
My Sapphire and Diamond Halo Ring

I'm so glad you still love your sapphire ring! I've always thought it was a gorgeous ring and lovely sapphire. :appl:
Chrono|1338981671|3210255 said:
It's great that you had the opportunity to look at many sapphires before making your choice. That's the best way to shop because it can be difficult to realize exactly what you want if you've only seen 2 or 3 stones.

How much honesty are you asking for? At this point, it is really too late to return the rings and I can tell you really love it, so does it matter? Your pictures do not show enough detail to be able to assess the colour and cut. Using the macro feature (flower or tulip mode) will allow you to get closer to the ring. Also, I'd love a profile view of the ring. It's really pretty.

Your ring is beautiful! I laughed out loud when i read Chrono's question; 'how much honesty are u looking for?' My favorite stone in the world is an NSC Montana sapphire that I wear as an engagement ring. I lurked ps, and looked at all the recommended vendors for 6 months before I found it. For ME it is the stone i was looking for, but I know if i posted it on ps and asked for an honest opinion id get. I didnt because i already know I love the stone.

The professional opinions on ps help me find stones that im looking for, but i know none of them are "perfect". I think that colored stones are fascinating because they are so unique. diamonds have a formula and its easier to find the ONE, but with colored stones u have to make up your own formula. unless your Beyonce and JayZ buys you a push present of course. Anyway, gorgeous ring and it looks fabulous on your hand!
PS is a place to learn and share that learning, joy, disappointment, etc. Learn what to look for and what to avoid so that you get what you want within your budget. It's about maximizing your budget aka getting the biggest bang for your buck. The only way to do that is through knowing the facts. We all have different tastes - some like pastels, some like in your face colour. There's no right or wrong. If you know that's what you like (making an informed decision), then nobody else's opinion should sway you.
Shushinator|1358535275|3358841 said:
Chrono|1338981671|3210255 said:
It's great that you had the opportunity to look at many sapphires before making your choice. That's the best way to shop because it can be difficult to realize exactly what you want if you've only seen 2 or 3 stones.

How much honesty are you asking for? At this point, it is really too late to return the rings and I can tell you really love it, so does it matter? Your pictures do not show enough detail to be able to assess the colour and cut. Using the macro feature (flower or tulip mode) will allow you to get closer to the ring. Also, I'd love a profile view of the ring. It's really pretty.

Your ring is beautiful! I laughed out loud when i read Chrono's question; 'how much honesty are u looking for?' My favorite stone in the world is an NSC Montana sapphire that I wear as an engagement ring. I lurked ps, and looked at all the recommended vendors for 6 months before I found it. For ME it is the stone i was looking for, but I know if i posted it on ps and asked for an honest opinion id get. I didnt because i already know I love the stone.

The professional opinions on ps help me find stones that im looking for, but i know none of them are "perfect". I think that colored stones are fascinating because they are so unique. diamonds have a formula and its easier to find the ONE, but with colored stones u have to make up your own formula. unless your Beyonce and JayZ buys you a push present of course. Anyway, gorgeous ring and it looks fabulous on your hand!

Please look at this another way - The OP had asked for an opinion on a ring that was already bought. Why now ask for opinions? A lot of people do this because they only want to hear "WOW that's fantastic" or some people make impulse buys and then regret it and want a reason to return it. You never know but Chrono's question could have elicited a response along the lines of "well, I think it may have a wonky culet, or it's got a nasty inclusion I see now or I think I paid too much or or or or ........". Clearly, this wasn't the case in this instance but you never know unless you ask.

I am the last person to suggest that people should only strive for perfect gemstones because there are gorgeous gorgeous stones out there that are less than perfect and I'm the biggest advocate of them. In fact, for me, value isn't relevant. Some items are so sentimental that that overtakes everything.
I totally agree. i didnt mean to imply that Chronos question was a bad one, if that is the way it sounded. what I meant was that in my case Ive asked that question before.
Shushinator|1358537014|3358886 said:
I totally agree. i didnt mean to imply that Chronos question was a bad one, if that is the way it sounded. what I meant was that in my case Ive asked that question before.

It did come across like that - but that's the problem with the written word!

