
My new rings from BGD!

I can empathize for sure! I took my little netbook with me out of town the last couple of days and I realized how much I missed my laptop! My son-in-law has an Ipad and I just can't deal with a touch keyboard either. But he does have the Ipod keyboard that has a little slot to stand the tablet. But if I had to have all that, I may as well stick with a small laptop for travel! I used to have a 12" laptop, and that was a great one to take places. I would be lost without my laptop. I hope you can get your new one soon!
Wow...your ring is so supper beautiful and elegant indeed! and on this thread my guessing was right the way I imagine DS :wink2: Since the first day I join this place and all I have seen how helpful and kindness DS is and I always thought...hmm...she might be same my mom age and bam!!she is ...even the picture of her hand can tell she is sweet and kind lady....sorry for thread jack just a secret admire LOL...Thank you DS for such a informative and helping us around. Luckky (with 2 K :)
MissGotRocks|1326060435|3098093 said:
Owies Nana|1326057592|3098077 said:
diamondseeker2006|1326055263|3098052 said:
Owies Nana|1326049798|3098003 said:
Blueiris, thanks for the info about your hubby's iPad with the attachment that he uses to type. Mine is an HP that DH got on closeout, but I am not liking it. I am just going to go with another laptop; more money for diamonds that way! :naughty:

How funny is it that you, DS and I are all brunettes, and are all married 30+ years (32 for us in May)! Thanks so much for your kind comments about my stone. It was an amazing find. When I called Yekutiel and asked him if he could source it for me, he told me that he wasn't sure about what it would look like, but when he got it and looked it over, he was very pleased with my (by the cert specs only) inspection. Thanks to the info posted here, I was able to make an heirloom quality choice sight unseen with visual confirmation by a reputable vendor. :appl:

When I get my new laptop and can post pictures, I think I will start a thread asking people to post anniversary stories with pictures of their anniversary upgrades. Of course, I am lucky to have not upgraded mine: I was given additions to my collection so I can show all...and tell the story of our relationship with a walk through my jewelry box! It's just too bad that there were no such thing as "push presents" back when I had my kids. ;(

I will just have to make up for it when more grandchildren are born. :lol:

I cannot believe you said that! I JUST said that to a vendor in an email that I wanted to start a new trend of getting a jewelry item in honor of each grandchild!

I have my original diamond, also. My husband was happy for me to get a new set for an anniversary, but he thought I should keep the original set as it was.

DS, I have my original also. The diamond is soooooooo tiny, but it still fits (size 6). I was able to find a fabulous 11+gms platinum art deco eternity band (1.5 ct single cut) when my grandson was born three years ago. I had the thought that he might like to use it as a wedding band for his bride when he gets married. It recently appraised at 10x what I paid for it. How's that for planning ahead!

I would love to shop diamonds in NYC with you, DS, even if it is just to "window shop". I just have to take the train up from Baltimore. The earlier we plan it, the cheaper our tickets will be. :appl: We will have to create a thread to chronicle our adventure!

Uh-oh, I'm very close to Baltimore too! Wouldn't that be a hoot? I think once you reach NYC you have to take another mode of transport to Long Island where GOG is located. Could be a fun trip!

MGR, plan to come along!
Thanks Owies - it would be a fun excursion for sure! I'll wait to see what the plans look like as they are firmed up and see what I can do!
Marquiseluv|1325905587|3097025 said:
Lovely rings! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I like the 5 stone with 5 kids too!

Marquiseluv, somehow I missed seeing your post. Thank you for the compliments! :)
diamondseeker2006|1326074245|3098245 said:
Oh, a group trip would be the MOST fun!!! Can you get to NYC, blueiris??? The only bad thing is that I would need to go soon to look at this diamond he picked up for me to look at, but if he says he doesn't like it Tuesday perhaps we can plan a trip! Ideally what I'd like to do is to come into NYC on a Thursday, go to a show that night, do 47th St. on Friday and then go out to Long Island (which I have zero idea how to do!). I would need to spend Friday night near Good Old Gold so that I could have all day Saturday there, if needed to make a decision on something. So those that wanted to come for the day Friday could go both places and go on back if they wanted, or maybe someone would come Thursday and go to a show with me!

Blue Iris, GOG carries at least one of MM's settings, too, so you could try that on, and Owies Nana could try on settings at IDJ and GOG, too!

