
Neck update.


Aug 4, 2008
This is why I have not been around much the last few weeks.

A little history I have a pinched nerve in my neck that leads to my right arm from c5-c7 disk issues.

In dec 2022 I saw Dr Hanna at UW hospital system who is a professor at the University of Wisconsin med school and a lot of people said was one of the best.

I saw him, he was great in person, and we discussed surgery but decided on trying injections first.

I may not be able to have surgery due to health issues.

That’s where it went off the rails for well over a year.

In that entire time no one from his office ever returned my calls.

I would call every 2-3 weeks and got cold transferred to someone who had no clue multiple times.

After over a year they said we will call you don’t call is. Never did.

A few months ago it was getting a little worse so I got a referral to someone local and they side tracked me to pain management to try injections which I wanted. Awesome NP who I am seeing now.

The insurance company refused unless I did PT first, PT really messed up my neck/arm worse.

Redid the mri and egm and my NP says I need to do a surgical consult soon.

He recommends I go back to Dr. Hanna for it.

I told him I have to think about it.

I do not trust Hanna at all anymore and would not recommend him to anyone.

What if I do have surgery and they go unresponsive?

There is a local surgeon that did a friend’s neck and they really trust him and he has good credentials and reviews.

A big bonus is it would be the same hospital as my pulmonologist who has saved my life before and I like and trust him.

I’m not confident my pulmonologist will even approve surgery.

I ask for a consult request be sent to the local surgeon.
Prayers are appreciated.
I wouldn't trust Hanna anymore either. He sounds quite arrogant.

Hope it works out well for you.
I am sorry for your troubles @Karl_K. I don't know why his office staff gave you the run around, however, when it comes to this type of surgery, I would want the best to do it and it sounds like that may be him. I would call his office and schedule an appointment with him to discuss all of these things - including his non-responsive staff! I wish only the very best for you!!
Hanna's practice sounds like the same sh*tshow I work in. Costs are up, reimbursments are down and they won't hire enough staff to take care of people. Get a consult with the local guy, see how they treat you.
Definitely prayers outgoing.
I’m so sorry you are having to go through this. Medical problems are scary enough without the stress of what you are dealing with in terms of communication. Thinking of you! Also PS needs the care emoji!!!
I, personally, would not return to an unresponsive medical practice. Before you progress to a surgeon who has been given a green light by a friend, please do the homework. You know that pesky stuff like where the surgeon was educated, class rank, online reviews, hospital reputation... all that sort of thing.

I wouldn't rule out locating a great cervical spine neurosurgeon at Froedtert or Aurora Hospital systems. UW would not be my first choice. Wherever your search leads you, please keep us updated and I'm sending prayers your way for a safe, successful surgery to relieve your misery.:pray:
Wishing you all the best so you get some relief soon.
Hanna's practice sounds like the same sh*tshow I work in. Costs are up, reimbursments are down and they won't hire enough staff to take care of people. Get a consult with the local guy, see how they treat you.
Definitely prayers outgoing.

That's sad and maddening that there are more like that out there :{
Thank you and everyone for the comments and prayers.
I’m sorry you are dealing with this karl.

I can’t speak to why Dr. Hanna’s office staff didn’t return your calls and I understand why that would put you off.
However, in my experience it’s wise to choose the most qualified, experienced and skilled surgeon possible for complex surgical procedures. I strongly suggest you base your decision on the qualifications of the surgeon rather than the reception staff. And go to a teaching hospital. Is NWM a possibility for you?
If you consult with Dr Hanna again, by all means tell him about your hesitation and concerns regarding your care going forward.
Good luck Karl, big hugs
I’m sorry you are dealing with this karl.

I can’t speak to why Dr. Hanna’s office staff didn’t return your calls and I understand why that would put you off.
However, in my experience it’s wise to choose the most qualified, experienced and skilled surgeon possible for complex surgical procedures. I strongly suggest you base your decision on the qualifications of the surgeon rather than the reception staff. And go to a teaching hospital. Is NWM a possibility for you?
If you consult with Dr Hanna again, by all means tell him about your hesitation and concerns regarding your care going forward.
Good luck Karl, big hugs

For clarification:

Froedtert Hospital also operates the region's only adult Level I Trauma Center. The primary adult teaching affiliate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, Froedtert Hospital is a major training facility for more than 1,000 medical, nursing and health technical students annually.

UWM holds no special magic over Froedtert, IMHO. My brother had a situation much like Karl's but with fewer side issues. Surgery was successful and his recovery, excellent.
Sunrises Sunsets, this is excellent information, Froedtert has been the gold standard here for years. However, they partnered with ThedaCare not too long ago, a local ACO that not many people like, and one of their spine surgeons came to us because they annoyed him so much. (We're an independent practice.) I'm trying to sort this out.
Thoughts and prayers going out to you, Karl!
Sending healing vibes and hugs, Karl.
I’m so sorry you are going through all this. Sending lots of prayers and love your way.
Sorry you have to deal with this, Karl.
I'd be furious if my medical team ignored me. :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:
Serious medical problems are bad enough even when you get good care.