)
I was in hospital on a chronic pain programme for a few weeks with a girl with TN. It's a horrible condition and I really hope they resolve it for you.
I feel for you so much on the Tegretol - I took it for a year for my bipolar and had an awful time with the side effects. To the point I refused any meds for nearly 4 years afterwards.
I now take Lamictal which is my wonder drug - I only need 100mg a day (v 1600mg Tegretol), I have ZERO side effects on it and, best of all it works wonders on the nerve pain I have in my legs (I have spinal stenosis and 2 herniated discs that are inoperable at present).
I believe Lamictal has done quite well in tests for trigeminal neuralgia - might be worth seeing if you could switch drugs. Gabapentin is also supposed to be good - although I never thought much of it as far as nerve pain is concerned.
Hope you get some good news soon.
ETA: There is a risk of Steven-Johnson's syndrome with the Lamictal, but the chances of getting it are hugely reduced if you titrate up slowly (I do 25mg increments every 2/3 weeks - I got a lot of pain relief on 25mg alone) so don't let it put you off. I'm taking it still and I'm 4 months pg - it's by far the safest AED on the market.
Hello Gwendolyn and all of the rest of you, for being angels..Date: 11/29/2008 2:13:48 PM
Author: gwendolyn
I will keep thinking of you and hoping they can find some time for you soon. Thanks for checking in, and please don't feel badly for posting less than cheery comments--we're here to hear the hard stuff that's bothering you and getting you down, so we can try to help you feel more positively! *hugs*
That's just what this girlie needs tonight, prettyInpink419! Thank you.Date: 11/30/2008 9:01:18 PM
Author: prettylnpink419
I know I kind of went on a tangent but the moral of the story is...never stop believing in miracles, not matter how many you've had! And the rest of us will keep praying with you too!
Date: 11/30/2008 8:20:30 PM
Author: LostSapphire
It''s just that I don''t know how many miracles one person gets in their lifetime.
Thank you Princess.Date: 12/2/2008 9:40:28 PM
Author: princesss
Date: 11/30/2008 8:20:30 PM
Author: LostSapphire
It's just that I don't know how many miracles one person gets in their lifetime.
I know the answer to this one.
LS, we get many miracles in our lifetime, big ones and little ones. Maybe I'm inclined to see miracles in things that others don't, but I believe once you've experienced one, you're opened up to more because you know they're out there and you're willing to accept them.
At 17 I was diagnosed with a heart condition that is found most frequently in 50+ year old men on autopsy. It was a miracle I even noticed the symptoms, and I will swear to this day that my math teacher saved my life. After about 5 years of treatment, I have been told that if I take care of myself, I could be symptom free in 10 years. Truly a miracle. Now, at 22, I've been seeing a pulmonologist due to trouble breathing, and found out that the answer to my troubles could be as simple as losing the weight I gained in school. And if it's not that simple, I have a doctor willing to accept that his theory was wrong, and who will go after the problem and examine every nook and cranny of my heart and lungs until we have an answer. Simple enough, but to me, it's a miracle. I'll have my life back.
Miracles happen, and lots of them can happen in your life. Really and truly.
Oh honey, of course I don''t mind!! This thread was created for you, so whatever works for you, works for me! *hugs* I hope you hear from your neurosurgeon soon, sweetpea, and that you can get a break from the pain soon too.Date: 12/2/2008 9:20:47 PM
Author: LostSapphire
Gwendolyn Sweetie: I hope you don''t mind but I messaged Admin and suggested they move this thread to Hangout, perhaps. I just think LIW should be a happy, anticipatory place. And I am 23 years AWAY FROM being a LIW!
Just sitting here with an icepack on my face trying to get through the night. Some days the pain is tolerable. Other days I feel like clawing my face off. My jaw feels like I need 6 root canals...kind of like this guy:![]()
No word yet on the next appt with the neurosurgeon. Soon please!