
My new OEC earrings in custom settings


Oct 20, 2007
I've never done a Show Me The Bling thread before! I've read several and aspire to have the set up that T-Gal and others do in their thread. So here goes!

These earrings have been a long time in the making for me. I put together a pair of OEC earrings in martini prongs 6 years ago and ever since I've wanted a larger pair. Earrings are just my thing. I bought my first OEC for this project in July 2011 and have been carefully collecting since then from ebay and a couple of pawn shops. It's a process that has involved a few returns and a couple of changes in what type of stones I was looking for.

After I'd collected a few stones and received some great advice from Dreamer. I ended up purchasing and returning one that she recommended but the advice and the input was priceless. So after collecting a few, and returning even more, I sent them to Images. I picked Images because of an excellent experience I had with them several years ago with repairing a vintage ring I own. Since then they've done a few repairs or small projects for me and I've always been pleased with their communication and speed. I didn't shop around for vendors. I'm not a quick decision maker and didn't want to bother jewelers since I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted.

I'm very comfortable with martini prongs so I originally had the idea that I'd have them set in 6 or 8 prong martini settings. The jeweler did a little CAD of them and I just never got around to confirming. I eventually realised that I didn't actually like them for me and couldn't see them as my long-term earrings. Dreamer and T-Gal both posted rings and I realised that I wanted that style, except as earrings rather than rings.

Inspiration photos are from Antique Engagement Rings, Single Stone, T-Gal's 3 stone ring, and a ring that Dreamer posted.




From these photos and a bit more information on what I liked and didn't like, this was the first design. I requested that the sides be open more and that the prongs be split at the bottom with the design going up into the prong. From those changes I ended up with the second design.


I ended up with some really pretty pictures of the wax and some pretty glamour shots.



And finally my photos!

The diamonds are about 5.9 - 6.0 mm and each weight 0.80 - 0.82 I think. The appraisal was done by Images after they were set and I wish I had the weight information from before they were set. That's really the only thing I regret. They are about K - L colour and VVS2 clarity. In natural daylight outside they have a yellow hint. Inside in overhead light and at dusk they look very white.

I love the settings! They are a bit higher than what I think I would have liked, but they are comfortable and I don't notice them. I especially like the prongs. While they aren't as delicate as I'd originally requested, they are very protective and have a slight buttercup shape to them which is just beautiful!

I think that's it! Thank you for reading.


Wow! Rhea those are gorgeous earrings! :love: that is such beautiful detail in the gallery and I love the "buttercup" prongs! Beautiful!
:appl: :love: :appl:
Enerchi - thank you! My post tapered out a bit. There was so much build-up and then they were just here and my ears. I feels odd that all there was so much planning and thinking and obsessing over details and then it's just done. My photos aren't that great. I'm hoping to take better photos later and add them to this thread.
Lol!! The details and planning are what all the fun/trouble is about! Actually receiving the item is almost anticlimactic! I'm all about the anticipation and the hunt!!

But they are BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE that setting! it is just so perfect for those stones - awesome attention to the little details that you and your jeweller put into them - they are perfect!!

I liked your review!! don't think otherwise - its great to have a lot of history! (at least I sure love background info... but then, I'm not known for my brevity so... go figure ;)) :lol: )
They are absolutely gorgeous!!!! :love:
Beautiful design and stunning stones! Congratulations on your creation :appl: :appl: very well done!
gorgeous earrings!!! only at PS would you find such detail and planning going into the setting for earrings, but they are totally worth it! wear them in good health ::)
Great earrings! Any ear shots?
stunning!!! can we get some closeup shots of the faceting patterns? yummm!!
Absolutely stunning, Rhea! The settings are so exquisite.
Gorgeous. I love the settings.
these earrings are so beautiful! love the backgound story, the stone hunt (your patience!), and the design progression. can't wait to see more pictures! hope you love them and wear them in good health...
Those came out lovely! And I love the detail in your first SMTB post ;)) . Where are the ear shots? :naughty:
They are gorgeous!! I love the swoopy buttercup prongs!
ear shots, those are stunning!! :love:
Gorgeous, love those!
Oh, they are lovely!! We definitely need ear shots please!
As compared to the wax earring the diamond earring are looking more pretty. But if we will tell about the uniqueness then the wax earrings are the unique one.
LOVE them! Beautiful in every way.

Ohh, well done! :appl:

Gorgeous - would love ear shots! :) So pretty!
This photo taking thing is very hard! I took about 40 just to get the 2 I posted earlier. I think I have a good ear shot.

Mara, I'll work on getting some photos of the faceting.

T Gal, I'm glad I have your stamp of approval! Your 3 stone and your style in show me are inspirational!

Great earlobe coverage!! And they look like they sit flush, not droop, so thats awesome! Great design, Rhea, they really look amazing in the photos AND on your ears! enjoy :appl:
They are gorgeous Rhea! And they give you great coverage without the droop! I love them, you did a fantastic job with the design! ....and your first SMTB thread!
Rhea, the coverage is awesome! They look so beautiful on your ears!

One quick off-topic question: do you have a front view picture of that Antique Engagement Rings inspiration ring in your first post? That is such a pretty ring, and I couldn't find it on their website. Thanks!
Kim - I didn't save any other photos of that ring. I was mostly looking at rings with 3/4 to 1 carat stones, but I don't see it there now.
What a beautiful pair of earrings! They are TDF :lickout: