
New brides in waiting list

Hi - now that its OFFICIAL....cany ou add me please?

[COLOR=FF0000]Joelly[/COLOR], we hope your day was amazing! Congrats!!!!!!
[COLOR=FF0000]Pushin40[/COLOR], welcome to BWW!!!!!!! Enjoy your planning time!

07/05/09 - Fretty Bride, Hudson_Hawk, tropiqalkiwi
07/11/09 - glueck, Mayflower25, Blair138, SeeShell, thing2of2, galvana, Aloros, StarbuttsKoffee
07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]joelly[/COLOR]

Current BIW''s
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2142
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie
09/11/10 - MagsyMay
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, Rock_of_Love, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]Pushin40[/COLOR]
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex, Happycat
Hi PP...can you change my date from 10/10/10 to 05/10/10?? We moved up the date! Yikes!!
Rock_of_love, congrats on bumping the date up 5 months!!!!!
lala2332, we hope you have a wonderful wedding!!!!

07/05/09 - Fretty Bride, Hudson_Hawk, tropiqalkiwi
07/11/09 - glueck, Mayflower25, Blair138, SeeShell, thing2of2, galvana, Aloros, StarbuttsKoffee
07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
Current BIW''s
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2142
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie
09/11/10 - MagsyMay
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex, Happycat
We have been engaged since Christmas, but just picked a date last night.

Please add me to the list for 10/1/10.

lala2332, we hope you had a wonderful wedding!!!!
lilyfoot, welcome!!! Congrats on choosing a date!
dani2142, we wish you an amazing DW!!!!!!
07/11/09 - glueck, Mayflower25, Blair138, SeeShell, thing2of2, galvana, Aloros, StarbuttsKoffee
07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
Current BIW''s
02/08/10 - dani2142
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie
09/11/10 - MagsyMay
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex, Happycat
Hello Ladies,

Just joined, although I''ve been lurking here for about a month since my engagement on Christmas Day. I will be getting married on 10/1/2011 and would love to be added to your list. Thanks much!

Date: 1/29/2010 2:07:19 PM
Author: princessplease
lala2332, we hope you had a wonderful wedding!!!!

lilyfoot, welcome!!! Congrats on choosing a date!

dani2142, we wish you an amazing DW!!!!!!


07/11/09 - glueck, Mayflower25, Blair138, SeeShell, thing2of2, galvana, Aloros, StarbuttsKoffee

07/17/09 - trinity911

07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure

07/24/09 - luvinlife

07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD

08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity

08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine

08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81

08/08/09 - dboatsupreme

08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH

08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla

08/18/09 - panda08

08/20/09 - mtjoya

08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day

08/26/09 - merrymunky

08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29

09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)

09/04/09 - KatyWI

09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis

09/06/09 - Sparkalicious

09/07/09 - debzy103

09/09/09 - peaches

09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)

09/13/09 - NickiDrea

09/18/09 - eggy1024

09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve

09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet

10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions

10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye

10/09/09 - tabu

10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5

10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia

10/15/09 - karend26

10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320

10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug

10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24

10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper

11/01/09 - CrookedRock

11/07/09 - sunnyd

11/10/09 - lasscreative

11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw

11/20/09 - alli_esq

11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565

11/26/09 - honey22

12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3

12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom

01/02/10 - leeNY

01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries

01/09/10 - FrekeChild

01/15/10 - joelly

01/29/10 - lala2332

Current BIW''s

02/08/10 - dani2142

02/13/10 - blondebunny

02/20/10 - mzkel_renee

02/27/10 - choro72

03/06/10 - ysj99

03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree

03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home

04/04/10 - supergirl10

04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704

04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83

04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama

04/27/10 - andex23

04/30/10 - stephbolt

05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses

05/08/10 - minx714

05/10/10 - Rock_of_love

05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess

05/21/10 - NuggetBrain

05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03

05/23/10 - rosebud10

05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly

05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)

06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109

06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat

06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB

06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin

06/20/10 - MonkeyPants

06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki

07/02/10 - bee

07/03/10 - Travel Goddess

07/04/10 - cutiegirl84

07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate

07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease

08/01/10 - SapphireLover

08/06/10 - monkeyprincess

08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981

08/14/10 - Bjedifish

08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl

08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44

09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~

09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie

09/11/10 - MagsyMay

09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker

09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23

09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks

09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)

10/01/10 - lilyfoot

10/02/10 - LAG2010

10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc

10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic

10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions

10/23/10 - CurlySue

10/24/10 - CheshireSmile

10/30/10 - swedish bean

10/31/10 - IrisAccents

11/06/10 - equestrienne

11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer

11/21/10 - Amzizzle

11/26/10 - Pushin40

12/04/10 - Dannielle

12/17/10 - bobbin

01/16/11 - sba771

03/05/11 - redfaerythinker

05/22/11 - kas baby

06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn

09/24/11 - ErinLeigh

??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex, Happycat

Thanks so much!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!!! I''ve been so excited about the wedding part of everything I keep forgetting about the vacation aspect! I am so ready for a vaca! Been trying to get over this stupid cold forever. Michigan weather sucks!!!

dani2142, we wish you an amazing DW!!!!!!

07/11/09 - glueck, Mayflower25, Blair138, SeeShell, thing2of2, galvana, Aloros, StarbuttsKoffee
07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
Current BIW''s
02/08/10 - dani2142
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie
09/11/10 - MagsyMay
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex, Happycat
It''s a date! We''re getting married on September 5th, 2010!!!

dani2142, we wish you an amazing DW!!!!!! Have a blast!!!
Happycat, congrats on picking a date!

07/11/09 - glueck, Mayflower25, Blair138, SeeShell, thing2of2, galvana, Aloros, StarbuttsKoffee
07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332

Current BIW's
02/08/10 - dani2142
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex

dani2142, we hope you had an amazing wedding!!!
blondebunny, we hope your day is perfect!!! Have an awesome wedding!!!!!

07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141

Current BIW's
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex

can I be added: Sept 11, 2010.
May I be added as well? November 14, 2010 :)
[COLOR=FF0000]blondebunny[/COLOR], we hope your day is perfect!!! Have an awesome wedding!!!!!
Welcome to [COLOR=FF0000]AlistairsBride and lisamarie84[/COLOR]! Enjoy your planning!!!

Updates will be in [COLOR=FF0000]red[/COLOR].
07/17/09 - trinity911
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141

Current BIW''s
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay, [COLOR=FF0000]AlistairsBride[/COLOR]
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/14/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]lisamarie84[/COLOR]
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66, jaylex
YAY! We have a date!!
Exactly 5 months from the day we got engaged! lol


Date: 2/12/2010 8:35:04 PM
Author: jaylex
YAY! We have a date!!
Exactly 5 months from the day we got engaged! lol


Meaning, it took us 5 months from the day we got engaged to pick a date... not that our date is 5 months from the day we got engaged.
I need more sleep
Congrats to [COLOR=FF0000]blondebunny[/COLOR]!!! We hope your day was AMAZING!
Congrats to jaylex on picking an official date!!!
Best wishes to mzkel_renee for an amazing wedding!!!!!

Updates will be in red.
07/18/09 - musincy, Guilty Pleasure
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141
02/13/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]blondebunny[/COLOR]

Current BIW''s
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay, AlistairsBride
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/14/10 - lisamarie84
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/21/11 - [COLOR=FF0000]jaylex[/COLOR]
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66
Can you please add mine? Our families decided on a date this weekend and I''m super excited although I haven''t really look into venues yet. I hope it will work out. It''s July 2, 2011
mzkel_renee, we hope your day was spectacular!!!!!
Good luck to choro72. We hope you have an amazing wedding day!!!!
Welcome to bibiloves!!! Enjoy your planning time!!!!

Updates will be in red.
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee

Current BIW''s
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay, AlistairsBride
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/14/10 - lisamarie84
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/21/11 - jaylex
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
07/02/11 - bibiloves
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, lilmissrugger, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66
Ok! I know I''ve been gone a while, but I''m back, and with a date!!!

