The proposal itself was more of an entire day then a single event. Like I posted before I went at got 3 dozen red roses from a flower shop here in the city. While she was still sleeping I made a hugh breakfast , but she woke up early and came out, so the initial plan to propose to her right when she got up was gone...fortunately I had a backup plan
We were going to head up to the MET to see an exhibit she''s been dying to take me to, but we completely forgot about a therapist''s appointment that we had scheduled for that afternoon, so we had to go to that instead, which kindof threw a wrench into the plans but it worked out ok. (We decided to take pre-engagement couples therapy to strenghten our relationship, and I highly recommend it for EVERYBODY.)
After the session we went and spent about 3 hours at a spa here in New York. Once we were all relaxed and the sun was going down we went down to battery park (where we had our first kiss) and spent some time walking around. The weather was absolutely beautiful (60 degrees in January??) and when the sun was just starting to set I proposed to her on a park bench.
After a few hours of phone calls, we went to a late dinner at "our" neighborhood italian resturant, then we went to Flute (Champagne bar) where I had a table reserved. A whole bunch of friends met us out for a fun evening, which didn''t end until 5am!
Considering that I didn''t have a real definitive plan, it couldn''t have turned out any better. Besides, I knew once she saw the ring it was a lock
Congratulations on your engagement! I have been coveting your ring for quite a while now. I am new to pricescope and would love to ask you a few questions. I know you posted all the specs of the ring but I, being completely overwhelmed by ring purchasing, would like to know if there is anything else I should tell a jeweler about your ring. Your fiancee''s is ideal for me! Thanks so much.
Hi Red, welcome to Pricescope. Fatguy hasn''t posted since January so I kind of assume he doesn''t come here anymore. You could ask Mark from Enagement Rings Direct about this ring since he is the vendor that it came from. I had called him at one time, since I considered this ring.
Thanks for the info. What did you wind up choosing? And will M.T. tell me every bit of info if I want it made by someone else?
I am clueless.. I have a relative from out of state offering to make this ring up for me and he said he could have it fast, which is great but makes me super nervous since if so fast, is it right? is there something i should ask for to have my bf see it before he approves it? pays for it??
I ended up going with a round instead of a cushion. I have a halo set with pink diamonds in rose gold around it.
My ring was hand made and took approximately a month to finish. I know "Fatguy''s" ring was hand made as well after talking to Mark Turnowski. I don''t think that Mark would give you all the info., if you tell him you may have it made by someone else. You should probably just approach him that you''re interested in the ring and would like to know about it.
I would worry about the "fast" aspect of having a ring made. And as others have said, cushions are tricky. I think you''d want to see the diamond first. Dealing with relatives can sometimes be awkward. What if something goes wrong?
Good luck.
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