
New er ring blues

Wendylynne|1396563781|3646871 said:
I said the prongs are sharp ( literally) they scratched my 4 yr old when he leaned against me. I know that they are preferred I requested them, had them on my last ring... They need a bit of buffing.

Someone commented that my sisters may not be familiar with high end custom rings... One has a ring from Graff the other Harry Winston they are familiar. Multiple people commented my sisters may be jealose??? Really? We are a pretty supportive family and only want the best for each other... I have to say I was a bit taken aback by these comments.

I would share the entire process of ordering this ring and how I ended up where I am today... But i realize that the point is moot. You are all going to attack me either way.

No one is attacking you - this is an anonymous forum and nothing here is personal. I was actually the one who initially inquired about your sisters and the possibility of a little sibling rivalry. I was not presuming to know whether or not that was the case - I was simply asking if that had anything to do with your sudden unhappiness with your otherwise gorgeous ring. None of us know you, so this is all just speculation. My sisters and I are pretty supportive of one another and we want the best for each other too, but we are still human and sometimes there is a bit of sibling rivalry.
Whatever the actual circumstances may be, you deserve to be happy with your ring and I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you. I do feel that you did not clearly state your wishes for the ring (based on all of the threads that you have posted about your ring), but none of that matters now. Your vendor has excellent customer service and I'm sure that they will do whatever they can within their power to resolve your situation.
Hi Wendy!!! I love your ring.. but I can say that I have had 2 settings made for my engagement ring and both - in the end - I did not really love.. a stock setting from the 80s is my favorite.. it's funny.... I think it is like when a person has their wedding dress made.. and it looks a bit different than what you thought... Again I must say - your ring, stones etc are simply beautiful... but when we have things 'created' from computer pix they sometimes just have that little 'uh that isn't EXACTLY how I thought it would be" so I think it's up to you.. i'd get the prongs softened... congrats on the 4 year old.. my little guy is 22 and I miss the 4 year old him (although I LOVE LOVE etc this young man today).. 4 loves their mommy! when you have it softened please post a pix or two!


Wendylynne|1396527742|3646523 said:
I received my new upgrade er ring... I posted previously.... In the excitement of finally getting it I was excited, and it is beautifull... But within a day my sisters noticed that at certain angles/ light the diamonds in halo near prongs looked grey/ weird, the prongs were sharp, and the half moons were higher than my halo. Everyone kept asking HOW I ended up with a 3 stone ring when I was soooo specific that I wanted side stone look.

I went custom route because I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I felt a bit badgered into the final design ... The sales guy kept telling me the smaller half moons wouldn't look good... They couldn't find them..

I've attached the pics up close to see halo issue. I know a few people who have had some prong issues with this vendor.. Has anyone ever felt that they were badgered into the final design? I'm a little pissed at myself... I'm definitely not a wallflower personality.