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Oh my gosh! I think I've gone to heaven... this is absolutely stunning and beyond perfect! I can't even handle that ball of glory! and the setting is just divine. This makes me want to ditch my rings and upgrade!!!!! For real, and I'm not supposed to have any more projects after this "last" earring project (or two). BTW is there a SoCal get together for PS'rs annually? I thought there was one in LA or OC at some point?
There just aren’t enough - or the right - words to describe, but I’ll try... your ring is so amazingly beautiful and absolutely divine @apacherose! I was on this thread for some time admiring your photos and your collection before I could even post. lol ‘Gorgeous’ doesn’t even completely describe it.
Congratulations on your 40th and having this ring commemorate the milestone birthday, as well as your accomplishments!
Oh my gosh you literally have one of the most gorgeous collections EVER EVER!!!!! Those rings are fantastic!! Makes me want to hurry up and get my Casablanca earrings made with Caysie (to at least hold me over till I can't resist the urge to upgrade rings lol)...I have been so busy with 3 kids that I keep forgetting to get my second stone sent in to GIA for the cert before setting.
Anyways, your collection is just out of this world amazing!
Oh and my husband finally gave up too lol....so he knows now that when I say "last" project, it's not ever really true..more like "last one for now" and now changes in a month..or a week depending on how much time I have been on PS or thinking about jewels lol
I feel I can relate, goldenfire! I do better when I am busy with kids and work and go on ps hiatus for a time.
Sooooo. I stalked you a bit, lol. Had to look up your earring project- looks amazing!!! You found two amazing OEC's!!!I can only imagine how they will glitter and dance in those settings. Butter up your hubs, as we will need video of the movement, lol. And your rings are tdf, wedder and rhr
I am actually waiting on a modest stud project myself, and I reached out to CVB but no replyMaybe because my project was peanuts, I dunno. No matter, I went with some stuller settings and hopefully will be pleased! Here's what I will be setting:
Oh thank you so much for all lovey compliments on my rings and earring stones!!! I adore all the stones so much and am really looking forward to the Casablanca earrings. I am actually going to set the earring stones in the Casablanca samples, which I have been enjoying before setting the stones.... there will be a slight air gap but I LOVE the samples proportions and I actually like the look of the slight air line (or whatever you call the space). My stones are around .8-.9mm smaller than the 8mm cz's in the samples. at less than 1mm smaller, Caysie thinks my stones will look fabulous in them
Okay I LOVE your new project diamonds!!! I seriously want a pair like that in fact my next project (going down soon) is going to be 6mm studs...simple...but I have been trying to decide between WF ACA and the stones you are looking at! Do you have the stones yet? I would love to hear your input and thoughts....I love old cuts so much but for 6mm ish studs I was thinking more of an ideal cut would be better on the ears for the light performance aspect...so was leaning towards WF...but your stones are making me think....I'd love to see videos..
Also, Caysie is at times super swamped and sometimes emails can slip through the cracks... I'm sure she would love to get back to you. I have no idea if we can PM each other here or do email. Not sure if I can post my email is that legal on PS?...it's 3jediandthequeen@gmail ...but I am more than happy to text her with your info to give her a heads up if you want to email we can get in contact... I know she would love to have an old cut lover as a customer, she is just the sweetest and has been so great to work with.
Hello I am a huge fan of airlines. Can not wait to see the earrings!!!
CVB had always been responsive in the past, I just went with the path of least resistance and asked Jonathan at AVinc. to set them for me. I think I will love them. 6 prong baskets, I asked for them to be set as low as possible. In five years I will ask CVB to set my stud upgrades
I think for studs MRB's make so much sense. I admire MRB's especially ideal cuts, on other gals, they are amazing. Amazing!!! The whitest, brightest, and spreadiest bang for buck. I annoy myself sometimes because I am just matchy, and, I don't know why, but MRB's just don't do it for me like the OEC does. And I love (obviously) AVR's. It is an emotional thing, not a logical one.
I have not seen any videos, I love them, will try to get one when the studs arrive!
Golden fire, I hate kindergarten homework! I fought with the teacher with my oldest. Thankfully now we are in a school district that does not give homework. I will definitely let you know about the studs! I have high hopes that they will pack a punch and be bright, but I can tell you there is a mm trade-off per carat weight AVR to MRB, that hurts.... just a bit, lol. But high crowns. I love ‘em...This is exactly how I am...and that's why I have been so torn on earrings lol and what to do for my 6mm studs. I just adore old cuts and never thought I'd do much with rb's because I ahve been old cut through and through for so many years, I have a few rb's and do appreciate their beauty though especially in the 5-6mm size the ideal cuts pack a PUNCH...but oec's, oh so much magic in them, the glow and facets is just my favorite. ...but maybe the AVR will work bc they do have ideal light performance so maybe best of both worlds with extra sparkle on the ears AND old cut?...I'm glad I saw your post before I made my decision because I had forgotten about that option this last month somehow...with 3 kids jewelry projects fall out of my brain..too much kindergarten homework (seriously they give too much--what happened to the good old days when we just came home?!)lol
I can't wait to see your studs!!! And hear your thoughts on them etc....