Me and the Mr. are planning on tying the knot on July 9th, 2011! It''s a 9th (so we still get to keep "the 9th" as our anniversary date, and it''s VERY close to the day that we first said ''I love you'' and when he proposed :):):)

I can''t wait to get planning!!!

Good luck to choro72. We hope you have an amazing wedding day!!!!
Congrats to lilmisrugger for setting a date. Enjoy your planning because the time will BLOW by fast!!!

Updates will be in red.

07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
Current BIW''s
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay, AlistairsBride
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/14/10 - lisamarie84
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/21/11 - jaylex
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
07/02/11 - bibiloves
07/09/11 - lilmisrugger
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66
Can I be added? April 24, 2010. :)
Would you add me? May 22, 2010
Good luck to choro72. We hope you have an amazing wedding day!!!!
Welcome to tigerhearted and brown_eyes!!!!
Updates will be in red.
07/24/09 - luvinlife
07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
Current BIW''s
02/27/10 - choro72
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/24/10 - tigerhearted
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03, brown_eyes
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay, AlistairsBride
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/14/10 - lisamarie84
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/21/11 - jaylex
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
07/02/11 - bibiloves
07/09/11 - lilmisrugger
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66

Ok. I officially have a date!

Its 9/3/2010. Please add me to the list!
Princess, may i please be added to the list? Our wedding ceremony will be on the 26th of May 2010 and our wedding reception on the 28th of May 2010!!! So close now!!! I''m so excited!! I''m getting married to my eternal beloved!!!
Congrats to [COLOR=FF0000]choro72[/COLOR]. We hope you had an amazing wedding day!!!!
Good luck to [COLOR=FF0000]ysj99[/COLOR]. We hope you have an amazing wedding day!!!
Welcome to [COLOR=FF0000]NakedFinger[/COLOR] and [COLOR=FF0000]Naty H&A[/COLOR]! Enjoy your planning!!!

Updates will be in [COLOR=FF0000]red[/COLOR].

07/25/09 - Lanie, DMBFiredancer, SeattleSweetheart, meresal, AprilD
08/01/09 - Cass, MissManna, grapegravity
08/02/09 - bugbride, Rachie, MommaChristine
08/03/09 - JerseyGrl81
08/08/09 - dboatsupreme
08/14/09 - wannaBMrsH
08/15/09 - NYCBride2Be, rockzilla
08/18/09 - panda08
08/20/09 - mtjoya
08/22/09 - SassyB, dreaming of the day
08/26/09 - merrymunky
08/29/09 - Morgie44, GoingCrazy29
09/01/09 - katamari(ceremony)
09/04/09 - KatyWI
09/05/09 - LuvinMyLife86, eternallyhis
09/06/09 - Sparkalicious
09/07/09 - debzy103
09/09/09 - peaches
09/12/09 - noelwr, katamari(reception), Miscka(elopement party)
09/13/09 - NickiDrea
09/18/09 - eggy1024
09/19/09 - emeraldlover1, Diva0413, MsSassy, marchswallowbird, Jen_91909, daught3rofEve
09/25/09 - elrohwen, Winslet
10/02/09 - Tally1977, i_heart_cushions
10/03/09 - darkeyesredshoes, SunShyne83, charbie, ficklefaye
10/09/09 - tabu
10/10/09 - sctsbride09, Missy0483, blackbetty, Jena17, chibride10, ProseCuter, elledizzy5
10/11/09 - pjean, Octavia
10/15/09 - karend26
10/17/09 - LegalGal, JR320
10/23/09 - Snickerdoodle, luvbug
10/24/09 - lliang_chi, pan_manda, glitterazzi, rhbgirl24
10/31/09 - Keepingthefaith21, TBjumper
11/01/09 - CrookedRock
11/07/09 - sunnyd
11/10/09 - lasscreative
11/14/09 - mrm, Smurfysmiles, Inanna, cocolaw
11/20/09 - alli_esq
11/21/09 - SparklyGirl*, nani565
11/26/09 - honey22
12/05/09 - ams0124, violet3
12/19/09 - PilsnPinkysMom
01/02/10 - leeNY
01/08/10 - luvthemstrawberries
01/09/10 - FrekeChild
01/15/10 - joelly
01/29/10 - lala2332
02/08/10 - dani2141
02/13/10 - blondebunny
02/20/10 - mzkel_renee
02/27/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]choro72[/COLOR]