I'd love to see Good Old Gold and meet Jon, and meet Yekutiel and see ID Jewelry, too! Not to mention go to a show and out to a great restaurant. But alas, I'll have to live vicariously through you three, and I will expect a full report and many photos of gorgeous jewelry and diamonds!

If Jon does like the diamond and now isn't a convenient time for a trip to Long Island, can he send the diamond to you?
luckky|1326084317|3098325 said:
Wow...your ring is so supper beautiful and elegant indeed! and on this thread my guessing was right the way I imagine DS :wink2: Since the first day I join this place and all I have seen how helpful and kindness DS is and I always thought...hmm...she might be same my mom age and bam!!she is ...even the picture of her hand can tell she is sweet and kind lady....sorry for thread jack just a secret admire LOL...Thank you DS for such a informative and helping us around. Luckky (with 2 K :)

lukky (with two 'k's) :D , thank you for the kind compliment on my ring!

And I agree, DS is super helpful and nice, and somehow she manages to remember everyone's rings and projects!
How lovely!
Sounds like a fun trip!! I'll be watching for the pics - blueiris it's too bad you won't be able to make it!

I'm also watching for TG's response to your questions - her set is lovely, and I'm wondering why she chose the Flame as well :love:

I had to go back over MGR's anniversary thread and now I've got channel bands on the brain 8) I'm wondering if there's any way for you to see specimens of both in-person without going onsite to MM? Does he have any stock settings that you could have shipped out to play with for a day or two, or maybe replicas? I ask because it sounds like you're quite particular about how the details will translate IRL on your finger, and there's nothing quite like seeing it in-person!

On the heights/depths of adjacent bands - one thing I sometimes do is order bands that are slightly too high off the finger maybe 1/4 size smaller, and order bands that are a bit too shallow a tiny bit bigger - I especially like doing the second because it helps reduce the tightness of wearing multiple bands, and I prefer a looser feel. But playing with the size a bit does allow for a little bit of give in actual band depth :))
Thank you for the kind words, Tuckins1! :)

Yssie|1326129316|3098515 said:
Sounds like a fun trip!! I'll be watching for the pics - blueiris it's too bad you won't be able to make it!

I'm also watching for TG's response to your questions - her set is lovely, and I'm wondering why she chose the Flame as well :love:

I had to go back over MGR's anniversary thread and now I've got channel bands on the brain 8) I'm wondering if there's any way for you to see specimens of both in-person without going onsite to MM? Does he have any stock settings that you could have shipped out to play with for a day or two, or maybe replicas? I ask because it sounds like you're quite particular about how the details will translate IRL on your finger, and there's nothing quite like seeing it in-person!

On the heights/depths of adjacent bands - one thing I sometimes do is order bands that are slightly too high off the finger maybe 1/4 size smaller, and order bands that are a bit too shallow a tiny bit bigger - I especially like doing the second because it helps reduce the tightness of wearing multiple bands, and I prefer a looser feel. But playing with the size a bit does allow for a little bit of give in actual band depth :))

For some reason I don't think MM has any stock settings but wouldn't it be fun to try on some of his rings?! It's so much more complicated when you can't try things on (as you know very well!) Thank you for the tips on making rings of different depths work together better. I prefer a looser feel too. I just can't stand feeling like my rings are choking my fingers.

I did order the Tiffany shared prong band and should have it by the end of the week, based on previous Tiffany order fulfillment to here. I was so tempted to get the full eternity so I could see if the stones poked my fingers but it was so much more expensive and would just mean more insurance when I send it back. And then after I competed that order, I thought to myself that maybe I'm just being ridiculous and I should just stay with the Grace setting and plain wedding band, and be happy. I think the angst of trying to figure out what I want and the worry that it won't be what I want after all the hassles are getting to me!
blueiris|1326134739|3098578 said:
Thank you for the kind words, Tuckins1! :)

Yssie|1326129316|3098515 said:
Sounds like a fun trip!! I'll be watching for the pics - blueiris it's too bad you won't be able to make it!

I'm also watching for TG's response to your questions - her set is lovely, and I'm wondering why she chose the Flame as well :love:

I had to go back over MGR's anniversary thread and now I've got channel bands on the brain 8) I'm wondering if there's any way for you to see specimens of both in-person without going onsite to MM? Does he have any stock settings that you could have shipped out to play with for a day or two, or maybe replicas? I ask because it sounds like you're quite particular about how the details will translate IRL on your finger, and there's nothing quite like seeing it in-person!

