
My Jewel by Grace

Happy to chat and show you color comparison pics :) I just created a listing on LoupeTroop where you can contact me if you want :wavey:
I'm glad you returned it! I made the mistake of keeping a stone I wasn't 100% in love with (even my husband figured it out before me!). I wound up upgrading 9 months later - cost me a lot more in the long run than had I gotten more the color and cut I wanted from the beginning. But I love my new stone and feel 100% about it!

You will find the right one.
Hey Shoney, I'm sorry a stone you were so excited about turned out not to be the one. However, the beauty with old cuts is that when you see it, you'll know it's the one.

If you're having trouble finding the right stone, post in RockyTalky with the specs you want and your budget. There are many great resources here who can help you :)
2.0 M has arrived!!!

Thanks sweetpea! I think one of the issues is I may simply be a MRB girl after all. I don't want to keep ordering and returning stones, nor do I want to wait all that long! I love the modern cut, and since I can happily tolerate lower colors to get the size I want, this seems like a sweet spot for me. :) Eventually I'd like to own an OEC, perhaps as a right hand ring, but that's years down the road.

My 2 carat GIA graded VVS2 M arrived today and it is fantastic, though after the 2.6 am wary of getting overly excited.
That said, she sparkles like crazy, lots of brilliance and fire, and I don't have to try and "make" it do anything...she just sparkles.
I don't want to stop looking at it, turning it every so slightly in different lighting, and can't WAIT until there's a sunny day where I can play with her in something other than the dim light of a rainy day.
There is no green in this girl, not a hint of it, and though from the side I see color it's more of a very soft lemonade, sometimes a pale ginger ale color; face up she's white or cream, occasionally I can see the warmth but it's pretty. I'm a little surprised it's an M, maybe due to depth/saturation of the body color?? I think she's closer to an L but obviously am no expert, and it doesn't matter anyway! I really, really like all the ways I've seen her face up, in every lighting, and can't wait to go play with settings!!


