
My grandmother's engagement ring for the New Year!

Violet, I'm so glad you get to wear your grandmother's ring. It looks lovely on you and carries so much meaning. Cherish it always.
Such a beautiful ring with an even better backstory! I hope the time spent waiting goes quickly!
Congrats, Beautiful ring, beautiful story!..
Goodness, I am so very sorry about the loss of your mother and grandparents in such a short time. ;( {{{hugs}}}

You have a very special and beautiful heirloom, and I know it will bring you much joy!
Such a touching story. I am sorry for your loss but think it's wonderful that you can wear a constant reminder of them. Thank you for sharing your story.
I picked up my grams ring from the jewelers yesterday. It's perfect - I had it sized to fit me and rhodium plated. It really is a firecracker of a little diamond - it sparkles so beautifully and I love it with my engagement eternity band. I wore it yesterday and today and really felt like she was with me.





I also have my moms original wedding band, from when she married my dad. It's a tiny white gold wedding band (1-2 mm). Although they divorced, I know they were happy when they got married. I plan to wear all three rings together - my engagement eternity band, my grams engagement ring, and my moms wedding band. Having a ring of each of theirs makes me feel connected to them, since they passed away so close to each other. This is how I'm wearing the set today ❤️



i was wearing my moms little band when I happened to pick up her ring from the jewelers - here they are together. They make a nice set too I think.


Or maybe I will wear it in this combination...

Oh violet your grandmother's ring turned out beautifully and looks perfect on you! I'm so glad you can wear it now. And your mother's band looks great with it! I love all 3 stacked together and I think I like the last combination the best. What a lovely way to keep them both close to you. Thank you for coming back with pics and I'm so happy you have such beautiful reminders of people you love.
Beautiful ring and amazing story--such a special ring. Enjoy and thanks for sharing!
beautiful and a great story.. gorgeous.. !
How lovely to have something so special with such lovely memories attached to it.
Thanks everyone! It really is a pretty little diamond. Here it is by itself in overcast light. Quick question - there was a chip in the diamond and they repositioned it under a prong. As of right now, the diamond turns under the setting - is this normal? I can move it under the prongs as If I were twisting a top on and off a jar. It doesn't move much, so maybe it may just where the chip is. It doesn't seem right to me though...thoughts?

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One more of the set - overcast daylight and I cleaned my eternity band last night so it's a little more lively

I don't think it's normal at all. It shouldn't move... I'd bring it back & have them correct it. Beautiful sentimental ring!!
I don't think it's normal at all. It shouldn't move... I'd bring it back & have them correct it. Beautiful sentimental ring!!

That's what I thought too! Thank you kbell!
It's a beautiful ring and a beautiful story... and how lucky you are to have three pieces that work so well together and carry such wonderful memories!
Ah, Violet, this has turned out beautifully. It looks so perfect on you & I think it was meant to be. Your mothers wedding band sitting in between them makes my little heart flutter!

As for your diamond turning in the claws, no. Take it back. I would be absolutely devastated if you lost it from its setting. That would break my heart!
Thanks VRbeauty!

Alex T - I agree I'll take it back - I thought it wasn't right that it moved a little. I would hate to lose the diamond out of it - that would be devastating.
What a great story and a beautiful ring!