
my two new bands.. wooo

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That is beautiful!!! Where did you find it.. :)
I just found these on the Viachi website (my ering is a Viachi). Do any of these look good


thank you so much
Facets recommended this one before my handmade were done.

What do the handmade look like? The set you have in this post are a seperate purchase, right?
Woo, repeat after me "I will stay away from engraving." Resist the urge. Engraving=antique which IMHO clashes with your e-ring. The bands Marvel mentioned were the ones I was trying to discribe in one of my previous posts. I think that look would be PERFECT!

ETA: I know your e-ring has engraving on the shank but the top of your ring (the part you see) is so modern that I just think that is thr route you should go with. Stay with the high polish look.
Are you committed to the 2 bands you already have? If so, as much as I hate to even suggest this cuz I love milgraining - can''t you just polish the edges to get rid of the milgrain, and keep the bands you have? That would give you the eternity band bling but the high polish that is more matchy with the style of your ering?
You know what woo, I absolutely understand what you go through when you go to your jeweler. I can''t tell you how many years I was "talked into" something different than the idea I went in there with. You have to put your foot down and stand by your conviction when you walk in there. Don''t even allow him to put any ideas into your head unless you ask for them and even then you need to sleep on it just to be sure. I finally came straight out and asked him WHY he was always talking me out of something. I''ve learned that my first instinct has always been right. I know that you can do it too!!!! Chin up!

Now, as far as the two rings you have. I''m not so sure. I have to agree with marvel''s idea of the two baguette eternity bands. Maybe you can find one and see how they look together! Don''t give up. You''ll find the rings you love. And take ideas from the brilliant PSers...they do know the do''s and don''ts of jewelry!!! Good luck!
Look at this one, Ladies...Baquettes and Rounds, although it has milgraining on it, and I think Woo needs to stay away from that with her ring. I also recommend thin, thin bands on either side of your rings, Woo.

Those are very pretty. Wooo did you see Rascals new band from SP?? It''s channel set with baguettes and rounds. Maybe someone can post it for ya. I can''t cause I don''t know how.
But I love that band and think it may be very nice with your ring. Just a thought.
Yup, that''s it. Thanks!!!!
Marvel, I really like that band alot. I like a little bit of round in a band for some sparkle. Sometime the bagg. stone looks kind of plain. Good News, I am not committed to the two bands I have. I called my jeweler this evening on the way home and said I really wasn''t sure these were the ones. He said oh really, but they fits sooooooooooooooooooo good. OH MY, So did the handmade bands but they DON''T WORK :) OH MY GOODNESS!!! After all of your help I made a list of what I like and want. I really want 3 bands and to keep my er but eventually upgrade center stone to HUGE :) I want the bands to be simple because I want my diamond to show up. I really want stones in the bands. Ok Tacori, no engraving :) WOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am almost feeling free ....heheheheheh can stop me anytime...but, here''s another one that would look pretty...IMHO

Marvel, is that on Facet???? That is too pretty. It even has the high polish bars between the diamonds like mine.. :) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
That''s what I thought too...It looks like a good match, but we need more PS opinions.

Here''s the link: Facets
Date: 3/20/2006 7:37:49 PM
Author: marvel can stop me anytime...but, here''s another one that would look pretty...IMHO

That one would be PERFECT Woo!
Thanks Tacori :) I really like it toooooooooooooo
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