
My Wonderful E-ring Upgrade. Thankyou....

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Date: 7/13/2008 10:43:17 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 7/12/2008 9:57:09 PM
Author: arjunajane

Is there a blushing emotie?
oh, I''ll keep taking them don''t worry - its pretty addictive!

The only thing I can''t get a really great shot of is All the arrows (as in, showing the points out to the edge). I have to say probably one of my fave views is like whats in your avatar - when I''m in the car at night, the arrows just glow silver, its so cool!

How did you manage to take that shot Ellen? Or do you have tips for ''arrow'' shots in general?
The one in my av came from holding my hand up to a window that had the sun beating on it. The mini blinds were shut, but it was still really bright on it.

Windowsills are one of the best for arrow shots, and any time you can get the light source behind the stone it will give you better chances of catching them. Just keep experimenting, you''ll get there.

Love your new shots! I just love that ring.
Thanks Ellen for your help! Your like my diamond Sensei, lol.

I was worried you were gonna suggest windowsills - now it means I''ve got to dust them

I''m glad you like the shots, as you can probably tell I love it alot too!
That is a beautiful ring. My favorite. A gorgeous round brillant solitaire set in yellow gold with a white head. Perfection, really! Thanks for the pictures, and looking forward to more.
Beautiful! The ring looks fabulous on your hand. I just love the legato style-and fabulous to see it in yellow gold!
Thankyou so much flygirl and Gemma12!

Gemma, I''m curious about the ring in your av - do you have a thread? It looks very nice from what I can see!
Date: 7/13/2008 10:00:27 PM
Author: arjunajane

Thanks Ellen for your help! Your like my diamond Sensei, lol.

I was worried you were gonna suggest windowsills - now it means I''ve got to dust them

I''m glad you like the shots, as you can probably tell I love it alot too!
You welcome!

And lol, yes, shooting tons of pics will make you have to clean things.

Here''s the arrow thread I started, maybe it will give you some ideas. If you want to post in it, just report it to Andrey so he can unlock it.
Date: 7/14/2008 8:47:52 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 7/13/2008 10:00:27 PM
Author: arjunajane

Thanks Ellen for your help! Your like my diamond Sensei, lol.

I was worried you were gonna suggest windowsills - now it means I''ve got to dust them

I''m glad you like the shots, as you can probably tell I love it alot too!
You welcome!

And lol, yes, shooting tons of pics will make you have to clean things.

Here''s the arrow thread I started, maybe it will give you some ideas. If you want to post in it, just report it to Andrey so he can unlock it.
ooh..forgot about that one! yay, another place to post pics, lol...

addicted, anyone....?
your ring is A*M*A*Z*I*N*G!!!!
Date: 7/14/2008 9:38:14 AM
Author: emilina22
your ring is A*M*A*Z*I*N*G!!!!
Thankyou Emilina!
Hi Arjuna!!!

It''s been a real pleasure working with you and our compadres over at WF to help you in this upgrade.
Absolutely amazing pix!!!
You are certifiably dangerous with a digi cam.

From all of us here at GOG we thank you for everything and from me personally because I think you are really a joy to work with.

Warm regards,
Very Nice...congrats
Date: 7/15/2008 3:27:02 PM
Author: Rhino
Hi Arjuna!!!

It's been a real pleasure working with you and our compadres over at WF to help you in this upgrade.
Absolutely amazing pix!!!
You are certifiably dangerous with a digi cam.

From all of us here at GOG we thank you for everything and from me personally because I think you are really a joy to work with.

Warm regards,
Hey Jon,
thankyou so much for taking the time to drop in!
And trust me, the pleasure was all mine working with such a great team as you have at GOG - and made even better that you guys were cool enough to co-operate so smoothly with WF.
I know of alot of other businesses who would've balked at that kind of thing - in my opinion it just goes to demonstrate further GOG's commitment to customer service. A++

Plus, you were right about the new camera, it really does do a pretty good job - if I say so meself, lol!

Thankyou, look forward to working together again in the future,

ETA: and thanks Smithy617
arjunajane, sorry I am late but just wanted to say your ring is beautiful!! I was looking forward to seeing it, as I remember your thread a while back. After my reset fiasco, I am sort of soured in a way on platinum, and since my diamond is now back in a YG solitaire, I like having company!! Congrats!!!
Date: 7/13/2008 1:37:21 AM
Author: arjunajane
Wow, your pictures are gorgeous! Hard to say which is best; love the lighting on a lot of them, but I also loved the angle on this one. Very beautiful! I am more and more appreciating the simplicity of solitaire.
This ring is absolutely sensational - I love the buttery yellow gold! The prongs are beautiful and the look of the ring so sleek.