Thank you, tytyGorgeous apacherose!!!
Wow, it’s gorgeous @apacherose
Absolutely stunning!!! I LOVE it!!!![]()
Congrats on your new, incrediblely gorgeous ring (and on your life milestones).
It is freaking amazing and I’m so glad you bought it so I can ogle all your pics.
I may or may not have had to wipe the drool off my screen after seeing your family shot. Collector indeed!![]()
My dear shepherd gets a photo shoot with ~L~
Golden fire, I hate kindergarten homework! I fought with the teacher with my oldest. Thankfully now we are in a school district that does not give homework. I will definitely let you know about the studs! I have high hopes that they will pack a punch and be bright, but I can tell you there is a mm trade-off per carat weight AVR to MRB, that hurts.... just a bit, lol. But high crowns. I love ‘em...
Thank you, tyty
Thank you, Austina!!!
Thank you, blingalongaling!!!
Awe, Elle, thank you for your sweet remarks!!! Lol, collector sounds so much better than hoarder. But my oh my, you have just the most amazing ring collection going yourself- I love your thread over on cs! You are incredibly inspired and creative. I am so lazy, I seem to let others do all the work in assembling rings. I did one custom project and it took forever and, while I loved the result (my Sebastian B set) I have never really wanted to do anymore. So I admire those who do- and you have been knocking it out of the park, girl!
My dear shepherd gets a photo shoot with ~L~
Golden fire, I hate kindergarten homework! I fought with the teacher with my oldest. Thankfully now we are in a school district that does not give homework. I will definitely let you know about the studs! I have high hopes that they will pack a punch and be bright, but I can tell you there is a mm trade-off per carat weight AVR to MRB, that hurts.... just a bit, lol. But high crowns. I love ‘em...
Thank you, tyty
Thank you, Austina!!!
Thank you, blingalongaling!!!
Awe, Elle, thank you for your sweet remarks!!! Lol, collector sounds so much better than hoarder. But my oh my, you have just the most amazing ring collection going yourself- I love your thread over on cs! You are incredibly inspired and creative. I am so lazy, I seem to let others do all the work in assembling rings. I did one custom project and it took forever and, while I loved the result (my Sebastian B set) I have never really wanted to do anymore. So I admire those who do- and you have been knocking it out of the park, girl!
In regard to earrings, there are three factors that make them show up well on the ears..one is size, then cut and color. Both ideal cut rounds and AVRs are well cut and will look nice. An H-I is going to look brighter than K or L. Years ago I ordered a pair of AVRs that were I and J color, and I could easily see the color difference and returned them. I think the K pair is pretty and will look very nice, but they will be more subtle than a higher color. And that's totally fine, too. I agree with waiting until you do your final studs upgrade to get CVB settings. And just to repeat what goldenfire said, Caysie just didn't get your email or missed it in a sea of others. I am sure she would have been delighted to set your stones!
The hardest thing about buying AVRs for studs is that he so rarely has matched pairs and that makes it extremely hard to get the first pair or to upgrade. I know, I watched for a long time. Ideal cuts are VASTLY easier to upgrade, and no one is close enough to the ears to really notice facet pattern but us! I might do AVR earrings one day, though, but something besides studs.
I came back here to see more pictures! And just when I was thinking I want sidestones, I see your gorgeous Chloe again and then I think I need something like that!This is why my stone is still in the solitaire setting!
Thank you as ever for your helpful advice and posts! I have had to force myself not to reach out to you again as I have tried to figure out studs! You are so gracious I don’t want to be your overly needy bling friend, lol!
One thing having this new diamond ring has really shown me that I honestly do love the soft tint in an OEC cut - it is somehow just romantic and easy on my eyes, so I think the pair of K’s will be perfect for me.
One question that I was struggling with in ordering stuller settings was which one to order for a 5.75mm diamond - the 5.5mm or 6mm?
I was thinking you could easily do J-K considering your newest stone color! The cuts are so beautiful in any color, really! I just returned the ones I ordered because the colors were not close enough. Yours are both K, so they should be fine!
Which Stuller settings are you getting? What's funny is I think I still have the ones my little AVRs were set in, but they were .60s, unfortunately.
And you know I am ALWAYS happy to talk diamonds and settings! I've had a busy month, but I enjoy my jewelry hobby whenever I can!
Those are so pretty! I am not sure, but I think maybe you should go up in size for the settings instead of down. That design doesn't look like it would work well with diamonds that are larger than intended.
Such beautiful settings! They are prefect!!! .I think going up instead of down with setting size will be be perfect as well. I second appreciating all the helpful advice from diamondseeker2006! She has given me the most helpful feedback to narrow my search and to know what I want... I sometimes feel so wishy washy...one day I'm set on getting I color WF studs bc I love the brightness on the ears and the super ideal cut...but then I see your stones and I melt lol. I agree the romantic look of the oec's just gets me. If I could just buy them ALL the problem would be so easily solved LOL.