
Message for FacetFire

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I am anxious. I do not see sparkle in diamond. Perhaps that it is the lighting of the photograph which is not very good.



SO, you have not seen this ring in person?
No not in person. What do you think about that Facetfire?
My honest opinion: I would probably not buy this ring. I have never heard of the name on the appraisal, but I can tell you that the values are probably inflated substantially...there is no way that ring is worth over $9000 like the appraisal states. The color and clarity are probably off also...I would guess by at least one or two grades. It is not one ofthe better OECs that I have seen...based on the photo. It is hard to tell from a photo, but the stone doesn''t appear to be very symmetrical at all. One thing that was very important to me when I got my OEC was that it was very round and symmetrical. Now, some people prefer the more unaligned faceting, like it appears this stone has, but to maximize sparkle, I think I would prefer to see a more roundish, symmetrical stone. Can we ask what your budget is? That might help.
Here is the website of GLA


I don''t know what make. I like diamond because it is large and that it is the only one which I found correspondent with my small budget of 2000$. I find some at this price but they are .50 carats.

Could I consult an expert who would guide me with knowing if diamond is symmetrical starting from the photograph. That would reassure me.
Ask for more of the info off of the appraisal or cert. It would help if we had the measurements of the stone (I can see them, but not read them on the photo of the appraisal), and a depth % and table % at least. THe thing with old stones is that the depth can be VERY deep, so even if you get a 1 carat stone, it may only look like a .5 carat stone from the top because much of the weight is in the depth, so the spead will be small, in which case you won''t be getting as great of a deal as you think...
Appraisal don't specify table and depth. The measurements are 5.93 - 5.65 x 4.52 mm.

FacetFire, I know that I take much of your time but your assistance is very important for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Well, there are a couple things that those measurements tell me. First, the stone is very off-round, so it's not going to have good symmetry. Most OECs are slightly off-round, but this one is very off round to have two such different diameter meaurements. Second, it has an average diameter of about 5.79mm...which is the diameter that a well-cut .75 carat stone would have. So, while it might seem like a good deal, the stone actually faces-up only as big as a 3/4 carat stone. If you are really set on the stone, make sure they have a good return policy, so that if your eye doesn't like it, you can return it.

Some other rings to look at:

I think some of those rings will show you the pattern that I look for in a well-cut OEC. It almost looks like a snowflake, and you can see the big triangular facets. Now, I'm just speaking from my own preferences, of course, and looking to see stones that remind me of my own, since I know I like the way that looks. :) But in the end, OECs can be a very personal perference thing. Their beauty can't be measured by the numbers alone, so you have to find something that you fall in love with. I hope I've helped somewhat!
I understand FacetFire! I decided not to buy this diamond. Your councils convinced me. I''m gonna watch for another diamond with better symmetry. Thank you very much!
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