On the heights/depths of adjacent bands - one thing I sometimes do is order bands that are slightly too high off the finger maybe 1/4 size smaller, and order bands that are a bit too shallow a tiny bit bigger - I especially like doing the second because it helps reduce the tightness of wearing multiple bands, and I prefer a looser feel. But playing with the size a bit does allow for a little bit of give in actual band depth :))

For some reason I don't think MM has any stock settings but wouldn't it be fun to try on some of his rings?! It's so much more complicated when you can't try things on (as you know very well!) Thank you for the tips on making rings of different depths work together better. I prefer a looser feel too. I just can't stand feeling like my rings are choking my fingers.

I did order the Tiffany shared prong band and should have it by the end of the week, based on previous Tiffany order fulfillment to here. I was so tempted to get the full eternity so I could see if the stones poked my fingers but it was so much more expensive and would just mean more insurance when I send it back. And then after I competed that order, I thought to myself that maybe I'm just being ridiculous and I should just stay with the Grace setting and plain wedding band, and be happy. I think the angst of trying to figure out what I want and the worry that it won't be what I want after all the hassles are getting to me!

Oh blue, believe me, I know exactly what you mean! I definitely think you're going about it the right way for reducing that risk as much as possible though - taking your time to decide, choosing an existing setting and eliminating the uncertainty of custom work...

Truly, between your two MM choices and keeping the existing set, you can't really go wrong!!
luckky|1326084317|3098325 said:
Wow...your ring is so supper beautiful and elegant indeed! and on this thread my guessing was right the way I imagine DS :wink2: Since the first day I join this place and all I have seen how helpful and kindness DS is and I always thought...hmm...she might be same my mom age and bam!!she is ...even the picture of her hand can tell she is sweet and kind lady....sorry for thread jack just a secret admire LOL...Thank you DS for such a informative and helping us around. Luckky (with 2 K :)

My goodness, how very sweet of you! I am so happy if I have been of help! Thank you for your kind words!
blueiris|1326119818|3098447 said:
diamondseeker2006|1326074245|3098245 said:
Oh, a group trip would be the MOST fun!!! Can you get to NYC, blueiris??? The only bad thing is that I would need to go soon to look at this diamond he picked up for me to look at, but if he says he doesn't like it Tuesday perhaps we can plan a trip! Ideally what I'd like to do is to come into NYC on a Thursday, go to a show that night, do 47th St. on Friday and then go out to Long Island (which I have zero idea how to do!). I would need to spend Friday night near Good Old Gold so that I could have all day Saturday there, if needed to make a decision on something. So those that wanted to come for the day Friday could go both places and go on back if they wanted, or maybe someone would come Thursday and go to a show with me!

Blue Iris, GOG carries at least one of MM's settings, too, so you could try that on, and Owies Nana could try on settings at IDJ and GOG, too!

I'd love to see Good Old Gold and meet Jon, and meet Yekutiel and see ID Jewelry, too! Not to mention go to a show and out to a great restaurant. But alas, I'll have to live vicariously through you three, and I will expect a full report and many photos of gorgeous jewelry and diamonds!

If Jon does like the diamond and now isn't a convenient time for a trip to Long Island, can he send the diamond to you?

Yes, I am sure he could send it to me. I just feel like he has so many kinds of diamonds that I could never see here, so it is sort of a shame not to at least look at others before making what I hope is my final choice! But knowing myself, a classic round solitaire is what I would choose anyway. So really, the trip to NYC could be anytime!
Yssie|1326129316|3098515 said:
Sounds like a fun trip!! I'll be watching for the pics - blueiris it's too bad you won't be able to make it!

I'm also watching for TG's response to your questions - her set is lovely, and I'm wondering why she chose the Flame as well :love:

I had to go back over MGR's anniversary thread and now I've got channel bands on the brain 8) I'm wondering if there's any way for you to see specimens of both in-person without going onsite to MM? Does he have any stock settings that you could have shipped out to play with for a day or two, or maybe replicas? I ask because it sounds like you're quite particular about how the details will translate IRL on your finger, and there's nothing quite like seeing it in-person!

On the heights/depths of adjacent bands - one thing I sometimes do is order bands that are slightly too high off the finger maybe 1/4 size smaller, and order bands that are a bit too shallow a tiny bit bigger - I especially like doing the second because it helps reduce the tightness of wearing multiple bands, and I prefer a looser feel. But playing with the size a bit does allow for a little bit of give in actual band depth :))

Yssie! I did this TODAY! I went with janetjoan to help her decide on a diamond for her setting and then we went to Tiffany's. I wanted to try on their 2mm platinum milgrain band. It is so beautiful! I tried it on next to my Legacy band as well as the Tiffany e-ring, and I found that my normal size (5.5) was not as thick as the other two rings, so it didn't look right. So I asked to try on a size 6 and it came to the exact right height for the other rings! Even the sales associate agreed that it was the best choice! I wanted it to wear with my 5 stone band and sometimes I may stack it with my Legacy band with or without the e-ring.
diamondseeker2006|1326148568|3098812 said:
Yes, I am sure he could send it to me. I just feel like he has so many kinds of diamonds that I could never see here, so it is sort of a shame not to at least look at others before making what I hope is my final choice! But knowing myself, a classic round solitaire is what I would choose anyway. So really, the trip to NYC could be anytime!

Oh, I totally agree! I just thought if there was a time limit on how long he has the diamond and you can't make it up there, maybe he would send it to you.

I'd love to see photos of your new milgrain band with your five-stone and with your Legacy band - congratulations!! :D
Yssie|1326137012|3098603 said:
Oh blue, believe me, I know exactly what you mean! I definitely think you're going about it the right way for reducing that risk as much as possible though - taking your time to decide, choosing an existing setting and eliminating the uncertainty of custom work...

Truly, between your two MM choices and keeping the existing set, you can't really go wrong!!

I hope you're right, Yssie! I don't know if I'd ever be brave enough to go through the custom process again. My two experiences with that weren't great. Of course, the internet wasn't around then so I was limited to local jewelers. But even going with something stock (or a slight variation of stock), it's nerve-wracking for me. All these changes do add up, monetarily.

The Grace setting is nice enough, for certain, but it doesn't make me go "Ohhhh, I love this" every time I see it. I guess that's okay though, if it comes down to that. In my mind, that's better than making an expensive change and then not loving it. I'm half tempted to play it really, really safe and go with the Vatche that Bliss got and that DS is going to get. I doubt it would make me go "Ohhhh, I love this" but it would be safe - and I am pretty sure I'd prefer the six prongs over the four of the Grace, so that would be an improvement. I love the eight prongs on your ring, by the way - so pretty!
Blueiris, I tried one some Tiffany solitaires today, thanks to a very nice sales person! I do think you are right that you wouldn't go WOW at that setting. But it is such a classic and can go with so many different bands. I do have one quick picture of the band on Hangout on this thread:


I was afraid to ask to take pictures inside Tiffany's! I tried on a 1.51 and a 1.59 and they looked similar in size to my 1.63. I also tried on a 1.25 and it was way too small. They didn't have any diamonds in between, so I really don't know what my lower limit is. She also said that they do not carry 5 stone rings, so I couldn't try those on to see if I could go larger than my current one.

I can't wait to see what you think about the Tiffany band. You know, you could always just use the rings you have an add a diamond band to the set!
DS, I saw the milgrain band in the Hangout forum - it looks very pretty with your five stone band! I know what you mean about taking pictures in Tiff's - it almost seems like they wouldn't want you to but they never really say that. In trying on the different sized diamonds, were they different colors than your current stone? Just wondered if you saw a big color difference. I just love going there - no matter the cost, no matter any of that - I just find the whole store mesmerizing!
diamondseeker2006|1326161177|3098994 said:
Blueiris, I tried one some Tiffany solitaires today, thanks to a very nice sales person! I do think you are right that you wouldn't go WOW at that setting. But it is such a classic and can go with so many different bands. I do have one quick picture of the band on Hangout on this thread:


I was afraid to ask to take pictures inside Tiffany's! I tried on a 1.51 and a 1.59 and they looked similar in size to my 1.63. I also tried on a 1.25 and it was way too small. They didn't have any diamonds in between, so I really don't know what my lower limit is. She also said that they do not carry 5 stone rings, so I couldn't try those on to see if I could go larger than my current one.

I can't wait to see what you think about the Tiffany band. You know, you could always just use the rings you have an add a diamond band to the set!

That might not be a bad idea!
diamondseeker2006|1326161177|3098994 said:
Blueiris, I tried one some Tiffany solitaires today, thanks to a very nice sales person! I do think you are right that you wouldn't go WOW at that setting. But it is such a classic and can go with so many different bands. I do have one quick picture of the band on Hangout on this thread:


I was afraid to ask to take pictures inside Tiffany's! I tried on a 1.51 and a 1.59 and they looked similar in size to my 1.63. I also tried on a 1.25 and it was way too small. They didn't have any diamonds in between, so I really don't know what my lower limit is. She also said that they do not carry 5 stone rings, so I couldn't try those on to see if I could go larger than my current one.

