
"Making A Murderer"

House Cat|1455767252|3992440 said:
Tacori E-ring|1455765142|3992413 said:
I also HOPE he is guilty because the thought that someone would be wrongly imprisoned not once but TWICE would be so difficult to accept.

Anyone else find Teresa's videos extremely strange? Most people do not leave good bye videos. It is almost as if she knew something would happen to her. Personally the ex-BF is extremely shady. He has also had restraining orders against him.
Ex-BF was super shady, but given the extreme bias of the documentary, I wonder if they skewed his image to appear as if he were the potential murderer.

I didn't see the entire video of Teresa. Was it really a farewell video? Why would anyone (not suicidal) do such a thing unless it was a "Bye! Going off to college!" Sort of thing?

It was like, "if I die, I want my sisters to know how much I love them and I had a happy life." It did not seem suicidal to me (and I am trained to pick up those types of things) more like maybe she was in an abusive relationship and "sensed" something would happen or she has a terminal illness, which I don't believe she did. That is the only thing that motivate (to me) someone would make those types of videos. Actually the ex has a criminal record. Yes, the doc was bias but I don't think they have the power to fabricate that ;) He also had scratches on his arm which was never discussed in the doc but of course I spent sometime researching after I watched it. I also thought it was strange that Teresa did not mention her brother in the videos. Erasing the VM was also questionable. SA's brothers are also possible suspects as well as Brendan's brother and step-father. So this is a very complicated case.
I totally missed the "if I die" comment - I just saw that there was a clip of Teresa and assumed it was something she had taped with a friend or whatever and the documentary makers included it to humanize her / for impact.

That's creepy. Knowing what happened now. If I had heard that I would have thought that yes either she was afraid of someone or that there was some kind of situation in her life that made her think she could possibly be killed. Or that maybe she was suicidal. I can't think of any other reasons why someone might say "goodbye" like that especially so young.

I do think there was something "off" about her brother - and her ex too.

And that whole thing with the voicemails is also weird. The fact that these 2 people figured out her password listened to the VMs and then some of those get deleted bothers me. Not that I think is weird they tried to figure out how to listen to her VMs - because I could see how if say someone I loved disappeared and I had access to their phone and I figured out their password I would probably listen to their VMs to get an idea who they may have seen last. HOWEVER - and maybe this is just my investigative type mind and also of course the fact that I'm not under stress like I would be if someone I loved disappeard - I might actually make sure to save or record every voicemail on there to make sure to preserve it for police.
The video was creepy. Especially the part where she says she would have liked to have been a mom. Then it seems as though she corrects herself and says she will be a good mom some day.

What gets me is that there was no fibers or hairs in Avery's trailer or garage.
It is very possible that the brother and ex boyfriend killed her and knew that she was last seen at the Avery property. They could have put her body in the back of her car and taken it to the quarry to burn it. Then they dumped the evidence off at the Avery property. Her voicemails were probably incriminating.

They probably never imagined they would hit the jackpot with such a corrupt police department working to frame an innocent man.
I just finished binge watching this and WOW. I go back and forth and just don't know what to think!

I will say that aspects of this, like the victim's video, make me think of that movie The Life of David Gayle. The whole thing is just utterly perplexing.
If true, how REVOLTING a TV show was necessary to achieve justice! :nono:

Revolting ... but SO perfectly 2016 American! :knockout:
The nephew may be released! Confession was thrown out!