Just promise that you will wear that pretty to the grocery store and any other regular daily place you might venture to. It is so sad when something so beautiful is left to languish in a safe and only brought out on "special" occasions.
Missy- glad you enjoyed the additional Coco photos!!
DS-thanks!! I saw the "French Bling" manicure on a nail polish blog a few months ago and thought it would be the perfect match for my ring and for the Vegas GTG!!
Orchid Lei- thank you- I can see you love orchids, too. They are such beautiful and exotic flowers!!
Minous-thank you sooooo much for all the very sweet comments!!! I do enjoy photography, and have a nice DSLR and lenses, etc, but I find that I just love my little Leica dlux 4 and tend to just shoot with that!! It takes remarkably nice photos for a little P&S!!
Jumpin_J- yes, that video is awesome of the blossom ring-it is a breathtaking piece!!! Same general idea, but it is sooo much larger than my little baby flower.
NonieMarie- you will be happy to hear that I do plan to wear my ring!! In fact yesterday I had it on at the grocery store, the marine store, and the drug store-lol!!
Sorry, I temporarily forgot how to type words and do math when I saw how awesome this ring is! I have barely regained my typing skills and the math is still iffy
Absolutely stunning pinkjewel!!!! That workmanship is spectacular and the real life photos are even better than I could have imagined. What a special treat to be able to look down on a piece of artwork like that everyday!
Okay your nails match the gorgous creation I am sure your bling fit right in all the jewels in Vegas. What a spectacular ring. one of a kind oh yeah and its pink( I think that's what Jlo said to Ben Aflick when she got her pink ring
thanks so much PriceScopeKayti!! I actually saw it on Facebook this morning!!!! It was a wonderful experience watching it being made every step of the way. I feel very fortunate to have one of Mike's pieces. I doubt I could afford one now that he and his brother are in the "big time"!!