
Lucy and Ethel hit the road.....

More from the dish.


The top pair is my new Lake Kasumi earrings
Now for dangles.


Tahitian and white keshi strands.

Intermission.... More to come please be patient.
Whoa, I think if I were at a place like that I would be overwhelmed. So many beauties!
Wow, thank you for your beautiful pictures. The Lake Kasumi earrings are amazing.
Oh this is gloriously dangerously FUN ... thanks for sharing ladies!!!
Incredible photos of stunning pearls. What a treat. Thank you for sharing with us. I know I would be quite a bit poorer if I had been along.
ennui|1428013254|3856046 said:
OMG! I want an octopus! I love calamari. :D
Calamari is squid...Polpo is octopus....but a rose is a rose and those little polpo are adorable!
You gals must have had a wonderful time! And thank you for posting those fabulous photos!
Great photos, thank you!!
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. I have enjoyed seeing them, and look forward to seeing more!
Great pics! Thank you for sharing, Lucy and Ethel. :)
Kasumi to the left and other pearls to the right... Just liked the shot.

Many strands of different types of pearls... Movie Zombie was looking at them with me.

I was looking for a pair of earrings to go with the two mabe` and loose pearl I had made into a pendant from Douglas McLaurin of Sea of cortez pearls. I had seen some dangle earrings and studs on Sarah's site and was hoping something could match . I wanted to be able to wear the mabe and knew she could help there also.


I was considering these and chose the dangles. I in my mind was thinking pearls and asked Sarah is she had any other SoC other than the bowl on the table, She came back with a zip lock of three multi color pearls all the same colors and overtones. They matched the colors of the dangle mabe's.


We decided to remove the rubies on the dangles and replace them with the half drilled pearls, and started working on the pendant. Here it is with a ruby in between the mabe`.


Then Sarah decided we needed a different color stone for the project and came back with a container of pink tourmaline. First a pear shape then an oval..... Oval it is and set going horizontal. Next she started using the mabe as a template on a piece of paper.


Here is the process. I had brought two mabe and a enhancer bale, They will make the rest. It will be hinged to move. I can't wait for the earrings and pendant.



At the end of the day, we asked DH to take a photo of us with Sarah.... Then we hugged and said goodbye. What a great day with pearl friends. Thank you Movie zombie, Sheri and Sarah we appreciate you meeting up with us and having a memorable day.

NacreLover|1428069629|3856312 said:
We decided to remove the rubies on the dangles and replace them with the half drilled pearls, and started working on the pendant. Here it is with a ruby in between the mabe`.
NacreLover, that is going to look fabulous.

4RanchGirl, do see a big difference between the Lake Kasumi pearls and dark Chinese ripples?

What a fun trip! Thank you for sharing those fabu pictures--I loved it all! (and want it all lol)

NacreLover|1428067814|3856302 said:
Many strands of different types of pearls... Movie Zombie was looking at them with me.

I really like that bottom strand, the pearls that are silvery gray with pinks and greens ... what are those?
ennui|1428014074|3856059 said:
I don't know Sheri's user id -- can you email it to me? Is the show local?
Local show this weekend. Will try to find out where....NL
Ennui, This is what I got from Sheri about the show.

-the show is next Saturday, 4/11, 12-5(ish) at the Crucible in Oakland, 1260 7th Street. Direct inquiries are welcome if they can't make it - they can send me a message on FB, or email jurneckacreations... at gmail dot com
ennui|1428077106|3856388 said:
NacreLover|1428067814|3856302 said:
Many strands of different types of pearls... Movie Zombie was looking at them with me.

I really like that bottom strand, the pearls that are silvery gray with pinks and greens ... what are those?

I am not sure Ennui. You can copy my photo and ask Sarah....
There is so much more at Sarah's studio to see, we just did not have time to take pictures of it all. There are 2 very big safes and more in safes some where else. That girl has pearls, lots and lots of pearls. Plus we had to have time to shop :naughty: