Thanks so much for the all the compliments! I does look much bigger than .52 ct.! I LOVE IT! It''s feel like I have an entire new wedding set! I can''t stop looking at my finger - it''s blinding, all the bling
. It''s amazing what 28 1-pointers can do to a ring! I couldn''t be more pleased with the results.
Speaking of...I would like to boast a little about my jeweler, DCI (Diamond Cutters International). I''ve read a lot of negative comments about DCI/Fred Culler here on PS, and my personal experiance with DCI has been nothing but postive! I''ve worked with Todd (a few years ago) and Rick (the GM),who took care of me on this project, and my experiance with DCI has been nothing but positive and very professional. I recommended DCI to my cousin a year ago for her ering, and both her and her DH are very happy with their results! I just wanted to throw this in here, because I really wanted to give them credit on a job well done.
jenniegirlm - I do have a before pic, though a little blurry. I hope you get the idea! My advice would be to go for the halo if you love the look and want to add more *umph* to your setting! Halo''s are beautiful on .50 ct.!
metro, wow, it''s stunning! And it looks so much bigger than 0.52! I love that you have a non-round halo and that solid shank instead of pave shank. It''s unique and really lovely. Also love the color on your nails!
Though I must confess, I have a manicure appt. this afternoon - just so that my polish is fresh and pretty to show off my new bling to family this Thanksgiving!