
#TBT Marquise ER reset horizontally

KaeKae|1355433533|3330551 said:
I really like your old setting, even if it does date me right along side you :)
But honestly, the new rings are stunning!!!

Thank you so much! You wanna know something funny....after all these years of pining away for platinum or white gold (because that's what my friends had, of course), I came thisclose to reseting it yellow gold. All I wear in costume jewelry is gold now! But I didn't want to regret it so I compromised with myself and decided next year's big honkin uternity ring for my anniversary will be yellow gold. :love:

All of your lovely comments are killing me! What a fun place this is.
natyLad|1355546157|3331826 said:
Alright...I have been looking at your set again and again and i'm trying to find the right way to say that...THIS IS SOOO AMAZING :love: EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS SO ORIGINAL AND DIFFERENT AND BEAUTIFUL AND YUMMY :love: :love: :love: :love:
It is a set that catches your eye immediately...And i love your idea od pairing the ER with the pink sapphire band...It was definitely worth the waiting :appl:

Really??!! Thank you so so much!!! I went into it totally blind and not knowing what I was doing. I didn't even know the term 'halo' before I handed over my diamond and plunked down my deposit. I dreamed up the E/W idea years and years ago and knew that would be the only thing that would make me happy with the marquise. The jeweler was a little disappointed that I had him round out the ends of the halo, but I'm so happy I did.

So clueless, I wanted that dainty band look like Blake Lively but...hello??! I realize now it's totally different and that look is hard to accomplish without a big monster rock for relativity. And I veered off at some point with the pink sapphires.

A few more pics in the sunlight...I really must go read that thread about how to take pictures of your bling because so far my phone is doing a heckuva lot better than my fancy DSLR.

Thanks for indulging me, y'all!




Love your E-W reset!!! :love: Great makeover!!! :appl:
Baylor, your ering is GORGEOUS! I love the east west setting, & yours is really pretty--yummy in fact--especially with that saph eternity--
:love: :love:
Thanks so much ladies, you know how to make a newbie feel good!! :D
What a difference - I adore your new ring. The East/West orientation makes it delicate but substantial all at once. Really beautiful, and So White! Great job! :appl: :appl:
Baylor, I love your rings! The east/west design is great.

Can I ask you a question? I have yet to see an e/w design in person. How are people reacting to it?
I :love: the East/West orientation!!! Congrats!!
KaeKae|1358034534|3354117 said:
Baylor, I love your rings! The east/west design is great.

Can I ask you a question? I have yet to see an e/w design in person. How are people reacting to it?

Thank you so much!! I'm so crazy about it. You know I haven't gotten too many unsolicited comments on it....hopefully because I haven't had it very long. :D The jewelers that did it are obviously biased, but they were very suspicious and somewhat doubtful about my ideas and they were just thrilled with the result. I mean they were falling all over themselves. "We have obviously made much larger rings than that and much more expensive (hey :(sad ) but that's the MOST GORGEOUS and unique ring we have ever made!" So that made me feel good!

Everyone who has said something has said how unusual it is, and most have said that it is beautiful and "special". I LOVE having a ring that I will most likely never see another person with...even anything similar will be rare.
Love it! And kudos for rounding off the halo - looks great!!
Love the reset!
Woaw! You did a mix-it-up wedding set?!
That's so darned current, edgy and interesting I can't get over myself.
It'sa fashblingasm. Right there on your finger. How Awesome. :Up_to_something:
LaraOnline|1358176264|3355186 said:
Woaw! You did a mix-it-up wedding set?!
That's so darned current, edgy and interesting I can't get over myself.
It'sa fashblingasm. Right there on your finger. How Awesome. :Up_to_something:

Best. comment. ever. You rock Lara! :wavey: Exactly what I hope to have on me fingers- special, modern and fabulous!!! Thanks doll.
BaylorSays|1355447790|3330712 said:
Oh are y'all just the BEST or what??!! You know how to make a new girl feel good. Thanks so much for all the sweet words, I'm so grateful to find a crew that will feel my joy a bit.

Not sure why all the pics turned up sideways? Hmmmph....I will take some real camera pics tomorrow!

I am so so thrilled with the rings. I went for the pink band after seeing Blake Lively's loverly little number...well, there's a reason her set was $2 million ha! My jeweler said it would be next to impossible to do pink diamonds, hard enough to get the sapphires. Love the mix match look, love the daintiness...just so excited.

I'm planning to turn the baguettes into some sort of band to mix in there too...not sure exactly how or when. My hubs is super sentimental and wants every piece of the original used. He was so frustrated that they didn't melt the actual gold from the original to mold into the new ones. 8)

I love you new set it is absolutely stunning! I love the pink sapphire band too, just amazing!

Catmom and Stci both have really beautiful baguette eternity bands. They are both pictured in this thread:

I would love to see a side shot of your new e-ring :love:
Love the east west. Such a gorgeouse set.
Wow!! :love: :love: :love: I am starting to have this love affair with E/W set marquise. I have seen a few here on pricescope now and I drool every time!!!
Beautiful! X
Now that set is stunning and so unique. You are a genius! Like others have said, it is a complete transformation! Pretty before, but I agree, it was dated. Now it is straight from Hollywood!!! Congrats to you!!! :appl:
OMG!!!!!!! THAT IS STUNNING!!!!! White and beautiful! So different and excellent finger coverage!!!!!! Fantastic job!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl:
iluvdiamonds2, vickygigi, chel180, Schafenm, TaterTots, MrsW 514 Thanks y'all!!! All these sweet words have just melted my if I couldn't love my rings more, what's better than the validation of others?? :lol:

I was driving with my 4 yr old boy and was planning on telling him how all the moms at church loved the breakfast I made and I said

"All the other girls said they loved my..."

"Your rings??!!"

LOL I guess I talk about them a lot?? 8-)
OOoooooh! Fantastic transformation! And to think I have a marquise in my jeweler box just begging for some attention! :Up_to_something: I used to live in W Palm, my family is still there and I have a brother in Stuart so I visit fairly often and have a trip on the to-do list for March or April. I'm in much need of some warm weather and sunshine! :))
Your ring is absolutely gorgeous! As a matter of fact, I'm bringing a photo of your design to my jeweler to have him redesign a gorgeous cocktail ring that was my grandmother's. Dare I ask the ballpark price that it cost you to redesign your ring? My grandmother's ring has a center marquise stones & 14 round stones, which I would use for the halo. The ring is surrounded by 40 baguettes & set in platinum. I'm going to make a band out of 1/2 the baguettes & make a band for my sister with the other 1/2. Any idea of cost would be great. Thank you and enjoy your ring! It truly is spectacular :)
Please join me in celebrating this piece, it was featured for Throwback Thursday! We appreciate that BaylorSays shared it with us! :kiss2: TBT 9.26.24