, sorry i skimmed over the first pics....I truly thought the ring had a square stone in it! What do you think a princess would look like in it?? May I ask where you got it?
The size of the stone all depends on the person wearing it. I am 6 foot 4 inches 270lbs so a smaller stone looks wimpy on my hand.
I got the ring from http://www.diamondboutiqueonline.com/. The web site does not do it justice (they are in the process of redoing it) but the people there are great - they were able to take our ideas and turn the into great pieces of jewelry.
BOONERINGS - I like the color of the stone but it just seems too small. Have your thought about keeping the width of the stone but to make it as long as the band is wide? Like a rectangle with the long part being equal to the width of the band.
BTW: The rings on your site are amazing. I was wondering how does that type of stone hold up to the pressure from a tension setting?
Yup, that design could work with a wider stone. I could have also made the ring narrow to match the stone, but it would seem a bit tall in that case. The ring needs to be tall enough to capture the stone, which is princess cut in this case, and a curved ring needs extra height to be higher than the stone's corners. A symmetrical ring like this has its thickness determined by the stone height, so small stones like 3mm or less work OK here. A larger (actually taller) stone will mean a thicker ring, so it becomes a little less comfortable. The slight curvature of the wider ring allows the edges to go a little thinner. The ring could work with a rectangular stone if someone wanted a wide ring and a wide stone without the ring being too thick. For larger stones, an assymetrical ring is best, so the distance between fingers can remain small while the stone stands higher.
The sapphire holds up well. It is a very hard stone, so does well in tension sets.
Making the ring thinner to match the stone might make it lose its male appeal (IMHO). I do agree about the thickness needed. I think it is the one drawback to tension settings. It took a while for me to get the right combination of stone size and thickness that I would feel comfortable wearing.
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