
My New Diamond...

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I''m setting the emerald cut garnet into a setting like this. I want a full bezel but I want light underneath. Sorry for going Off topic.....just wanted to show you. I have to go with WG, too poor for platinum.


Easter??? Hello ... is not Valentine''s Day right around the corner??

Whenever you get it -- it''s AWESOME. Congrats! (He should be happy you''re such a smart shopper!!)
Wow it''s beautiful!

There is absolutely no way I could wait that long to wear it!
I think maybe he will surprise you and give it to you sooner (nudging hubby....)

I love it!
Oh, Patty! I have lusted after that diamond and that ring ever since she had it made. I''m so JELLY!!! Seriously, though, it could not have gotten to a better home.
Lumpkin, you''ll see the ring back on another famous person LOL. This time with a 1.5ct Asha. This person likes to sell on the MGR a lot so it might be up within a year ROFL Also, dh is no romantic so we don''t much celebrate Valentine''s. I forgot all about it even though I''m class mom organizing my daughters party next Tuesday :)
Date: 2/11/2006 7:05:03 AM
Author: marriahlyn
Lumpkin, you''ll see the ring back on another famous person LOL. This time with a 1.5ct Asha. This person likes to sell on the MGR a lot so it might be up within a year ROFL Also, dh is no romantic so we don''t much celebrate Valentine''s. I forgot all about it even though I''m class mom organizing my daughters party next Tuesday :)
Uh, what''s MGR? I try to keep up on these things, but sometimes I''m a little slow.
Date: 2/10/2006 11:25:33 PM
Author: decodelighted
Easter??? Hello ... is not Valentine's Day right around the corner??

Whenever you get it -- it's AWESOME. Congrats! (He should be happy you're such a smart shopper!!)
deco, I keep telling him how much money I've saved him and he doesn't get it!

And yes, I know that Valentine's day is this week. But we don't do big gifts for VD.

Actually, the mean man said that I can put the diamond in my Stuller Solstice setting for now, so from here on out he will be referred to as "the nice man."

(Sophie, he's not the type to surprise me with anything jewelry related...he knows how picky I am!)

lumkin, thanks! I think that a lot of us lusted after marriahlyn's ring!
Date: 2/10/2006 11:17:05 PM
Author: marriahlyn
I''m setting the emerald cut garnet into a setting like this. I want a full bezel but I want light underneath. Sorry for going Off topic.....just wanted to show you. I have to go with WG, too poor for platinum.
marriahlyn, that setting is gorgeous!! I have a friend who has an emerald set somewhat like that only hers is set north-south and it''s yellow gold.
Date: 2/11/2006 7:44:05 AM
Author: diamondlil

Date: 2/11/2006 7:05:03 AM
Author: marriahlyn
Lumpkin, you''ll see the ring back on another famous person LOL. This time with a 1.5ct Asha. This person likes to sell on the MGR a lot so it might be up within a year ROFL Also, dh is no romantic so we don''t much celebrate Valentine''s. I forgot all about it even though I''m class mom organizing my daughters party next Tuesday :)
Uh, what''s MGR? I try to keep up on these things, but sometimes I''m a little slow.
dl...The "buy sell trade" board at is often referred to as the "merry-go-round" or MGR for short. It''s called that because items tend to appear off and on the board over and over again.
haha Patty, work it girl!!
so when do we see the finished pictures?
woooooooooo, i am so happy for you :) I hope you get it early Are you setting it in your yellow set ????

Patty it''s lovely and I bet Marriah is happy it has gone to a good home. To get Hubby to break down, waft around with a dreamy look on your face, keep smiling at nothing in particular, keep getting the diamond out and sigh wistfully as you gaze at it longingly and then he might say well as we have got it you might as well have it!

Worth a try
Date: 2/11/2006 10:11:34 AM
Author: Patty

Date: 2/11/2006 7:44:05 AM
Author: diamondlil

Date: 2/11/2006 7:05:03 AM
Author: marriahlyn
Lumpkin, you''ll see the ring back on another famous person LOL. This time with a 1.5ct Asha. This person likes to sell on the MGR a lot so it might be up within a year ROFL Also, dh is no romantic so we don''t much celebrate Valentine''s. I forgot all about it even though I''m class mom organizing my daughters party next Tuesday :)
Uh, what''s MGR? I try to keep up on these things, but sometimes I''m a little slow.
dl...The ''buy sell trade'' board at is often referred to as the ''merry-go-round'' or MGR for short. It''s called that because items tend to appear off and on the board over and over again.
Oh, thanks for clearing that up, Patty. I''ll have to keep my eye on that "Merry-go-round" for good deals. I see there is another "DiamondLil" over there, but it''s not me -- heehee.
Oh Patty! I''m so glad the Nice, Mean man is giving in.

