I feel your pain.
I used to let one of my neighbors cut my hair when I was in high school and she liked doing whatever she thought she looked good. I once told I wanted my hair a little past my shoulders, and it was really long at the time, and it ended up being closer to my chin. I was horrified. Needless to say, I never go to her anymore.
Hopefully, with time you''ll get used to your new ''do and find a really cute updo for the wedding.

I used to let one of my neighbors cut my hair when I was in high school and she liked doing whatever she thought she looked good. I once told I wanted my hair a little past my shoulders, and it was really long at the time, and it ended up being closer to my chin. I was horrified. Needless to say, I never go to her anymore.

Hopefully, with time you''ll get used to your new ''do and find a really cute updo for the wedding.