
My first Barry

It''s really hard to tell from pictures. I love how it looks in your last picture and in Barry''s pic. If it often looks like that, I''d say it''s gorgeous and keep it. But if it were mine and it usually looked dark, it would really bug me and I''d probably have to send it back.
I find it rather dark, and yes, the bad, nasty four letter "g" word.

The question for you though is, "how do you feel about it? Do you think it''s beautiful and worth keeping, or are you on the fence."
If it looks anything like your pictures, it is too dark, gray and extinct. I do see some pretty dispersion in one picture, but that wouldn’t be enough for me to keep it. How does it look to you? Is it much better IRL?
Here come better photos that are much more representative of the stone in real life






It still looks a bit dark and grey to me, but cudos for Barry as his cutting really gives the stone some nice dispersion of color. It is a masculine color, and I would imagine it would be great for a man's ring. For me, however, it's a bit too dark and grey, although it has some nice blue flashes.

Were these latest photos taken in sunlight? What kind of light?
It looks sort of dark but shows very pretty blue/violet flashes in these lower light conditions. How does it look outdoors?
Yes chrono, Isn''t that weird? In medium or shaded light it looks great. In direct sunlight - nothing.
TL these were taken in indirect sunlight. The stone was facing the window which is obscured by my lemon trees, the sun was not quite above the building behind me. Macro with my highest resolution then a severe crop to size. The stone is dark, you are right about that. But in person even the dark areas maintain the purply body color. My first set of photos were really off the mark. In the 2 days I''ve been looking at it it has shown a wide range of personalities, some very colorful, but all of them Goth. I think one of my not so conscious reasons for all the new stones is to force me to lighten up a bit, brighten my attitude outwardly and thus inwardly as well. But here is this darth vader stone trying to get me to embrace the dark powers. So I''m trying to rationalize it by thinking I might need this one just for balance! In the daytime it looks like a fine tanzanite.

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