
My lovely Lisette by CvB - 2.06ct D VS2

Really lovely Lily Pad! You have a great collection! Enjoy!
Beautiful!!!:love: That's lovely home for your special diamond! I am the same about working with mind is on the next project while she's working on the current one! :lol:
What a beautiful ring! I have always love that setting. :love:
@Dancing Fire oh my god! The humidity! How did you deal with it while you were here (other than leave... :lol-2::lol-2:)? Too bad you are in CA now because I could really use some Dim Sum (and to see your Octavia OMG)! :P2
I have lupus and RA so good god, humid is quite literally destroying me! I'm managing with a higher dose of everything but I'm worried I won't last here :cry2:

@tyty333 @redwood66 Thank you girls :kiss2: she gets lots of love from me and friends!
Redwood, do you still have the JM(?) bezel three stone by any chance? She was one of the first rings that made me go :eek2: before I joined PS and before all my bling!
** Just saw that you traded her in for your ACC, she was gorgeous but your ACC is :love::lickout::love:
@Dancing Fire oh my god! The humidity! How did you deal with it while you were here (other than leave... :lol-2::lol-2:)? Too bad you are in CA now because I could really use some Dim Sum (and to see your Octavia OMG)! :P2
I have lupus and RA so good god, humid is quite literally destroying me! I'm managing with a higher dose of everything but I'm worried I won't last here :cry2:

@tyty333 @redwood66 Thank you girls :kiss2: she gets lots of love from me and friends!
Redwood, do you still have the JM(?) bezel three stone by any chance? She was one of the first rings that made me go :eek2: before I joined PS and before all my bling!
** Just saw that you traded her in for your ACC, she was gorgeous but your ACC is :love::lickout::love:

I’m sorry to hear about your health issues. I too struggle with health issues so I understand. Hopefully you will adjust to your new environment quickly!

I’ve been fascinated with the topic of yellow gold/white metals lately and am interested in your love of it since you were little. Is it just most pleasing to you? Do you prefer it with your skin tone? I love the white diamond (more towards the colorless end of the spectrum) look with yellow gold and hope to have something to call my own one day.

You have a very beautiful collection! :rolleyes2: I was hoping to find you on IG (thinking you have pictures there too of ri gs and watches), but no luck. [Don't post personal info here].
I've always adored the Lisette setting; your entire CvB collection is just stunning! So glad to find another CvB fan in Hong Kong (though only for another month since hubby and I are moving back to Canada in September!). We might be the only ones in HK to have both 3 stone and Norah rings by CvB :lol:

PS --- get air purifiers and dehumifiers for your home if you haven't already. They're a must!! I have one for the living room and one for the bedroom since that's where I spend most of my time, but ideally you should have one for each room depending on your layout. I also grow plants that purify the air like pothos and snake plant. Oh, and I have this website/app on my phone and I check it before deciding whether to do any outdoor activities:
Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map
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Lovely! Looks beautiful on your hand!! Congrats!!
@Dancing Fire oh my god! The humidity! How did you deal with it while you were here (other than leave... :lol-2::lol-2:)? Too bad you are in CA now because I could really use some Dim Sum (and to see your Octavia OMG)! :P2
I have lupus and RA so good god, humid is quite literally destroying me! I'm managing with a higher dose of everything but I'm worried I won't last here :cry2:
I was in HK Aug. of 1983 and stayed there for about 3 weeks the humidity was killing me :knockout:. don't worry soon or later you'll get used to the weather :bigsmile:. I'd miss eating the street junk foods in HK. :lickout:

btw; I sold my Octavia in April of this yr and now I'm waiting for Yorum to find a rough to cut another Octavia.
@LittleRed thank you for your kind words, and I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with some health issues too... I hope you find relief too and get better! I have good days and bad days - worst are the humid days which we go through to the extreme from July-September I believe. It does get better in the "winter" here so I am looking forward to that! I really hope you get well soon too <3

As far as gold preference, yes it started when I was little. I received a 24k gold chain bracelet from my lovely aunt the day I was born (tradition in my family) and it was never meant to be worn but I started wearing it when I was 12 - that was it for me! Everyone in my family wears WG and I have tried a few times but it just screams against my skin tone (very yellow-olive). I actually prefer F/G against yellow gold more than this D but thankfully it is antiqued and works very well with the iciness of the stone :kiss2:

I have two instagram accounts - my personal one that I never log into anymore and one that follows all the jewelry accounts :lol-2: thank you again for your comment <3 <3

@ZestfullyBling thank you so much! I absolutely adore her... :oops2:
@mochiko42 oh gosh, may I ask what made you and hubby decide to move back? That is too funny, just as I move to HK from Canada you do the opposite! I will be back in October for one month to close a condo and then it's bye bye Canada for probably the rest of my days, after 24 years there! :cry2: And omg! You have Maria+Norah too??? Did you create a thread on it? If you did please link it so I can see my Maria's sister :love::love:

I have dehumidifiers in each room and those dehumidifying packs to put in each of my drawers - I thought I would be set but it's just not enough :confused2: I have to switch out the packs every week or so because they turn to liquid, and the dehumidifiers are filled with water every day! Maybe it's the area I'm in and how high up we are (27/fl. Old Peak Road). I am definitely going to look at some plants to put in the house though, that is such a good idea! As much as HK is killing me, it is such a beautiful city. I MUST learn to adapt and love!
@Dancing Fire Oooh I see! I have been visiting once a year in April, 2-3 months at a time. I've always been ok-ish with the weather but since health has gone downhill, I just can't handle it sadly. Fingers crossed, very hopeful that my body is just adjusting! And yes the street food :geek2::geek2: will you visit again??? You must miss the siu mai... Beef balls... EGG WAFFLES!!!

