Your ring is GORGEOUS!! WOWZA!
I have been deliberating over what size 5 stone ring to pick for our 10th anniversary gift. I ended up ordering a 2ctw (for my size 7 finger) so that it could still go on left hand sometimes with my e-ring, but I am really planning to wear it on the right hand.
I am TORN about going up to the 50 pointers—-which is what I sort of want for a statement/bling on that hand. Tried to be good and stick to a lower budget but I cannot get OVER THIS BLING!!

Since we’re the same size, OOO-Shiney (nice name BTW)— do you ever feel like yours hits your other fingers too much? Do you have any updated pics to share with the eternity band stacked with it?
HELP! I hope I will be happy with my 2ctw and not feel like I wish I had gone bigger this whole time. My spouse & jeweler thinks that the 2.5 looked not as nice on my hand but they aren’t wearing it! (Haha) I guess the smaller size is a bit more versatile though.
I’d love your advice…. And here are some pics of a similar ring in the 2ctw that I’m looking at along with what my e-ring stack looks like. And a pic of what the 2.5 ctw would look like (though hard to tell because one I tried at jeweler is too small)

IF we do follow through with the 2ctw, I’m going to order a 3/4 eternity to stack next to it right away, so it won’t be so lonely. Haha.
I have been deliberating over what size 5 stone ring to pick for our 10th anniversary gift. I ended up ordering a 2ctw (for my size 7 finger) so that it could still go on left hand sometimes with my e-ring, but I am really planning to wear it on the right hand.
I am TORN about going up to the 50 pointers—-which is what I sort of want for a statement/bling on that hand. Tried to be good and stick to a lower budget but I cannot get OVER THIS BLING!!

Since we’re the same size, OOO-Shiney (nice name BTW)— do you ever feel like yours hits your other fingers too much? Do you have any updated pics to share with the eternity band stacked with it?
HELP! I hope I will be happy with my 2ctw and not feel like I wish I had gone bigger this whole time. My spouse & jeweler thinks that the 2.5 looked not as nice on my hand but they aren’t wearing it! (Haha) I guess the smaller size is a bit more versatile though.
I’d love your advice…. And here are some pics of a similar ring in the 2ctw that I’m looking at along with what my e-ring stack looks like. And a pic of what the 2.5 ctw would look like (though hard to tell because one I tried at jeweler is too small)

IF we do follow through with the 2ctw, I’m going to order a 3/4 eternity to stack next to it right away, so it won’t be so lonely. Haha.