
Need to vent majorly

Hmm. Is there any possibility of being able to move your work space to a location farther away from her? Or, could you start taking fake phone calls when she starts running her mouth? Difficult spot you're in, sorry you're going through this.
Some people don't seem to have that internal shut-off module to realize that they have been talking so long. Some people need very clear signals, that you can't talk, otherwise will continue to engage in conversation.
My sister does this, where she calls me when I'm at work. I don't mind talking for a few minutes, but after that I tell her I need to get back to work. After saying that for a couple times I then have to say I'm going, do you want me to call you when I'm not at work?

In her case I would listen attentively for a couple minutes, or even say, I can talk for a couple minutes. After that say "that's interesting, thank you for updating me (or whatever). I need to get back to work. If she keeps talking again reiterate, "I need to get back to work. If you want, we can talk tomorrow at my next break."
Thanks Enerchi....I try to remain level headed...though at times I have failed miserably. :nono: Things have been uneventful. She was a little unpleasant when a delivery came that she thought was for her and it turned out to be for me, but to her credit she seemed to recover quickly. There is only the other person to whom I was speaking and she doesn't care for her much from what I can tell...though we don't discuss her so I wouldn't really know.

LibbyLA...I'm a little lost...I'm feeling slow because I don't think I should be...but I am :loopy: ....I understand the differences in the generations and views of living together. She lived with her intended before the engagement also, so I don't think that's an issue for her. If she feels as though we should be married already I just don't understand the comment about not pressuring him. If she had said something along the lines of "about time" :o or something like that it would make more sense. I agree with you on not owning property with a boyfriend...which is why we rent our house and don't plan to buy :$$): until after we are married. As far as the the top of the food chain goes....he is oblivious and I am loathe to enlighten I think that option is pretty much out. And her shower was not during work hours or on site...we don't work in the sort of environment that would allow that. I am absolutely happy with my SO and our life together...only impatient to move forward and I WILL NOT rush him. It is a pet peeve for me, when people make judgments about situations with no basis and even moreso when people make judgments about me as a person without basis. The merit of those judgments has absolutely nothing to do with it rubbing me the wrong way. I just hate hate hate :evil: for someone to do that. And it bothers me just as much when I see it done to other people (color me empathetic) :(sad . And don't call yourself an old bat....even jokingly...I'm going to be devastatingly sexy ;)) well into my eighties (in my own mind at least) :bigsmile: ....I will never be an old bat...even though without my glasses I'm beginning to be as blind as one :lol: Thanks for offering your spin...I know there is wisdom in life lived....I am so much smarter than I was 10 yrs ago.

Chemgirl....congrats to you on your wedded bliss....your engagement may have been short, but that's just more forever for you and DH. Nobody's in it, but you and everybody else can go kick a hot windy day (you follow?) :praise: BUt of course we are all human, so people's words and opinions can sting a bit...even if that sting is short-lived...which mine was. won't believe this ...but I can't even fake a phone call. :errrr: she answers the phones for me so my lines show up on her phone and they are either lit up....or not. :eek:

Part Gypsy....that sounds like a good idea...I'll have to try it. I'll only make one adjustment in the interest of my

Your version.... =)

"I need to get back to work. If you want, we can talk tomorrow at my next break."

My version :twisted:

"I need to get back to work."

Don't judge me. :shock:

On a different note....tonight is night! :appl: How did everybody's Valentines Day go??? I want stories ladies!!!
I just caught this thread --

Time will tell - this has been what I tell myself whenever something spectacular happens to others, having kids, getting engaged, married... Like some of my old high school friends that I'm secretly envious of - who all have beautiful kids, some married, some not. My time will come when thats possible, after grad school and whatnot. Anyways- not to get off on a tangent but last year a good friend of mine, who happens to be in her 40's and a bitter divorcee- not all are of course, but she told me never to get married, that it was a huge mistake and to learn from her mistakes! Just because it didn't work for her, doesn't mean it wont work for me! She's a great friend of mine, so sometimes even good friends can say things like your co-worker. Another close friend of mine told me that, in the beginning of my relationship, that it wouldn't last.. i told myself again that "time will tell" and who knew, well flash forward some years and SO and I just bought a diamond and whatnot. I think sometimes we say the wrong thing and hurt someones feelings. There are certainly days where I can be very bitter but I bite my tongue and stay quiet. Sometimes i think that we need a refresher to the things we all learnt in kindergarten.. one being, if you can't say something nice, dont say anything at all! :lol:
Absolutely Snow....well said.
Hey ladies who have been following this night was more eventful than I could ever have hoped.

I'm engaged!! Story to follow when I get more time....thanks so much for all your kind words... :bigsmile:
... and when you give us the deets, we need to have a play by play report on how your coworker reacted! I hope she was green with jealousy! (ooh, that was evil... I couldn't help it! :twisted: )
Yey congrats!