
Never Forget Sept. 11th

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Date: 9/11/2007 10:08:33 AM
Author: rainbowtrout I the only one that feels a little conflicted about this image? Old fashion American justice=lynching??? And ok-ing the hanging of Hussein on Eid???

Never forget--and never forget the danger of becoming the monster you seek to destroy.
This is not the thread for this! but....
There is a far difference between Justice by hanging and lynching.
A picture of a firing squad would work just as well.
Anyone who would do something like that does not deserve too breath.
I''d pull the trigger myself.
Thanks strm for the pictures and sentiments.
On the contrary, it is the thread for this. Remembering is essential--remembering in all its forms. Playing on patriotism and accusing anyone who questions images of 9/11 and the purposes they are put to of being innappropriate is exactly what is most dangerous. (not that this is what you are doing Storm)

We SHOULD remember. We should remember everything.

RE: the image. For me, it resonates with American history in a very different way than a picture of a firing squad would. It doesn't have to do with capital punishment or not, which, for the record, I am not against.
Ted and Doug, I think of you today, and everyone else that lost their lives that horrible day.
Nice work Storm.Thanks, How can we ever forget..
Date: 9/11/2007 10:47:01 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
On the contrary, it is the thread for this. Remembering is essential--remembering in all its forms. Playing on patriotism and accusing anyone who questions images of 9/11 and the purposes they are put to of being innappropriate is exactly what is most dangerous. (not that this is what you are doing Storm)

We SHOULD remember. We should remember everything.

RE: the image. For me, it resonates with American history in a very different way than a picture of a firing squad would. It doesn''t have to do with capital punishment or not, which, for the record, I am not against.
The scaffold and hanging has been a symbol for justice for hundreds of years and in some parts of the world is still used for that. Iraq being one of them.
Yes it has been abused at times both here and elsewhere used as a tool for murder.
If it was hanging from a tree then it would be inappropriate in my book because then it would be a symbol of lynching.
Date: 9/11/2007 11:07:53 AM
Author: Kaleigh
Ted and Doug, I think of you today, and everyone else that lost their lives that horrible day.
Date: 9/11/2007 10:08:33 AM
Author: rainbowtrout I the only one that feels a little conflicted about this image? Old fashion American justice=lynching??? And ok-ing the hanging of Hussein on Eid???

Never forget--and never forget the danger of becoming the monster you seek to destroy.
I agree with rainbowtrout, we all here about the remembrance of 9-11... but strmrdr, images and sentiments of hatred do not belong here.
The day the dead cried out for justice
(uploaded so I can find it next year)

Thank you storm for the new image.
I can''t believe it has been 6 years. I will never forget.
Date: 9/11/2007 4:16:21 AM
Author: DiaGem
For the purpose to ''NEVER FORGET''...
One must stop the opposition against the war on terror!!!

Only the war on terror ''might'' lower the chances of another attack on the free world!!! Only might...

Ummmm, only when the war is JUST. When there is a REAL REASON based in TRUTH. So far, many of our actions have INCREASED the chances of another attack. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

I don''t want to cause controversy in this thread, because it is a day of mourning and remembrance and it should be honored. But I couldn''t let that comment go unanswered....sorry....
Date: 9/11/2007 1:52:11 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Date: 9/11/2007 4:16:21 AM

FG: see, that''s the thing. After the attacks I rememeber yelling at my parents, who were dubious at some of the president''s decisions, that this wasn''t the time for it, that we needed to stand behind our President. But that''s not democracy, it''s blind faith. And now it can feel like any comment against the war on terror is unpatriotic, which isn''t true. We can remember and honor the dead without adding a particular political agenda to it.
I am so glad you posted a tribute to the victims & heroes of 9/11 Storm. Last night I looked at my calendar & was amazed that 6 years had passed. This morning I awoke in a somber mood & looked at some sites online & am still amazed at how much this day hurts. My husband walked out of the bedroom to find me a sobbing wreck reading, once again about the brave souls on Flight 93. All day I''ve been haunted by memories of watching the planes crash into the towers, people flinging their bodies off the tops of the Towers.

I will never forget, or let myself become complacent about the lives that were lost that day. It changed me forever as an American (I am too young to remember wars like Vietnam--that affected my father so much--he served 3 tours--voluntarily in a survery boat in the middle of some nasty stuff).
thanks for the thread storm I will never forget. I still remember it like yesterday, hubby and i were away celebrating our one year anniversary when we saw the events unfolding on the news. schools went on lock down and we hopped in the car trying to get back home and make sure his kids were safe. my best friend lived in NY at the time and it took well over 24 hours for anyone to reach her to find she was ok but very tramatized since she lived only blocks away from the towers. it was an awful, dreadful, sad day for America and Americans and well as all the folks around the globe who mourned with us. God rest each and every victoms souls and bring continued peace and comfort to the remaining friends and families...
Thank you for a space to mourn here. I will never forget waiting hours to hear if my parents were alive. I will never forget having to council my students the next day as they were trying to process all of this. I will never forget hearing about three of my childhood friends who did not make it out. My heart cried for many days. It still does.

I also think about (and please, I don''t mean this perversely) how gentle and kind everyone was to everyone that day and the days that followed. No road rage, people truly trying to care for other Americans -- there were no strangers for awhile. I wonder if that''s because we felt, as a nation, raw and exposed. Vulnerable.

I wonder now, as I see more people stressed, angry, inconsiderate, if we, as a nation, are now like teenagers who have "let their guard down" -- now surly and coarse to hide, under a thin veneer of anger, a world of pain.

Who knows. It''s the only thing that makes sense to me, especially as I see it in the younger kids I work with (freshmen...who were only 8 or so when it happened -- barely able to have it make sense).

God bless everyone whose heart aches today.
Thanks Storm! I had posted a thread in Around the World but I hadn''t thought to upload pics. Thanks again. My thoughts are with those who lost someone or who knows someone personally affected by the tragedies.
Thanks storm for the subject:

We should remember; but, we should also rebuild and move on in our lives as well.

I remember where I was when JFK was shot...

I remember where I was when Armstrong stepped on the moon and how optimistic we all were (That's one s mall step for man; one giant leap for mankind).

I remember the many who lost their lives serving the US in Viet-Nam

I remember how I was treated by the public as a US Serviceman just after Viet-Nam.

I remember standing at the tomb of the unknown solder while on leave from the military.

I remember where I was for the Miricle on Ice (US hockey team defeating the Soviets) and what that meant.

I remember where I was when the Space Shuttle Columbia launched and returned safely.

I remember where I was when when the Challanger blew up.

I remember an opening cerimony for the 96 Olympics, what that meant to the US, and how proud I was to serve my country as a Race Official (a second chance to serve).

I remember where I was when bombing of the WTC Parking structure (the second attempt on the building I quickly learned)

I do remember 9-11-2001; and understood that it would change America - even if I was not surprised at the attack (what I really cannot understand is why the intelegence community was so blind to it...).

There are many lessons to be learned from the things we remember. The biggest is to remember the good things as well. Key lessons the US population learned from the WTC The US can be attacked; most people understand that now (and they didn't before). The WTC was a tradedgy and exposed weaknesses the country had.

Did we really learn all the lessons or not? I am optimistic that we learned a few key lessons; but like many things - you loose 80% of what you learn in a relatively short period of time.

Also, many people are returning to a normal life where this is not their top prioriity anymore on this day. Actually, that is a good sign.

Most important though... Keep supporting our troops. They are doing the best job they know how given a set of circumstances that many do not understand. Yes, a few go bad, and people do make mistakes - but in general they are the best.

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