Current BIW''s
03/06/10 - ysj99
03/12/10 - hawaiianorangetree
03/20/10 - Delster, retsled, luvthemstrawberries-Reception back home
04/04/10 - supergirl10
04/09/10 - Diva_turned_fiance0704
04/10/10 - Kayakqueen83
04/17/10 - MeganShannon11, The7OfUs, Amanda.Rx, GarnetMama
04/24/10 - tigerhearted
04/27/10 - andex23
04/30/10 - stephbolt
05/01/10 - DiamondsforDee, shimz, blueroses
05/08/10 - minx714
05/10/10 - Rock_of_love
05/15/10 - M&Ms, VictoriaEremita, jcarlylew, ArtistJess
05/21/10 - NuggetBrain
05/22/10 - CNYHopeful, Miya03, brown_eyes
05/23/10 - rosebud10
05/26/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]Naty H&A[/COLOR] (ceremony)
05/28/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]Naty H&A[/COLOR] (reception)
05/29/10 - PrincessMiaPuff, sammyj, girlface, Squirrly
05/30/10 - booswim542, gwendolyn (USA wedding)
06/05/10 - caribqueen, Nov2109
06/12/10 - Deelight, Lynxcat
06/13/10 - ilovesparkles & HubcapPB
06/19/10 - cupcake*muffin
06/20/10 - MonkeyPants
06/26/10 - happygolucky851, laughwithme, cinnamongurl, pinki
07/02/10 - bee
07/03/10 - Travel Goddess
07/04/10 - cutiegirl84
07/10/10 - cindygenit, ladypirate
07/31/10 - marlie, princessplease
08/01/10 - SapphireLover
08/06/10 - monkeyprincess
08/07/10 - LabRatPhD, shertz1981
08/14/10 - Bjedifish
08/21/10 - mayachel, aliciagirl
08/28/10 - cleokizzy, ts44
09/03/10 - [COLOR=FF0000]NakedFinger[/COLOR]
09/04/10 - Honey228, mscushion, ~*Alexis*~
09/05/10 - Revana03, news_girl, yssie, HappyCat
09/11/10 - MagsyMay, AlistairsBride
09/17/10 - LtlFirecracker
09/18/10 - Luckyeshe, Treasure43, winelover23
09/24/10 - RoxlovesRocks
09/25/10 - trillionaire (elopement)
10/01/10 - lilyfoot
10/02/10 - LAG2010
10/09/10 - WistfulAurora, LFVDoll, jjc
10/10/10 - Legacygirl, missjaxon, Jewels305, megumic
10/16/10 - Lekde, idreamofcushions
10/23/10 - CurlySue
10/24/10 - CheshireSmile
10/30/10 - swedish bean
10/31/10 - IrisAccents
11/06/10 - equestrienne
11/14/10 - lisamarie84
11/20/10 - Princess_Dreamer
11/21/10 - Amzizzle
11/26/10 - Pushin40
12/04/10 - Dannielle
12/17/10 - bobbin
01/16/11 - sba771
03/05/11 - redfaerythinker
05/21/11 - jaylex
05/22/11 - kas baby
06/??/11 - sweetpea&babycorn
07/02/11 - bibiloves
07/09/11 - lilmisrugger
09/24/11 - ErinLeigh
10/01/11 - Future Mrs. Sterling
??/??/?? - wifey2be & strmrdr/Karl K, lotsofsparkle, gigglebuns1186, Bia, TopoDazzle, gwendolyn (UK wedding), LitigatorChick, Still_Waiting, lulu66
Ooh, me too! May 22, 2010!!! Congrats to all!
May I be added to the list? It will be 11/21/10!