
New Green Tourmaline from Finewater

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Apr 22, 2004
Although it is incredibly sparkly in the last 2 collages, I still see a clear extinction line that breaks the stone in half - half green half dark. I agree with TL that yes, there are tourmalines that hold their colour well, but they are difficult to find and are not cheap. I''m sorry but of all the vices of gemstones, the one thing I cannot tolerate is extinction.


Jan 14, 2004
Still no decision yet!!!

And we have not had a single sunny day since I received the tourm so I can''t judge its performance in the sun. Pulling my hair

TL, can you give me a link to your post that talked about the dark tourm you ended up returning? Thanks!


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 3/15/2009 3:36:01 PM
Author: yingh
Still no decision yet!!!

And we have not had a single sunny day since I received the tourm so I can't judge its performance in the sun. Pulling my hair

TL, can you give me a link to your post that talked about the dark tourm you ended up returning? Thanks!
It's a well known cutter here, so I'm afraid to because I think a PS'er might have bought the stone. I remember the day the stone was on the faceter's drop, and someone posted a picture of it, and everyone said it was gorgeous, and it sold immediately thereafter. Someone might really be offended if I posted a picture of it, but I will tell you this much, it was a bluish green tourmaline from Afghanistan. The picture was nice, but I was very unimpressed by it IRL, but it was very expensive per carat for a tourmaline. I returned it the same exact day I got it, so that tells you something.

I have since exhcanged it for another tourmaline from the said vendor only because he charges a non-refundable cutting fee (probably too much information right there), and I didn't want to lose the $$. I'm not super thrilled with that stone either, but I kept it because I didn't want to lose any more $$$, and at least it was more acceptable in color. It's a pretty color, but I still think I paid too high a price per carat. The photo didn't really match the stone IMHO.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/15/2009 9:55:55 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover

Date: 3/15/2009 3:36:01 PM
Author: yingh
Still no decision yet!!!

And we have not had a single sunny day since I received the tourm so I can''t judge its performance in the sun. Pulling my hair

TL, can you give me a link to your post that talked about the dark tourm you ended up returning? Thanks!
It''s a well known cutter here, so I''m afraid to because I think a PS''er might have bought the stone. I remember the day the stone was on the faceter''s drop, and someone posted a picture of it, and everyone said it was gorgeous, and it sold immediately thereafter. Someone might really be offended if I posted a picture of it, but I will tell you this much, it was a bluish green tourmaline from Afghanistan. The picture was nice, but I was very unimpressed by it IRL, but it was very expensive per carat for a tourmaline. I returned it the same exact day I got it, so that tells you something.

I have since exhcanged it for another tourmaline from the said vendor only because he charges a non-refundable cutting fee (probably too much information right there), and I didn''t want to lose the $$. I''m not super thrilled with that stone either, but I kept it because I didn''t want to lose any more $$$, and at least it was more acceptable in color. It''s a pretty color, but I still think I paid too high a price per carat. The photo didn''t really match the stone IMHO.
Ha, I wish we could share this kind of information after the fact, but it''s hard to post our real opinions about stones after everyone has oohed and aahed over them on PS, especially if we returned them. I think it''s great you''re being sensitive though TL.

I know nothing about tourmalines, but I''ll give you my two cents on impression of what you posted yingh. What you posted the the vendor''s photo, my initial reaction was, "Oh WOW, I love that color!" When I saw your photos, I thought, "Hm, that''s doesn''t look like the same stone at all!" It''s seems a pretty green, but I would have had totally different expectations based on the photo (and my inexperience with the stones.)

As a cutter once said to me, don''t try to make yourself fall in love with a stone. Easier said than done sometimes...I loved my current pad on first sight. Then I didn''t (because of the obstruction issue and oval shape). Once I got past that, I loved it again. So I count my initial reaction as the right one. Based on your initial reaction, I''d say return....


Sep 20, 2008
Yes, and if it''s a matter of not returning it because you''re afraid of losing it in the mail system, you should always insure the stone for it''s full value, and send it back postal priority with a web trackable number. I''m not sure if that''s also something that''s giving you the jitters about returning a stone, but if you insure it and keep ALL postal receipts (assuming you live in the States), you should be fine.

I recently lost a gem I returned in the mail (first time ever after returning things for years), and I was refunded by the U.S. postal service.