Your diamond is breathtakingly beautiful - and can we talk about your photography skills?

Just perfect - the epitome of a solitaire engagement ring. Enjoy every moment of it!
Date: 7/16/2008 7:03:17 PM
Author: old-fashioned girl
arjunajane, sorry I am late but just wanted to say your ring is beautiful!! I was looking forward to seeing it, as I remember your thread a while back. After my reset fiasco, I am sort of soured in a way on platinum, and since my diamond is now back in a YG solitaire, I like having company!! Congrats!!!
Thankyou OFG! I must have missed your thread, do you have pics of your YG ring now?
I agree with you about a simple solitaire. Originally my ideas and tastes for this ring were all over the shop, and I do love some of the more elaborate settings on PS. But I think you can call me a solitaire gal now!
Date: 7/16/2008 8:34:28 PM
Author: MissGotRocks
This ring is absolutely sensational - I love the buttery yellow gold! The prongs are beautiful and the look of the ring so sleek.

Your diamond is breathtakingly beautiful - and can we talk about your photography skills?

Just perfect - the epitome of a solitaire engagement ring. Enjoy every moment of it!
Wow thanks MissGotRocks! Your comments really are very kind, thankyou

And I have to give my photos credit to Ellen and other PS''ers whom I have learned from. I didn''t know I had any skllls, lol! This is the first decent camera I have had, and my first time using macro, so I''m glad you like ''em.
I guess it definately helps when you can''t get enough of your subject, lol!
Arjunajane glad to see this beautiful ring now has it''s own thread in the SMTR forum. It really is fabulous.
Date: 7/16/2008 11:33:38 PM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 7/16/2008 7:03:17 PM
Author: old-fashioned girl
... my diamond is now back in a YG solitaire,...
Thankyou OFG! I must have missed your thread, do you have pics of your YG ring now?
I agree with you about a simple solitaire. ...
No, I haven''t done a thread of the ring with its new head. Partly just because I have NO TIME! Partly because it feels kind of boring, as people who''ve been around PS a while have seen my wedding set when the solitaire had the hideous 6-prong head that I hated, and it''s almost kind of embarrassing since for 3 years I''ve been trying to change it to a completely different setting, which turned out to be a fiasco. (although that fiasco is one of the reasons I now appreciate solitaire more) And even though I''m much happier with the 4-prong head than I was with the ugly skyscraper 6-prong head, it''s still just a basic Tiffany solitaire, which doesn''t seem very exciting by PS standards. But I guess I should post it one of these days.
Thankyou Kellyfish and softyly softly

OFG, I feel so bad that you have these fed up feelings about your ring, it really is such a shame.

However, I''m sure regardless of a "plain" solitaire or not, your PS friends would love to see a pic of a ring that you''re actually wearing and happy with!
I finally have some flower pics to share - hope no one minds me re - hashing thread for new

I''m not sure what this flower is (perhaps a daffodil?), but I fell in love with its creamy colour

..and of course had to get pics of it with my ring!

DSC00907.jpg-edit g1.JPG

DSC00919.jpg-edit a2.JPG
beautiful ring!!! it looks lovely on your hand. i finally had the chance to see a large-ish k in person this weekend. they are fantastic stones when cut well! just fantastic. i bet you are thrilled with yours! congrats on such a wonderful stone & ring!
Date: 7/27/2008 11:12:57 AM
Author: jcrow
beautiful ring!!! it looks lovely on your hand. i finally had the chance to see a large-ish k in person this weekend. they are fantastic stones when cut well! just fantastic. i bet you are thrilled with yours! congrats on such a wonderful stone & ring!
Thankyou Jcrow!
It was a bit of a gamble, as I''d never seen a well cut K in person - but I''m 110% happy I went with it.
Its always white, or other amazing colours..

As you can tell, I have alot of fun photographing it too, lol.
More peetures!
So pretty aj!!

Date: 7/27/2008 12:20:19 PM
Author: Ellen
More peetures!
So pretty aj!!

Thanks Ellen!
lol, if you keep askin, I''ll keep takin!

Hey, me again!
I had such preeety flowers from my B''day, being the good lil PS''er I am I couldn''t help but get a few new piccies - hope no one minds!

yummy arrows

DSC00996-edit 2.JPG
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