
My engagement ring reset is finished!

Gorgeous reset!!! I absolutely love it with the plain rose gold band! :love: Congrats on 10 years!
I love it with any combination of the bands. Somehow they all work. Congratulations on such a beautiful and blingy set!!
GREAT reset!! Your former diamond studs worked perfectly.
@MissGotRocks, @Tekate, @Maggiemeans, @missy, @luv2sparkle, @doberman, @canuk-gal, @JDDN, @redwood66, @diamondseeker2006, @chloe88, @marcy, @tyty333, @LLJsmom, @Stone Hunter and [USER=14992]@KristyDarling, I can't thank you all enough for your beautiful comments. It's so much fun to have you all to share this with!

@mrs-b, oh you are such a doll!! What a kind thing to offer. The shipping costs to Aus are a killer, that's for sure. And GMTA girl...the ring you posted is the exact one I already have in 14k! It feels just a teeeeeeny bit heavy to me, I was thinking about getting the lightweight one, but if I can save a few $$ on postage do you think I should get the standard weight instead?

@acaw2015 thanks for coming out of lurkdom to post, it's very much appreciated!

@Matthews1127, you know, I did think the same thing today, that perhaps I need to add a bit of sumthin' sumthin' to the ring. The one you posted is GORGEOUS. Definitely food for thought, thank you so much for the ideas![/USER]
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Amazing reset!
What a fabulous and elegant bling. Enjoy wearing your new beauty
@mrs-b, oh you are such a doll!! What a kind thing to offer. The shipping costs to Aus are a killer, that's for sure. And GMTA girl...the ring you posted is the exact one I already have in 14k! It feels just a teeeeeeny bit heavy to me, I was thinking about getting the lightweight one, but if I can save a few $$ on postage do you think I should get the standard weight instead?

Hi @DanDiAnDi :wavey:

Speaking as someone who, like you, has an e-ring that sits a fair way off the finger, I prefer the look of pairing it with a thicker wedding ring, for the sake of visual balance. But I'm also a big proponent of 'have whatever you want' - so when you've made a decision, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know; it's no bother to ship to you, and I don't think I'll have to pay any tax on it either. I shipped something of about the same size to Australia the other day, and it was roughly $16. No biggie.

But yes. I'd definitely be getting the heavier one. (...and I did!)
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Thanks @Acinom! I still can't believe it's mine!

@mrs-b that is so cheap, wow!! It would cost me 4 times as much to have the ring shipped from the states. You're wonderful, thank you again, I shall be in touch!!
Absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on your new ring and milestone anniversary!
Beautiful ring!
Whoa, gorgeous reset :love:
Ah this is just stunning!!! :love: Perfection on your hand! Love it with the rose gold band - congrats DandiAndi, and enjoy it!