Oh my goodness, you're getting another Octavia? Congratulations :lickout: Octavias are unbelievable. Truly special... I would kill to just see one in person! May I ask why you sold your original stone?
@Dancing Fire Oooh I see! I have been visiting once a year in April, 2-3 months at a time. I've always been ok-ish with the weather but since health has gone downhill, I just can't handle it sadly. Fingers crossed, very hopeful that my body is just adjusting! And yes the street food :geek2::geek2: will you visit again??? You must miss the siu mai... Beef balls... EGG WAFFLES!!!

Oh my goodness, you're getting another Octavia? Congratulations :lickout: Octavias are unbelievable. Truly special... I would kill to just see one in person! May I ask why you sold your original stone?
We have decent tasting dim sum here but of course not as good as HK. :(sad I miss the "da pai dong" foods in HK but heard they have all moved indoors now. I haven't been back to HK since 1983. I sold my Octavia b/c I wanna upgrade the size and color. Hopefully Yoram can find a G/H VS rough soon. ;))

btw; why are you up at midnight...can't sleep? :lol:
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@LittleRed thank you for your kind words, and I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with some health issues too... I hope you find relief too and get better! I have good days and bad days - worst are the humid days which we go through to the extreme from July-September I believe. It does get better in the "winter" here so I am looking forward to that! I really hope you get well soon too <3

As far as gold preference, yes it started when I was little. I received a 24k gold chain bracelet from my lovely aunt the day I was born (tradition in my family) and it was never meant to be worn but I started wearing it when I was 12 - that was it for me! Everyone in my family wears WG and I have tried a few times but it just screams against my skin tone (very yellow-olive). I actually prefer F/G against yellow gold more than this D but thankfully it is antiqued and works very well with the iciness of the stone :kiss2:

I have two instagram accounts - my personal one that I never log into anymore and one that follows all the jewelry accounts :lol-2: thank you again for your comment <3 <3

@ZestfullyBling thank you so much! I absolutely adore her... :oops2:

Extreme elimination of most foods helps. I’ve pretty much adapted by this point but it’s a constant battle. Good luck to you in your new environment!!!

I like how you have a history with yellow gold back to birth. It’s a cute story. :rolleyes2:

Haha.... I don’t think I’d ever be able to find you on IG unless you had the same name.
@Lily Pad

Besides the dehumifiers I would also strongly recommend that you get some air purifiers (with HEPA filter). I have sensitivities to dust and my husband has mild asthma. We found those air purifiers made SUCH a difference in improving the air quality in the home (also, when you take out the filters to clean them you will see just how much gross stuff is being taken out of the air...). I just use Philips air purifiers and then also stick 3M air filter papers on my air conditioners but here is a list of larger / more hardcore purifiers if you have extreme allergies or sensitivities:

I can't remember if Old Peak Rd is above the cloud line or not? My cousin lives on May Rd and he doesn't seem to have too many humidity issues (but I think he has a good direction for wind coming in from the harbour which may reduce the damp). I had some relatives who used to live on Guildford Rd and their stuff would be wet and humid almost all the time and they had to keep the dehumifiers and AC on almost 24/7 otherwise their stuff gets moldy.. eventually they got fed up of having to constantly fight the humidity and moved :cry2: I live out in the countryside so humidity is also a major headache.. it's terrible for leather goods like bags, coats, shoes, so I have mostly stopped buying them (except for bags, lol!).. It's just part of life in Hong Kong, I guess! On the other hand, your skin will not dry out like in Canada during the winter :dance:

I am actually off to Tokyo tomorrow to visit a friend for the long weekend and am hoping it is not quite as humid there, though I am a bit worried about the heat wave... One great thing I love about HK is how convenient it is for short trips around the region. It makes it so easy to visit friends in Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Korea etc!

My husband applied for Canadian PR so we will be in Canada for at least 3 years til he can apply for citizenship. He is German-American but been living in Asia for 15 years.. It was just time for a change and an opportunity came up that made sense so we are moving!! I look forward to all the farmers markets and fresh local produce.. everything in HK is so expensive although I do love all the amazing imported fruit and food we can get here. I will definitely miss all the amazing jewelry and art auctions in HK, though! The seasonal Christie's Fine Jewellery pre-auction exhibitions are always worth seeing. :)

I don't have separate threads for those two rings but have some photos scattered around PS :razz:
I got the 3 stone last summer (I asked Caysie to design it based on this ring: and then I also got the Norah a few months ago and I love it! The Norah has custom-cut 3.1mm OEC diamonds by Yoram F. I also have two Jovyn solitaires (one diamond, one pink tourmaline) and two Riviere bands (one diamond, other one is Yogo sapphire as my husband grew up in Montana). The 3 stone is not diamond (it's a travel ring) so I can't post the photo on this forum but here is a link: Show me the travel rings.....

