Looks beautiful!!! Can you post some shots from the side? I''m so glad to see this because I''m thinking about haloing my half carat too, particularly in an octagon halo rather than round. What size are the melee in the halo? Is it custom made?
I am in awe as well! Anyone having shrinkage just needs to get their diamond set in a halo! It looks huge! I love the split shank. Very pretty and happy belated birthday!
Happy Birthday. I''ll bet this was a fun project - and it turned out so lovely. Looks totally different from the solitaire and so special now, what a perfect RHR! I hope you don''t mind if I post your pic in another thread to give another poster design ideas for halos, I think yours is one of the best, it''s very unique.
Wow, thank you all for the great compliments and birthday wishes!!! Phew, it''s been a busy week with no computer time, I''m sorry I didn''t reply sooner. As soon as I can get a minute I''ll get some more pictures from the side. I wish I could say I had more of a hand in designing this ring, but actually I told my jeweler what I was looking for and he found this little beauty in his treasure trove and it was perfect. And it was my ring size and everything so it was meant to be. To be honest I don''t know the designer but I''ll find out when I pick up my appraisal tomorrow. I''m really happy with it and my hand gets grabbed a lot. LOL! An interesting thing is that I put it on with my grandmother''s little wedding band from the 1930''s and it looked like they were made for each other. I''ll have to get a pic of that too.
That is amazing! It totally changed your stone. I know it helps that the stone was obviously beautiful to start with but that is amazing. Your ring went from VERY nice to SPECTACULAR!!! Enjoy and Happy Birthday!