That's a great idea!Date: 8/10/2009 6:56:39 PM
Author: Luckyeshe
For me personally, I found a picture of me at my heaviest and another of me in my bikini at my skinniest. Put them both on the fridge with a note to self, 'Which do you want to be when you get married' keeps me from eating junk....
I do something similar, but not with pictures of myself. I keep a folder of "motivation pics" on my computer, of women who I think have beautiful (attainable) bodies. Whenever I'm trying to keep up motivation, I scroll through those pics. It's something I picked up over on sparkpeople (another great source of motivation).
I'm amazed looking at what people eat (or don't, and when)... I have to eat every couple of hours or I just feel like I'm gonna DIE! I have lots of little meals throughout the day. That's how I've always been. If I tried to fix my diet into a breakfast-lunch-dinner set, I'd fall off the wagon REALLY fast!