Dec 14, 2007
I''m with TGal on this decision. I would return it as well. I think that that last collage of pictures, the stone looks beautiful, but it still doesn''t look like the picture. In this case I''d say that the picture is pretty misleading.

After looking at the thread on vendor pics, I think there are some vendors that I''m going to start staying further away from because it''s really hit or miss between their pictures and what the stone looks like in real life. Kind of sucks.


Jan 14, 2004
First, thanks to you all for offering such helpful advice. TL, I actually find your post by going page after page from your personal profile (am I crazy or what?)

I''ve never had such a hard time deciding on a stone. It is 11pm and I just walked with it again around my house, upstairs and downstairs. It is extra pretty in low lighting such as hallway. Under bright kitchen lighting, the dark shade of green took over with a small amount of extinction.

I''ve managed to wipe the vendor pictures out of my mind and judging on the stone by itself. Obviously I am not 100% in love with it, but overall I am 85% in love (if there is such thing as partial love?) The shape, cut, and size are just beautiful and I''ve picked a perfect mounting for it already (did I say that I have OCD?). I am a sucker for green stones (and red too) so I will be kicking myself if I returned it too quickly. I don''t know if I have been searching for reasons to keep it, or to find a reason to return it.

Forecast for tomorrow says cloudy and PM shower
I really wish to have some sun shine! I guess I am waiting for the ''this is it'' moment. I want to make an emotional decision, not a rational one.
I feel that if I return it now, I will regret it. sigh...


Jan 14, 2004
TL, thanks for the tips with P.O. I am not worried about the service at all, though it is a shame for any gems to get lost in the mail. I wonder where do they ended up? Did the mice steal it and kept it for themselves?

Date: 3/15/2009 10:41:28 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
Yes, and if it''s a matter of not returning it because you''re afraid of losing it in the mail system, you should always insure the stone for it''s full value, and send it back postal priority with a web trackable number. I''m not sure if that''s also something that''s giving you the jitters about returning a stone, but if you insure it and keep ALL postal receipts (assuming you live in the States), you should be fine.

I recently lost a gem I returned in the mail (first time ever after returning things for years), and I was refunded by the U.S. postal service.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/15/2009 10:46:53 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I''m with TGal on this decision. I would return it as well. I think that that last collage of pictures, the stone looks beautiful, but it still doesn''t look like the picture. In this case I''d say that the picture is pretty misleading.

After looking at the thread on vendor pics, I think there are some vendors that I''m going to start staying further away from because it''s really hit or miss between their pictures and what the stone looks like in real life. Kind of sucks.
I hear ya Freke. Even if it''s not the most flattering pic, vendors should try to photograph as true as possible. Obviously the best of both worlds is to do manage both! I went through only looking at 2 pads and the shipping cost me $95 total. 20 bucks for the JW pad, 40 bucks to return fully insured via usps priority (it was the insurance that cost a fortune) and $35 for Richard to send the stone to me. That''s not chump change. If I had not wanted the RWise pad, it would have been out about $135 with NOTHING to show for it!!


Sep 20, 2008
As far as vendor photos, it would be nice if they could take photos of stones in artificial and natural light. In fact, whenever I buy ANY stone, I always ask the vendor what the stone looks like in various light sources. For example, many pink tourmalines go brownish in artificial light.

I think we all need to ask the right questions. With the stone I returned, I did ask the vendor those questions, and he said it was bright and vibrant in all light sources. Well, we must have different eyes, because that was definitely not the case to me. As I was driving to the post office with the stone, I kept looking at it (it was a very sunny day), and I had an almost black stone.

Perhaps the level of extinction is not as bad on your stone Yingh, but it was on mine. My stone did look like yours in some lighting though.


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/15/2009 11:36:24 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/15/2009 10:46:53 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I''m with TGal on this decision. I would return it as well. I think that that last collage of pictures, the stone looks beautiful, but it still doesn''t look like the picture. In this case I''d say that the picture is pretty misleading.