I can't wait to see what you think about the Tiffany band. You know, you could always just use the rings you have an add a diamond band to the set!

I would love to try on a real Tiffany solitaire, you lucky woman! Every time I go to the Tiffany web site these last few days, I've seen one of their solitaires there and it's just stunning. And how helpful that you were able to try on different sizes and now know, for certain, that you don't want to go to 1.25 or thereabouts. And you also know that going to 1.5 or so isn't going to change much visually, so that too is valuable information. I'm really excited to hear about the diamond Jon is getting for you - tomorrow is almost here!

If you do end up going to NYC, you'll be able to try on lots of five-stone bands as well, so that will be good!

I hope I didn't come across as insensitive and thoughtless with my comment about playing it "safe" with the Vatche. I didn't mean (and I don't think) that it's not a beautiful setting; it most definitely is! I was looking at it again today, comparing it to MM's, and wondering if I would be just as happy with it. There is something just gorgeous about MM's rings, but ... I admit to some fear that I can't even really articulate. The best I can do is say that I fear I'll make this change and then regret it for some reason. I had the same thought as you did, that the Vatche is such a classic and can work with any band, so my worries about a shared prong band vanish. If in the future I decide I want to wear various bands (besides a plain platinum one and a diamond band), I would be able to. It just feels like a safer choice. I need to think about this some more, but tell me, when you have yours reset (your current diamond or another), will you be using GOG? I have no idea where I would send my diamond to get the Vatche, if I decide on that, and I would appreciate recommendations.

I too have thought about just getting a diamond band to wear with the Grace, but while the Grace is a classic look, which is nice, I am more attracted to six prong settings than I was 1.5 years ago, and I have started to prefer settings without a bar across the diamond. But I do keep thinking if it's all going to be worth it, to make a change to MM or Vatche. Will it be different enough that I'll be glad I did it? I wish I knew.

I looked at the photos of your new band and really like it with your five-stone! I am sure it looks great with your Legacy and with your e-ring, too. It's a band I've admired on the Tiffany site. The milgrain looks so lovely on it. I do wish we had a Tiffany store here, just so I could experience it more often (woe to my bank account, though).

I'll be waiting to hear about the diamond from Jon tomorrow!
blueiris|1326163104|3099026 said:
diamondseeker2006|1326161177|3098994 said:
Blueiris, I tried one some Tiffany solitaires today, thanks to a very nice sales person! I do think you are right that you wouldn't go WOW at that setting. But it is such a classic and can go with so many different bands. I do have one quick picture of the band on Hangout on this thread:


I was afraid to ask to take pictures inside Tiffany's! I tried on a 1.51 and a 1.59 and they looked similar in size to my 1.63. I also tried on a 1.25 and it was way too small. They didn't have any diamonds in between, so I really don't know what my lower limit is. She also said that they do not carry 5 stone rings, so I couldn't try those on to see if I could go larger than my current one.

I can't wait to see what you think about the Tiffany band. You know, you could always just use the rings you have an add a diamond band to the set!

I would love to try on a real Tiffany solitaire, you lucky woman! Every time I go to the Tiffany web site these last few days, I've seen one of their solitaires there and it's just stunning. And how helpful that you were able to try on different sizes and now know, for certain, that you don't want to go to 1.25 or thereabouts. And you also know that going to 1.5 or so isn't going to change much visually, so that too is valuable information. I'm really excited to hear about the diamond Jon is getting for you - tomorrow is almost here!

If you do end up going to NYC, you'll be able to try on lots of five-stone bands as well, so that will be good!

I hope I didn't come across as insensitive and thoughtless with my comment about playing it "safe" with the Vatche. I didn't mean (and I don't think) that it's not a beautiful setting; it most definitely is! I was looking at it again today, comparing it to MM's, and wondering if I would be just as happy with it. There is something just gorgeous about MM's rings, but ... I admit to some fear that I can't even really articulate. The best I can do is say that I fear I'll make this change and then regret it for some reason. I had the same thought as you did, that the Vatche is such a classic and can work with any band, so my worries about a shared prong band vanish. If in the future I decide I want to wear various bands (besides a plain platinum one and a diamond band), I would be able to. It just feels like a safer choice. I need to think about this some more, but tell me, when you have yours reset (your current diamond or another), will you be using GOG? I have no idea where I would send my diamond to get the Vatche, if I decide on that, and I would appreciate recommendations.
I too have thought about just getting a diamond band to wear with the Grace, but while the Grace is a classic look, which is nice, I am more attracted to six prong settings than I was 1.5 years ago, and I have started to prefer settings without a bar across the diamond. But I do keep thinking if it's all going to be worth it, to make a change to MM or Vatche. Will it be different enough that I'll be glad I did it? I wish I knew.

