
Melted near boiling point ruby

Oh rarity. Try ask nearest craftman on your country. Which one easiest, heated the corundum without inclusion for result or heated corundum with inclusion for result. The thing is this is game of monopoly. Melted corundum is natural with visible inclusion :lol::lol::lol: and people buy it with high price $5000 per carat (over 5 ct) at retail with lab report of course. It's $500 per carat (any carat) at craftman.
I'm so sorry. I just testing the water. A lot of people with high knowledge here but can defeat the maffia. :D:D:D
Now they after the untreated one. Emerald already no oil. And the untreated emerald a lot of it much clearer for Colector grade.
Thank you for your comment on my thread.
I wish you good luck
Diamonds and Corrundum have completely different chemical composition.
You can’t exchange Diamond (C ) for Corrundum (Al2O3 with Cr) in a quantum computer because the whole theory relies on type of impurity only found in diamonds called an N V centre.
This is where a nitrogen atom takes the place of one carbon atom. This means an unpaired electron circulates around the nitrogen vacancy centre. This electron can be excited or polarized by a laser.
A ruby has no carbon component so can’t be used in Quantam computers.
Synthetic Corrundum is already produced in enormous quantities (tonnes and tonnes) for cents a kilo for various applications. Someone taking crushed up pieces of natural ruby and melting them down isn’t creating anything unique or of value or use.
Natural ruby, as in what is extracted from the ground in its original crystal structure, is very rare. It is valuable because it is so very rare and accordingly desirable as a gemstone.
Manufactured ruby whether by mass production of Aluminum Oxide with Chromium or someone melting crushed ruby pieces is man made ruby and is very very common and worth mere cents.

wow did not expect somebody treat my comment seriously :lol: now I feel bad for it :(
wow did not expect somebody treat my comment seriously :lol: now I feel bad for it :(
Darn it, just when I thought this forum was a place for meaningful discussion and my BS meter is in for servicing.
I feel like the crux of the matter is a NATURALLY FORMED gemstone of high clarity is always more desirable that an ARTIFICIALLY formed one, even of perfect clarity. The pass one off as the other is pure fraud. Else we'd all just buy CZ and be done with it... :roll

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