Brwnidgurl511, thanks for profile pictures. I totally love this setting!
I already e-mailed niceice and am awaiting a response. I''m concerned about the height though. My diamond is 1.5 carats and I hope the setting used to accomodate a larger stone won''t have more height to it. My current setting is about 8mm tall already. Could you measure the height on your ring, please? And also if you don''t mind sharing, is there anything at all that you don''t like about your setting? Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it.
i am in love with your setting. i''ve searched all over the tacori site and can''t find it. do you have any further information on it? the name or style number?
do you find that enough light gets to the underneath side of the diamond?
Welcome to Pricescope! I''m glad you found us before you made the purchase at Costco. Not that it would have been detrimental or anything, I think they have a certain standard they adhere to, but I think you made a much wiser choice by choosing one of the PS vendors. Nice Ice is definitely top notch!
YOur setting is gorgeous!! Now that''s a (sorta) bezel setting I could get used to! I''ve never seen one quite so unique. Enjoy your new sparkly and congratulations!
Leila, I''m sorry but I haven''t been able to find a darn ruler in this house so I haven''t measured the height. I hope you were able to get some info from NiceIce regarding the ring. In my opinion though, I don''t think the setting is too high at all. I haven''t had any problems of it getting in the way. I totally love the ring and wouldn''t trade it in for the world
Jennyann2, I originally found the setting on the Soloman Brothers website. But I purchased the ring through NiceIce. They''re AWESOME and great to work with!
Brwnidgurl511, thanks for your help. Robin and Todd gave me the info I wanted. I was pleasantly surprised at how fast a response I got from them. The height on the setting is 8mm, which is the same as my current one. I''m going to think about it. I''ll be sure to share with you all if I go ahead with it. Thanks again.
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