What we always say is that if people want love then pop over to the "Show Me Your Bling" forum and if they want honest critique then hopefully this part of the forum is the right way to go! It's such a fine line however and I really do understand people only wanting love. I started a thread once (I'm sure somebody can dig it up if they search) that was titled something like "show me your less than perfect gems but you love them"! I wanted to show that we all have "challenged gemstones" but it doesn't matter!
Shushinator, thank you for posting! I'm happy to hear that you have a lovely stone from NSC!

In the very beginning I had written how nervous I was to post. I had read so many negative posts about NSC that I wanted to post about my experience and my sapphire. After having my ring for some time I knew that there was something about the coloring (half and half) that I wanted the experts to weigh in on as I didn't know what it was, I thought it was zoning. When I asked NSC about the coloring I always got back generalizations, such as, it's fully saturated (?). To me this ring wasn't about the need to be patted on the back, I don't think of it as "bling" (hence no need to post on SMTB), but a curiosity to know more about it. I did not feel the need to post a pre-purchased sapphire just so the experts can agree or disagree as I knew what flaws to look for after researching PS. It is a very personal choice, one that I wish more newcomers would understand. One of the things that annoy me most about newcomers is when they back away from NSC or any sapphires after hearing from the experts. My main criteria for choosing my sapphire was: no treatment, color, style and BUDGET. I actually came in under 2000 less than my given budget! I also love the diamonds on my ring and it was another factor that steered me towards NSC. I could not find anyother online vendor that offered F VVS2 side diamonds and I was impressed. No one needed to point out to me that I could have done better, we all know we could do better if given the budget and time, and sometimes that's no guarantee either! :bigsmile: I did learn a lot from my thread and I really hope others will too.

I'm not the kind to start a thread just to receive compliments, that's actually quite embarrassing in RL (I was at the bakery the other day and the cashier caught me off guard when she complimented me on my ring, I blushed and quickly moved my hand). I am a girl of quality over quantity and simplicity over extravagance. My motto about spending money on jewelry is: Can I eat it?! :cheeky:

I will end with this thought though: There are those "experts" we seek out for their wisdom and sincerity, and then there are the others. I take away from PS whatever I wish to. I thank all the PSers for their invaluable opinions and thoughts! Cheers!
Treatment for me was a big issue for this one piece too. Not sure why because i have a bunch of other stones that are treated incl. another pretty Montana sapphire from Dana at mastercut gems. Maybe like LD said, some stones are just sentimental :confused: but yes, the info we all get on this blog is specific and straightforward. After reading your story it clicked why pricescopers have an issue with NSC. The pricescoper recommended vendors in my experience at least, have not hesitated to disclose info about a stone. I confess I did not dig too deep the times I have bought from NSC. It doesnt make sense to me that a vendor would not be totally willing to describe a stone to a customer when asked.
SapphireSun|1358552917|3359169 said:
I will end with this thought though: There are those "experts" we seek out for their wisdom and sincerity, and then there are the others.

Can you please elaborate? I have no wish to make assumptions or misinterpret what you wrote.
Okay, here are some more pics I just took under the bathroom lighting. The other recent photo I posted was under the kitchen lighting that gives off yellow light which dulls the sapphire and diamonds. I think had I posted a pre-purchased photo of the sapphire from NSC I would have walked away - so here's hoping that someone finds this thread very helpful!!



Chrono, Oh no!! I reread that part but I promise I was not speaking ill of you or anyone from PS!! Just my experience of "experts" from any fields whether school, work, family or friends!! Some you listen to and some you don't!! :saint:
Ok...I really hope no other PSers here think I was taking any cheap shots at them...Chrono I can tell you that I think of you like Mother Time...wise and truthful!! :bigsmile:
Thanks for the clarification. Sometimes it isn't easy to convey what we mean accurately and concisely. I figured you didn't mean to imply anything bad based on what I can tell from your prior posts but didn't want to put words into your mouth. I'm sorry if I put you into a difficult spot by asking the question.
I'm relieved you've noticed other posts where I am very appreciative of your opinions..even with the "name we shall not name" (stealing from Minousbijoux). That was very important to me because I had not read about it before and did not know what I was looking at. It really was an off the cuff remark where I got into this ZEN place in my head...shall not go there again!
SS thank you for clarifying what you meant because the written word has a habit of being interpreted incorrectly and can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings!