I looked at the photos of your new band and really like it with your five-stone! I am sure it looks great with your Legacy and with your e-ring, too. It's a band I've admired on the Tiffany site. The milgrain looks so lovely on it. I do wish we had a Tiffany store here, just so I could experience it more often (woe to my bank account, though).

I'll be waiting to hear about the diamond from Jon tomorrow!

If I decide to set my stone with the Vatche setting, I will be sourcing it through Yekutiel at ID Jewelery in NYC. He offered a great price, and since I bought the stone from him, I am sure he will set it as well.
Deleted double post...sorry!
MGR...Tiffany's is the hardest place in the world to see color, I think! I tried on an H and an I (the ones over 1.5) and really couldn't see any difference. I don't even know the color of the smaller one. It's the lights they use. Everything is sparkly but it doesn't allow you to see color. But I do love going there! And today we just had the most charming sales person whose mother collected Tiffany jewelry (some of which she was wearing :love: ) and she sincerely enjoyed showing us the pieces we looked at! I am sure we would have stayed another hour had we both had more time!

BlueIris...Oh, no, I totally got what you meant about the Vatche solitaire! It was very valuable for me to try on the real Tiffany rings today. They were beautiful because the diamonds were beautiful, and I guess I appreciate the history of that classic setting which was really the first solitaire setting of that kind. I probably would not get one, however, if I did not plan to have Tiffany bands and Tiffany repro bands to wear with it. There are many other settings I like, but I know that I don't want the upkeep of pave and I honestly don't think that would look as good with my jeans! :lol: The real Tiffany solitaire settings were definitely not super thin (and wider than your Grace). They had a very solid feel to them. So those wanting a super thin setting probably would not like them.

To answer your question about the setting if I get the Vatche, I would have GOG do it since they have my current diamond or whatever I might change to. Same reason ON is going with IDJ. So you could go local if you wanted or choose one of the PS vendors.

You might could ask GOG if they would send you a MM setting to look at and you send back the next day or something. They probably don't have the exact one you want, but it might be able to try on one so that you could work off that one to tell them what you want. I am pretty sure the MM settings cost the same through GOG, but you can ask to be sure.
Owies Nana...not sure if you meant that literally about Yekutiel setting your stone, but the stone should be sent to Vatche and they set it.
diamondseeker2006|1326166208|3099088 said:
MGR...Tiffany's is the hardest place in the world to see color, I think! I tried on an H and an I (the ones over 1.5) and really couldn't see any difference. I don't even know the color of the smaller one. It's the lights they use. Everything is sparkly but it doesn't allow you to see color. But I do love going there! And today we just had the most charming sales person whose mother collected Tiffany jewelry (some of which she was wearing :love: ) and she sincerely enjoyed showing us the pieces we looked at! I am sure we would have stayed another hour had we both had more time!

BlueIris...Oh, no, I totally got what you meant about the Vatche solitaire! It was very valuable for me to try on the real Tiffany rings today. They were beautiful because the diamonds were beautiful, and I guess I appreciate the history of that classic setting which was really the first solitaire setting of that kind. I probably would not get one, however, if I did not plan to have Tiffany bands and Tiffany repro bands to wear with it. There are many other settings I like, but I know that I don't want the upkeep of pave and I honestly don't think that would look as good with my jeans! :lol: The real Tiffany solitaire settings were definitely not super thin (and wider than your Grace). They had a very solid feel to them. So those wanting a super thin setting probably would not like them.

To answer your question about the setting if I get the Vatche, I would have GOG do it since they have my current diamond or whatever I might change to. Same reason ON is going with IDJ. So you could go local if you wanted or choose one of the PS vendors.

You might could ask GOG if they would send you a MM setting to look at and you send back the next day or something. They probably don't have the exact one you want, but it might be able to try on one so that you could work off that one to tell them what you want. I am pretty sure the MM settings cost the same through GOG, but you can ask to be sure.