Here are my Jovyn, Norah and Riviere rings. You can tell I am a big CvB fan :love:

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Wow! It’s spectacular!
Honestly, your collection is amazing!

I hope you can manage to settle in to your new home & find a way of balancing your conditions against what sounds like quite intense conditions!

I hope you don't mind me asking, but why have you decided to move there? Some of your comments don't sound like your sparkly diamond heart is 100% happy / certain that this move is the right thing? Sending you heaps of happiness =)2
Perfection, congrats!!!
@Dancing Fire you are correct! Majority of them have moved indoors, I went on a week mission to find the best dai pai dong and it was short lived. Instead I found a bunch of speakeasies! Today is soooo humid :confused2: but I'm starting to get the hang of HK I think! Like @mochiko42 recommended we got some air purifiers and also loaded up two dehumidifiers in each room! Things are looking up :rolleyes2: if I stay in the house for the rest of life... Haha
I think I was up for emails, can't quite remember that night (I take medication) but I'm always up at 730 no matter what.
I seriously can't wait for you to find your rough cut, that thing is going to turn into something spectacular. How many carats are you shooting for? I can only dream of owning an Octavia at this point - with the move and overspending these past few months, only in my dreams for a long long time :cry2:

@mochiko42 thank you for all your recommendations, we got air purifiers going and I seem to be breathing easier, and then loaded each room up with dehumidifiers x2 per room and that's helped SO much! And you are so right, the weather is terrible for anything leather and especially exotic leathers like snake, croc, ostrich. My bags have a first class closet though with a mini dehumidifier in there that gets changed everyday! :lol-2::lol-2:

I'm starting to notice the pros of living here, which is progress! Pros: skin isn't dry, nails are healthier, hair is growing sooo fast, super convenient to get to places, NO DUTIES!!, can get out of the city to Clearwater Bay... Oh oh and I also visited Japan from HK twice! I really love Japan but I couldn't live there, it's just too hard for me to communicate! Maybe I'm bad with my hands/sign language/wavey thing I do!

I tracked down your Maria and she is stunnnning in WG!!! Do you still have her? She is truly gorgeous. The setting, the stones, omg! And all your CVB rings (I'm obsessed too :kiss2::kiss2::kiss2:) are gorgeous but omg omg your riviere rings are DROP Dead gorgeous, I want a sapphire+diamond one so bad! Funds are limitied this year though, I overspent last year and moving has been a b* to my bank account. Nope nope nope. Can't even be tempted.
@LittleRed Aw thank you, I kind of forget about it because I've been wearing YG for so long but it's cute to me too remembering why! What about you, what made you love YG? (or WG)
Nope not the same name at all, seriously just a jewelry lurker account! My personal insta got a bit toxic so I decided to delete that and just have one where I look at stuff I like :)
Thank you, I'm getting better and better each day! Felt good enough to get a few tattoos lasered too!
@Alex T
Thank you so much and of course not... Basically I had to move back eventually, that was the plan since I was 2 years old and was reminded every chance they got! We're a pretty traditional family in the sense that we all work in the same company (even when I was in Canada) so I came back for them and for work! I won't regret it, it's a beautiful city and these are just growing pains :)
Thank you for your well wishes <3 <3
@AprilBaby @arkieb1
Thank you girls!!
@Dancing Fire
I seriously can't wait for you to find your rough cut, that thing is going to turn into something spectacular. How many carats are you shooting for? I can only dream of owning an Octavia at this point - with the move and overspending these past few months, only in my dreams for a long long time :cry2:
Hoping for a G/H VS near 3ct. ;)). but is hard for Yoram to compete against other cutters for the rough b/c most rough will yield two RBs were you can only yield one Octavia from the same rough. An ideal octahedron for cutting an Octavia would be one with a chipped tip on one end.
Ah, I see! Moving country is always a bit of a shock, even when they are similar to our own. I moved from the UK to New Zealand many years ago & even that was unsettling, despite having family & friends to stay with, ease me in & show me around, not to mention the language & many aspects between the two being the same. But nobody warned me about the earthquakes! Weekly shoogies in Wellington - I was almost packing up after a month!

Stick with it sweetheart, and give it 110%. If your head is there, your heart will follow.

Missed this thread till now. :eek2::eek2::eek2:

This is very similar in style to a vintage ring I own. I've never seen anything like it until I opened this thread. CVB definitely has a vintage vibe. It's the details around the small stones and the way they are spaced. Of course your ring is SUPER SUPER sized compared to mine, has better cut diamonds and is about 120 years younger. I think I'll copy you and try a slim textured band with my ring.

Sorry to read about your health issues and the weather/pollution there. I hope you are really enjoying your ring. I'd love to see more photos of it with the different bands that you wear it with.