
Most Memorable Movie Scene?


Aug 12, 2005
I saw this topic on another site and thought it might be interesting to talk about here. What’s a scene from a movie that has stuck with you for years that you’ll likely never forget? I have several; I was surprised at how many I recalled from a very long time ago!

I’ll start with one from my childhood:

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off:
Near the end when Cameron is running his dad’s Ferrari backwards with a concrete block, he has a mental breakdown and sends the precious car through the plate glass garage window. Also the restaurant scene wherein Ferris connives the maitre d into seating him and Sloane.

Remember—the idea is “memorable,” not “made you feel good.”
From the 1962 film, The Miracle Worker" with Anne Bancroft and a young Patty Duke.
Duke plays Hellen Keller who, in 1882 at 19 months, lost her sight and hearing to illness.
Back then they didn't yet know that deaf/bling people CAN become quite able indeed!
That is, if they get specialized care, which then did not even exist.
Since Keller could not communicate, she did not develop.
As her body grew, her mind starved.
The film portrays her like a wild animal, in spite of her very loving family and home life.

This scene shows "the miracle" ... Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, finally breaking through to Keller.
There are words for things, and that makes communication possible.
It was kinda like the birth of Keller's mind ...

SNIP from Wiki: "After an education at both specialist and mainstream schools, Keller attended Radcliffe College of Harvard University and became the first deafblind person in the United States to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree."

The next memorable scene also got me crying, but not tears of joy .... tears of pain.

This scene did NOT make me feel good, but it is what Monnie asked for, memorable.

"Chinatown" stars Faye Dunaway and Jack Nicholson.
Trigger warning: male on female violence, and her recalling the memory of the ultimate child abuse.

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Key Largo.
When Edward G Robinson and his gang are holding Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and her father Lionel Barrymore hostage......the spit scene
There are so many…. So many great movies out there.

The beautiful scene from The Notebook where he takes her to see all the swans in the canoe and they talk. A few minutes later it begins to rain and they row back in the rain. When they reach the dock she asks why he never wrote her. She tells him she waited for him for years. He tells her he wrote her 365 letters, that it was never over for him and it still isn’t over and they kiss in the rain.
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Also almost every line Jeff Goldblum says in Jurassic Park...clsssic lunch scene...and another scene where he is injured and asserts the Pirates of the Caribbean don't eat the tourists.....

The whole court room exchange between Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, when Jack is on the stand: "You can't handle the truth!....."

Oh yes. Memorable.
Toy story three as they reach for each others hands while sliding towards the furnace.

The Wizard of Oz where Dorothy clicks her heels together...there's no place like home...
The scene in Office Space where the guy guts fish in his cubicle. I have no idea why I love this so much... but I DO!
I've always loved "Are my eyes really brown?"

And Eomer's rallying cry, "Rohirrim, to the King!" at about 2:20

Bogie is always such a pleasure to watch.❤️
Second place, by only a whisker, goes to: "I came to Casablanca for the waters."
Louis: "Waters? What waters? We're in the desert."
Rick: "I was misinformed."

I love me some Claude Rains, too
Uncle Charlie. Genuine goose bumps - Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt:

continuing @stracci2000 's Joseph Cotten theme (Gaslight):

Hitchcock was brilliant. Cotten at the end turns to look into the camera - but his gaze is just slightly off. Is he speaking to the viewer, or young Charlie on his right? It's an amazing and terrifying moment.
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More Hitchcock
"Strangers on a Train"
The intense carousel scene
Okay, you said memorable.
Maybe, this is partly why I'm just the kind of weird I am.

The whistling scene and the one that follows in Bridge on the River Kwai.

The ending scene "What have I done?" When Colonel Nicholson finally realizes the implications of what he'd been doing to his men, against his own people, all of it. Blind ego, pride, efficiency. How it was warped...
Movie blew my mind as a kid.

Kikuchiyu: "This baby, it's me. It's just what happened to me!" (burning mill scene)
Seven Samurai

Anything from 1993 Tombstone.
I have to say we tried to model much of our wit on Doc and our righteous fury on Wyatt.:lol:

And our kiss off on Curly Bill.

"The deevil is amongst us. Stay back boy! This calls for divine intervention!"
"I kick ass for the Lord!"
Always gets a laugh out of me.

And this.
Scarred me forever. I had already read the book and I didn't think I would react the way I did. I will never forget it and I will never watch it again.
From the Tom Hardy classic, Jude the Obscure.
I'm not telling you what it is, if you've seen it or read it, you know.

*Little Father Time
The "Do you feel lucky?" scene in Dirty Harry.
Oh, I DO miss the good ole days!
We could enjoy homo-humor and, frankly, the inherent humor of ALL groups. :dance:
As Kevin and Bean of LA's FM radio station KROQ would say, "There's something funny about ALL of us."

Now, it seems people, including some gays of course, get their knickers in a twist over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! :doh::doh::doh:
It Shirley sucks, walking on eggshells. :nono:

Sadly, in 1986 we lost Stucker to AIDS, age 38.

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Oh, I DO miss the good ole days!
We could enjoy homo-humor and, frankly, the inherent humor of ALL groups. :dance:
As Kevin and Bean of LA's FM radio station KROQ would say, "There's something funny about ALL of us."

Now, it seems people, including some gays of course, get their knickers in a twist over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! :doh::doh::doh:
It Shirley sucks, walking on eggshells. :nono:

Sadly, in 1986 we lost Stucker to AIDS, age 38.

Funniest show evah!!!!!!!!! All perfect characters!