Your ring is just stunning. I love that you let the jeweler have his way... because he was right! I am sorry to hear of the illness with your FIL right now and that it is keeping you apart from your DH for the first time on an anniversary. This does not in any way diminish the meaning of the ring. It confirms it. for better or worse, in sickness and in health The ring is a confirmation of your vows all those years ago. They are just as valid today. I wish your family all the best in this difficult time. You will be in my prayers.
Thanks. You are always so kind. The stone we got is not exactly what we were looking for. I originally wanted something about 1.25 ct and VS to SI1 clarity. If I followed my original approach of evaluating a stone based solely on specifications and numbers, this diamond would never have made it to the choice list. It is rated as I1 and I never believed until now that I1 stones can look as good. In person, the stone is very vibrant with nice body color, lots of fires and the flaw is not readily visible under all the sparkles. Overall, I am very pleased with the end results.
Thanks again for the concern. The surgery was finally over after 8 long hours. My husband called and he told me the doctor confirmed that the cancer has not spread. However, the turmor was hidden behind the liver so it was very invasive trying to take it out. My husband said the doctor was very confident before the surgery but wavered somewhat afterwards. He kinda of suggested that the surgery was more complex and involved than he originally thought so it would be quite a challenge for a 82 year old man to recover. He said the next two days will be very critical. That got me really really worried.
Warm vibes of hope for your FIL, and I hope you and your husband have a home full of warmth and love when he gets home..
I still can''t find the I1 in that...looks very clean to me, and I like the cut.
If you know where to look, you can find it. As shown in the attached picture, the feather is located in the middle, running parallel to the length of the stone. starting from near the table all the way to the girdle.
max, I agree that by the "specs", one would tend to think not on a I1 stone. But you had the luxury of actually seeing the stone, which really is key to any stone, plus having a jeweler you like and trust. LUCKY you! Again, your ring really is gorgeous. I''m beginning to have a thing for pink stones after seeing a few beauties on here.
My thoughts are with you for your FIL. Wishing him a full recovery.
maxspinel - so sorry to hear of your FIL illness and your own medical problems. I will remember you in my thoughts and prayers. Congratulations on the wedding anniversary. 25 is a big one. I hit 14 next time. Your ring is simply magnificent- -the stuff of dreams ! I hope it brings you joy for many years to come!
Ellen. This time around I followed the correct protocol. I previewed the stone first and then took it to my appraiser to confirm all the pertinent details before I actually purchased it. I’ll never again pay for any big items in advance without visually inspecting it in person and my appraiser verifying the facts.
My father in law is awake now. Hubby said that he looks very good for someone 2nd day after a major surgery. He will be on IV for a couple of days before he can start eating anything. I talked to him on the phone and he sounded tired, but otherwise very upbeat and optimistic.
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