Such a great idea! Adore them all but LOVE the pear drops! Those are simply enchanting! Just like dtnyc said:" baby oprah"s! What size are the pears - if I may ask? Woudl you consider them day wear or more for evening? I am so loving them!
As usual, Widget, you have made the BEST jewelry choices! I LOVE all of the danglies, in particular the opals since they're kind of unexpected and very, VERY pretty. (and opal is my birthstone so I'm partial!) Of course, the pear shaped drops are TDF!!! Very regal and elegant!
All of these baubles fit you to a tee!!!
ETA: how thoughtful of you to gift the emeralds/opals to your DIL!!!!
Widget, I so loved the idea of the gizmos, I had meant to look up your old post, but here you are again. I love, love, love the pear drops. Maybe one day I will be able to get nice, big, fat ones...
I am so glad this thread got restarted cause I missed it the first time around. I LOVE this idea, as in "I want that". I am always thrilled by things that have more than one use and these detachable drops are perfect.
Widget as always you are innovative and definitely get the wheels turning - very nice designs.
Love the gizmos!!! The pear diamonds really look phenomenal, and the opals give the diamonds a very unique look. You could keep running with this and get all sorts of gizmos LOL!
Hi Widget, long time no speak (my fault, I disappeared off Pricescope for a while). What a novel idea and your danglies look fabulous. As for your pink sapphires, they are beautiful. You''re a woman with exquisite taste. Your DIL is very lucky indeed.
! I love drop earrings, because they move and have a little life. I think I like it with the pear diamonds the best, very elizabeth taylor looking!
What a nice mother in law! I''d find them hard to give up too!
I have some pears that I would like to recycle and they look fab with your design. And I already have the diamond studs. I wonder if the gizmo can be made to dangle longer?
I like the idea of them hanging below my earlobe...
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