
my handmade ring is complete! replicated my girl's tats

jseconds77|1438799523|3911554 said:

how do I send you a private message?

I can make a listing on loupe troup that you can respond to!

It was handmade at Ben Moses Designers in NYC. thought I'd give them a great shout out since they earned it!
Thought I'd drop by and see how everyone is.
My proposal is finally happening come December 1st! I have been working diligently to improve my career status but still nothing just yet:( which makes me very worried. The timing is right, just not the finances. Spoke to my prospective mother-in-law and she stated my girl actually mentioned that she doesn't not care about the finances! what a relief!

anyways, I will be sure to post the requested hand shots :) We came back from an amazing vacation but I did not do it there; too obvious and U.S. Customs always searches me/wands me so the ring would set the detectors off and kill my element of surprise :wall:

thanks again for all the great advice and support.
That is truly beautiful, any woman would love to receive a ring that so much heart and mind went into. Takes my breath away to see someone care so much to make that kind of effort.

I designed a ring as well and loved the process, what fun.

I remember some years back a gentleman made the ring box for his lady's ring and it was superb.

I love the engraving, very hard to find someone that does it so well.
Just seen this, it looks great! :)

I agree about not doing a 'predictable' proposal - my good lady took me to Paris and all my mother would nag me about was "Are you going to ask her? Up the Eiffel Tower??" Er, no, mother, because my life is not a cliché ;) lol

Will look forward to further updates!
Congrats! It is beautiful.
thank you! a few days ago I suffered a scary accident and just the thought of all this not happening keeps me up.
I am considered lucky and I am doing my best to heal up. A car made an illegal maneuver and my bike & I had to hit the dirt :(
adding insult, the driver left me in the street as did a sheriff that happened to drive by. jeez...

so, thankful I always gear up. I only have a sore ankle, minimal swelling and bruising. as a precaution, I am taped up and on crutches. I am certain I will be good to go by December. wheew, someone up there likes me?
This ring is gorgeous and I love the thought and effort you put into it and the book! :love:

Glad you to hear that you are ok after your accident. Hope everything else goes more smoothly from now on.
Amazing, all of it! Good luck and much happiness to you! :appl: :wavey: :appl:
thanks, I am very lucky. I did go ahead and get my ring drawing/blueprint framed. I think $130 for it was ok.
I pick it up next month. My accident puts things in perspective! Not rushing the healing but I believe mid-late Oct. I will be back on both feet :clap:
back on my feet and walkin'. Not running just yet. however, my on-site job has gotten crazy and we all had to endure a needless pay cut. so this def. makes me worry about future plans :( I cannot convey how angry and ultimately disappointed I am.

I still can't wait for my proposal and everything is happening come December for sure. Had to call in some help to color match a tuxedo vest to the awesome seafoam green I like so much! My color matching skills could use some work ;) It's just difficult from behind a computer screen but I think I got it.

will def. return with the requested hand shots!
here's an update....

I got the custom framing of my ring drawing completed. I think they did a nice job; Victorian gold frame design, blue matting reminiscent of our color choices. Looking at it now, perhaps I should have included a picture of us? I don't know and it's too late now. Will leave better than good enough alone.

The florist is all set with the secret delivery. I threw a curve ball and went with Picasso Calla Lillies since I always give orchids. I like 'em, and they're durable so they will survive the long ride home.

I am working so hard on my proposal letter. It's sincere but not nearly as good as I want it to be. I understand that constant revision will lose the honesty/spontaneity factor but I really want it to be the best piece of writing I can create. I'm actually researching what is the best glue to adhere to handmade, mulberry paper! Yeah, I guess I'm gettin' crazy now ;)

Got two tuxedo vests to wear for the big moment; I am bad at color matching so I called a few ringers to assist. I like both so I guess I won't know which to wear until the day! ha ha ha

as for my injury...I healed ok, there is some soreness but I walk fine. I would like to run but something inside me holds back so I don't know yet.

ok! counting down the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exciting! Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Thanks! yeah, feelin' better.

had a bump in the road since I lost my on-site job! ugh! the timing is awful but I was emotionally unhealthy there.
And, the $ there couldn't exactly effectively pay for a wedding or long term goals so no big loss?
Tomorrow is the Big Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I will return with the requested hand shots. I'm making a list of everything I need to pack for tomorrow morning.
Time really flew by! I struggled with my proposal letter because I keep thinking it must be the best thing I will ever write. Now, I think it just has to be sincere.

Exciting times!!!!

Woo hoo!!!

Remember to breathe! You dont want her to perform CPR on you before you get the question out! LOL
Good luck!!! :appl:
I can't wait to hear about your proposal and to see hand shots! I am very excited for you!
SHE SAID YESSS!!!!!!! Here are the requested hand shots. I am so over the moon I will have to take some time and add the details. Thank you so much for all the assistance, patience, insight. everything went perfectly….except she did not like my paisely tux vest so I used the backup mint one….ha ha. in a span of 48 hours I got engaged to my dream girl, went to a zoo, and then on the way back hit up Atlantic City….ha ha!!!!!!! what an incredible few days!


here's the display! the framed drawing, the Victorian ormolu ring box, the Victorian photo album!



It sounds like everything went to plan & the ring looks gorgeous on her hand :love:
Sooooo, what was her reaction to the ring, and the fact that you put so much effort and symbolism into it? Congratulations!
I loved reading about this journey. Congratulations!
Congrats <3 What a lucky gal! Having someone who loves her so much put so much time and effort into this!
it's truly stunning!
more pics!!!!!!!!!!!


Great story and ring. I think your fiance has just scored herself a character in you!
Congratulations! So glad she loved the ring!
OMG this is so sweet! Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us! It's great that you put so much effort and energy in the design process. You're fiancé is one lucky lady to have such a unique piece of jewelry!

Very pretty and wish you both all the best!!!
Such a lot of effort, it is beautiful and unique and personal. One of the best rings ever on this site. It would be good to see larger, clearer pictures of the designs sometime if she doesn't mind as it is so personal to her. I love the box on legs and picture and album, such keepsakes for you. I really think you are one in a million. The proposal speech posts here too, clearly you care very much. I am very happy for you both. Congratulations on your engagement.