BTW I very much like your ring and your stone - in fact (and I hope this doesn't offend you) I see violet in the stone which is something that I (personally) really really like. I seem to lean towards blue stones that have violet in them. This could of course just be the photograph but either way it's very pretty!
Thank you LD! I keep rereading what I wrote and I really was not referring to the experts on PS, but more for newcomers to take away from PS whatever they want to. Yes, I guess that when you're writing (or speaking) it's not good to have two thoughts going on at the same time!! Again, my apologies if anyone felt offended by that line!

I'm looking at my ring right now by the window as I type this, it's overcast and blah - as usual, and my ring is a light shade of blue (denim color) showing the shadow. Looks nothing like the photos from the other night under my bathroom lighting. But it does look like those photos too, and all the other ones too. It's not a color changer, but my goodness it shows many hues of blue. Normally I don't see the violet in it unless it's under the bathroom lighting. For some reason it shines the best when I wear Navy or black! I need to go shopping and change out all my color blouses/sweaters to just Navy! It looks awful against reds and browns. :((
SapphireSun|1358630473|3359823 said:
Thank you LD! I keep rereading what I wrote and I really was not referring to the experts on PS, but more for newcomers to take away from PS whatever they want to. Yes, I guess that when you're writing (or speaking) it's not good to have two thoughts going on at the same time!! Again, my apologies if anyone felt offended by that line!

I'm looking at my ring right now by the window as I type this, it's overcast and blah - as usual, and my ring is a light shade of blue (denim color) showing the shadow. Looks nothing like the photos from the other night under my bathroom lighting. But it does look like those photos too, and all the other ones too. It's not a color changer, but my goodness it shows many hues of blue. Normally I don't see the violet in it unless it's under the bathroom lighting. For some reason it shines the best when I wear Navy or black! I need to go shopping and change out all my color blouses/sweaters to just Navy! It looks awful against reds and browns. :((

How great you are, SS! I can only imagine how many times I've inadvertently hurt or insulted people on this website with my comments (actually, I don't even have to imagine as it was brought to my attention a few weeks back in the SGBTS thread). All I can say is thank you for stepping up and clarifying. I know your comments were misinterpreted, so it was even that much greater of you to step up and clear up the mis-interpretation of your comments.
SapphireSun|1358630473|3359823 said:
Thank you LD! I keep rereading what I wrote and I really was not referring to the experts on PS, but more for newcomers to take away from PS whatever they want to. Yes, I guess that when you're writing (or speaking) it's not good to have two thoughts going on at the same time!! Again, my apologies if anyone felt offended by that line!

I'm looking at my ring right now by the window as I type this, it's overcast and blah - as usual, and my ring is a light shade of blue (denim color) showing the shadow. Looks nothing like the photos from the other night under my bathroom lighting. But it does look like those photos too, and all the other ones too. It's not a color changer, but my goodness it shows many hues of blue. Normally I don't see the violet in it unless it's under the bathroom lighting. For some reason it shines the best when I wear Navy or black! I need to go shopping and change out all my color blouses/sweaters to just Navy! It looks awful against reds and browns. :((

I think people don't realise that natural gemstones have this wonderful ability to look different in all lighting conditions. It's really such a wonder of nature. I think sapphires are probably more prone to this than any other gemstone. I'm not surprised you see the violet only in your bathroom (and presumably at night also) as this is when the violet tends to come out of lurkdom! The range of colours you're seeing sound lovely and who needs reds and browns anyway!

Actually what you've observed is why we always tell people to check their new gem in all lighting conditions - sometimes, in one certain light it can make a gem look awful (ie too dark etc). I guess then people have to decide whether they are happy to only have a day or night stone :D

Enjoy wearing your navy and black! ;)
Glad to see you've fallen back in love with your gorgeous ring! The stone is beautiful :)
Thank you everyone for your comments! The more I look at the pictures of my ring the more I think I better get moving on the wedding needs a friend. Do you think instead of getting a band with the same size diamonds as the ring (2.3mm/.05ct) I can up the diamonds to .10ct or even bigger? Would that work? I think I might do it, heck, I've got a shadow oval (yeah, I own it!), diamond earrings with one diamond slightly larger than the other and damaged Tiffany's pearl earrings that I still wear (just the backside of course) so I'm starting to feel like a rebel...or at least not a "refined" jewelery wearer. :naughty:

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