Love that stone- it''s huge.
Oh, Patty, it''ll look wonderful in the Solstice setting! 1.5 is very large here, too. That was part of my problem. I am trying to overcome it, though. ;-)
Thank you all for your comments.

Yes, diamondseeker, sometimes it''s nice to live in the land of not-so-huge diamonds!

And yeah, Nan, to me it''s huge!

Two diamondlil''s?! Wow!

Loreliei, LOL on the dreamy look on my face.

Woo, I''m going to put it in the Solstice for now and play with it until it goes into my yellow set in 16 months.

Mara, I''ll post pics when I get it done...I hope within the next week or two.
I got a few more shots of it today...
Last one...for now.
OMG that last shot is just incredible Patty. I am blinded by all the bling!!
Date: 2/11/2006 2:39:48 PM
Author: kaleigh
OMG that last shot is just incredible Patty. I am blinded by all the bling!!
Thank you Lisa!
Wow Patty- love those last few shots.

What''s the size of the stone with the sapphires?
Date: 2/11/2006 3:41:30 PM
Author: sevens one
Wow Patty- love those last few shots.

What''s the size of the stone with the sapphires?

i love the last shots too and was wondering the same thing about the stone with the sapphires.
Date: 2/11/2006 3:41:30 PM
Author: sevens one
Wow Patty- love those last few shots.

What''s the size of the stone with the sapphires?
Thanks Nan. I think I finally got the lighting right, lol.

The diamond in my three stone with the sapphires is 1.35 carats. It''s 7.17 x 7.21 mms.

The new stone is 1.48 carats and measures 7.43 x 7.48 mms.

So when I put the new stone in my wedding ring, that center stone will be slightly bigger than my 3-stone ring''s center. I don''t know why but I like that.
Just one more...:)
Your pictures are wonderful - you like the biggest in your wedding ring because that''s the way its supposed to be! HA!

You''ve done good work for yourself - your hubby will finally give in and let you set it in your wedding ring. (He probably hates to start that because then you''ll want to have the old stone set in a pendant, and so on, and so on. . . it never ends!)

beautiful stone !!!
it would look so beautiful in your e-ring setting "RIGHT NOW"
Date: 2/10/2006 10:14:52 PM
Author: Patty

LOL. You all are cracking me up here. Thank you for your comments DF, mara, FireGoddess, slammie, Rascal, MissGotRocks, hlmr, monarch, mrssalvo, and diamondseeker !

Slammie, spill the beans. What are you getting for your new ring?!

hlmr, you have a good memory! I remember when this stone appeared thinking, 'I can't believe I just bought a diamond for my wedding ring!' Of course, it was much more expensive than the one I had just bought. But thank you for saying it was meant to be mine. I'd like to think that!

Mara, I'm not only a secretive deal-loving whore...I'm also a secretive size-loving whore! And for me, this is HUGE! Oh, and I bought it from marriahlyn, not from Barry. I'm glad that you think it will look fine in my wedding ring. My concern is that the sides of the diamond will hide the closest side stones. That is how my mom's ring is that I had re-made and it bothers me some.

Yes, diamondseeker, it is somewhat similar to the stone that you had from Wink only it's smaller. But it is one of those 'not quite' stones, lol. And I can't wait to see you get a three stone with sapphires too! The BTD board is It specializes in Asha CZs but they have a 'buy sell trade' board where people buy sell and trade things. Be careful if you go's dangerous to your wallet. Here is the link:

mrsalvo, be strong waiting! Any idea of when your upgade will be?

DF, getting this baby set is not an issue of money. It's the principal of me not needing or deserving another diamond right now. I mean, of COURSE I deserve it, but there is no reason for me to have a new diamond. I wish all men felt the same way about diamonds that you do.

I'd be happy just to set it in my Stuller Solstice that currently holds a CZ and then I could just look at it and play with it until my 50th birthday. But today my husband jokingly asked me on the phone, 'So did you put it in the lock box yet?'

Do you all remember when I got the .95 for my wedding ring? That was in August and it had to be my Christmas present. Well, I got it set in October and then hubby let me start wearing it shortly after that.
Somehow I don't think that will happen this time, though. But shoot, when I turn 49 this summer I will be officially BEGINNING my 50th year, right?

Yes Patty - I've got a great memory - for diamonds that is! lol

Glad to hear your DH is relenting!

I think it will look even more proportionate with your setting. Congratulations on a beautiful stone!
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