Oh rarity. Try ask nearest craftman on your country. Which one easiest, heated the corundum without inclusion for result or heated corundum with inclusion for result. The thing is this is game of monopoly. Melted corundum is natural with visible inclusion 

and people buy it with high price $5000 per carat (over 5 ct) at retail with lab report of course. It's $500 per carat (any carat) at craftman.
I'm so sorry. I just testing the water. A lot of people with high knowledge here but can defeat the maffia.

Now they after the untreated one. Emerald already no oil. And the untreated emerald a lot of it much clearer for Colector grade.

I'm so sorry. I just testing the water. A lot of people with high knowledge here but can defeat the maffia.
Now they after the untreated one. Emerald already no oil. And the untreated emerald a lot of it much clearer for Colector grade.