Yes, I know what you mean about the lights. On one trip, a friend of mine went with me that is not at all into diamonds. I took a ring over by the window to look at in the daylight. She wanted to know what I was doing and I told her that I was trying to compare color and sparkle with my own stone. I explained that the diamonds are not graded for color face up so it was hard to know the difference for sure. She looked at me so blank and said well, you don't wear them upside down so wouldn't this actually be a better comparison? I had to laugh but she did have a point. It's that face up position that you're going to see them in all the time. I'm always happy that my stone matches their sparkle and the colors seem at least in the ballpark. I know their cuts are not always ideal but they really don't have any ugly stones IMO. So glad that you had a good day and a helpful salesperson - makes it so much more enjoyable. I always feel like I see or learn something everytime I'm there - even though no one knows exactly what I'm looking for except me!
DS, thank you for your comments. I don't want pave either, and I don't want to wreck prongs/basket with a shared prong band - but I do want a diamond band as an alternate band. And perhaps down the road I might find another band I'd like too, so I don't want to be limited. I love the Tiffany and Tiffany-look solitaires. It is such a classic look and I think it always looks right. It would be a good choice for me in terms of that and also keeping my options open for other bands.

If I do decide to go with the Vatche, we don't have any jewelers anywhere near us who carry it (I was surprised when I looked at the map on their site - not even one in Chicago, which isn't where I live but is one of the closest big cities). I did see that Whiteflash carries it, as well as ID and GOG. So there are some good options, and all involve sending my stone but I was planning to do that anyway, with MM.

I read over Bliss's thread on her Vatche and she got the knife edge shank. Are you choosing that, or rounded? I realize that you didn't have the Tiffany rings on for very long, but did you find the knife edge uncomfortable when you tried them on? I like the way it looks but I wonder about comfort.

Though I'd really love to see one or more of MM's rings before ordering, I'm hesitant to ask GOG if that's possible. The reason is that I know it would be easier to work directly with Mark on changes to his designs, rather than working through GOG who then communicates with Mark. Once I see the 3mm shared prong from Tiffany I might have a better idea if that's the diamond band look I want, and if so, then I think my next step will be to tell Mark that I want a diamond band that has .08-ish stones, shared prong, and ask if he can modify the Flame or EPT to work with that. Email doesn't seem to be the best way to reach him (he takes a long time to respond) and yet I feel bad taking his time via phone when I have so many questions. He was very nice when I spoke with him but I feel like I'm bothering him to keep calling, so I'm trying to do as much "figuring this out" as I can before calling again.

It's stone arrival day at GOG! I'll be watching for an update! :)
Blue Iris...I was typing while you were posting so my post was written before I saw your questions. Ironically I answered some of them without seeing the questions!

MGR...yes, we are not the typical customers, I am sure! In fact, at the first store we visited yesterday when looking at diamonds for janetjoan, the sales girl looked at me and asked if I wanted a job! :lol: I told her that if I didn't live 45 minutes away, I would probably be applying! But I agree with you that Tiffany has very nice diamonds. We almost know too much because sometimes I think we may reject stones that would really be nice because they aren't in that top 3%.

I am still thinking about settings today, too. I am going to be honest here and say that if I was given a real Tiffany e-ring, I would be thrilled. But....and don't throw anything at me ;)) ....I am not sure I would choose a knife edge over a rounded shank if Tiffany didn't make their famous ring. :eek: Vatche also makes the ring with a rounded shank, so it is possible to have it any way you want. I do think the head is beautiful. It is probably not as beautiful as MM's, but Mark needs to get the height of the head up a little for me. I guess I could ask Jonathan about that. I did see a case of Vatche rings at the first jeweler, and they all were beautiful.

The knife edge was not uncomfortable as much as it was just a thicker, higher shank setting that I am used to. I really like a 2mm shank, I think.

I almost feel like getting a $500 Stuller setting and be done with it, or just use the old H Levi setting that I already have. I am not sure there is a perfect solitaire setting. That may be why we are all having such trouble deciding and why I have changed settings a few times!
One more thing, the last I heard, MM required stones to be sent from a jeweler. He is also not the easiest to communicate with if you want a change from what he usually does. I remember trying to talk with him one time because I really hate the heart prongs (I am just too old for that! Plus I don't want the stone covered with large prong tips!) and it was hard getting that across. That is why I was thinking it might be an advantage to having Good Old Gold do that communication! I had just sent MM a couple of emails trying to see if we could work out a few minor changes and he just stopped replying to me! :lol: So I would have to go through GOG if I went that route!
diamondseeker2006|1326208250|3099316 said:
Blue Iris...I was typing while you were posting so my post was written before I saw your questions. Ironically I answered some of them without seeing the questions!

MGR...yes, we are not the typical customers, I am sure! In fact, at the first store we visited yesterday when looking at diamonds for janetjoan, the sales girl looked at me and asked if I wanted a job! :lol: I told her that if I didn't live 45 minutes away, I would probably be applying! But I agree with you that Tiffany has very nice diamonds. We almost know too much because sometimes I think we may reject stones that would really be nice because they aren't in that top 3%.

I am still thinking about settings today, too. I am going to be honest here and say that if I was given a real Tiffany e-ring, I would be thrilled. But....and don't throw anything at me ;)) ....I am not sure I would choose a knife edge over a rounded shank if Tiffany didn't make their famous ring. :eek: Vatche also makes the ring with a rounded shank, so it is possible to have it any way you want. I do think the head is beautiful. It is probably not as beautiful as MM's, but Mark needs to get the height of the head up a little for me. I guess I could ask Jonathan about that. I did see a case of Vatche rings at the first jeweler, and they all were beautiful.

The knife edge was not uncomfortable as much as it was just a thicker, higher shank setting that I am used to. I really like a 2mm shank, I think.

I almost feel like getting a $500 Stuller setting and be done with it, or just use the old H Levi setting that I already have. I am not sure there is a perfect solitaire setting. That may be why we are all having such trouble deciding and why I have changed settings a few times!

This is what I come back to time and time again and I hear DancingFire's words that settings are just 'holders' with the most important part of the ring being the stone! It is hard to pay lots of money for a setting when deep down inside we know we'll never be totally satisfied with it anyhow because there are so many different looks to choose from and it's hard to say forever! When I've tried the Tiffany ring on in the store, I'm struck by how thin the knife edge shank looks but it does make the center stone look bigger. I don't find it terribly uncomfortable but I do wonder about the bands. I've always really liked their plain matching band too so who knows? I can see choosing the rounded shank instead of the knife edge as it's probably easier to pair with bands. It's a dilemma to be sure!
DS, is your H Levi the first setting you had? Do you have a photo of that posted?

Mark has changed his policies about sending stones and now he will accept them directly from customers - but on a case-by-case basis (and only with his approval). Since I purchased my stone from Brian, initially Mark told me that I could take my stone to a local jeweler and have them write a brief note saying it doesn't have any damage to the girdle, cracks, etc. and then send it on to him. That was before I told him about my stone, though! After he heard its specs, he thought it would be best to get it appraised again (since diamond prices have risen since I bought it) and then have the appraiser send it to him. I think he could send it back to me directly but I would be more comfortable having him send it back to the appraiser for a final update on the appraisal (taking into account the MM setting) and then have the appraiser send it back to me. I did talk with the appraiser and my stone has gone up quite a bit in value since August 2010. I'm still adequately covered as far as insurance (I had it over insured by a margin to allow for increasing prices) but I still think I'd be wise to have the appraisal officially updated. I'd likely follow the same procedure if I do decide on the Vatche and send my ring to GOG, ID, or Whiteflash.

Mark developed the Extreme Flame to raise the head up a little to accommodate a band, and he told me he could do the same with the EPT (or PT). I really do love the look of the knife edge shank but have never tried one on ... and have read comments here and there on PS that they can be sharp. I'm sure he could soften it if I chose the Extreme Flame, or omit it altogether (maybe). I like Mark's basket the best of any I've seen and that's why I'm reluctant to just give it all up! I showed my husband the Vatche last night. He likes it fine but he said he likes MM's rings better. He's usually very reluctant to speak up or voice an opinion so I had to force it out of him! He said he felt more comfortable with me asking the advice of my PS friends, since "they know so much more". :D

I'm with you on the heart shaped prongs. I haven't discussed that with Mark yet, but I don't intend to have them.

During all this ruminating and attempts at making a decision, I have been operating on the assumption that a shared prong band definitely works with the Vatche - but I don't know if I ever directly asked that! If it does, what makes the Vatche solitaire (or a Tiffany solitaire) able to be worn with a shared prong band, without damaging the basket/donut/prongs, and without wearing a spacer? I can see it sits a little higher up but wouldn't the girdles of the diamonds still rub against the bottom of the basket?