After looking at the thread on vendor pics, I think there are some vendors that I''m going to start staying further away from because it''s really hit or miss between their pictures and what the stone looks like in real life. Kind of sucks.
I hear ya Freke. Even if it''s not the most flattering pic, vendors should try to photograph as true as possible. Obviously the best of both worlds is to do manage both! I went through only looking at 2 pads and the shipping cost me $95 total. 20 bucks for the JW pad, 40 bucks to return fully insured via usps priority (it was the insurance that cost a fortune) and $35 for Richard to send the stone to me. That''s not chump change. If I had not wanted the RWise pad, it would have been out about $135 with NOTHING to show for it!!
I completely agree. This is another reason why I never bothered returning stones I think. Its freaking $15 to return something that''s somewhere around $100. Which is why I''m stuck with two stones that I don''t particularly want and won''t do anything with... (Although they were both above the $100 mark...)


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/15/2009 11:46:05 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
As far as vendor photos, it would be nice if they could take photos of stones in artificial and natural light. In fact, whenever I buy ANY stone, I always ask the vendor what the stone looks like in various light sources. For example, many pink tourmalines go brownish in artificial light.

I think we all need to ask the right questions. With the stone I returned, I did ask the vendor those questions, and he said it was bright and vibrant in all light sources. Well, we must have different eyes, because that was definitely not the case to me. As I was driving to the post office with the stone, I kept looking at it (it was a very sunny day), and I had an almost black stone.

Perhaps the level of extinction is not as bad on your stone Yingh, but it was on mine. My stone did look like yours in some lighting though.
This is a great point TL. With one of the pads, I would not have been in the position I was in if I had asked for more photos. I would not buy another stone again just based on a stock photo. If they don''t want to humor me, then they don''t care for my business.

The RW pad I took a chance on because the photo that was taken was not a stock pro photo. Of course, this was the fakey that I decided to keep. The final pad was sent to me with free shipping of course, so I opted to look at that one without ever seeing a photo. In fact, Richard said there was a pro photo taken, but I have not seen it yet.

Freke, I hear ya...I obviously sent it back because these stones cost way more than a few hundred bucks, but it still sucks to pay that much in shipping!!


Jan 14, 2004
I share the same opinion about vendor pictures. So far Barry from ACS is my #1 reliable cutter in terms of describing the gem stones. Although he can only take one picture for his site, he is always responsive to my emails and would tell me if the stone will be too dark for me after he learned about my taste. Hooray for sweet old Barry!

On the other hand, I am frustrated about the detective work we each have to engage in when judging vendor pictures. The gem type, the past experience, the lighting, all need to be carefully evaluated. The new sticky thread of vendor/owner picture comparison is such a brilliant idea!

FrekeChild, sorry you had to keep stones you don't love due to shipping costs. TravelingGal, sorry about your cost on the pad too. There just isn't much we can do about it.

I usually don't view gem cutters as business man, but after all, they are in this business.

Date: 3/15/2009 11:47:37 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Date: 3/15/2009 11:36:24 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/15/2009 10:46:53 PM

Author: FrekeChild

I'm with TGal on this decision. I would return it as well. I think that that last collage of pictures, the stone looks beautiful, but it still doesn't look like the picture. In this case I'd say that the picture is pretty misleading.

After looking at the thread on vendor pics, I think there are some vendors that I'm going to start staying further away from because it's really hit or miss between their pictures and what the stone looks like in real life. Kind of sucks.

I hear ya Freke. Even if it's not the most flattering pic, vendors should try to photograph as true as possible. Obviously the best of both worlds is to do manage both! I went through only looking at 2 pads and the shipping cost me $95 total. 20 bucks for the JW pad, 40 bucks to return fully insured via usps priority (it was the insurance that cost a fortune) and $35 for Richard to send the stone to me. That's not chump change. If I had not wanted the RWise pad, it would have been out about $135 with NOTHING to show for it!!

I completely agree. This is another reason why I never bothered returning stones I think. Its freaking $15 to return something that's somewhere around $100. Which is why I'm stuck with two stones that I don't particularly want and won't do anything with... (Although they were both above the $100 mark...)


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/15/2009 11:59:28 PM
Author: yingh
I share the same opinion about vendor pictures. So far Barry from ACS is my #1 reliable cutter in terms of describing the gem stones. Although he can only take one picture for his site, he is always responsive to my emails and would tell me if the stone will be too dark for me after he learned about my taste. Hooray for sweet old Barry!

On the other hand, I am frustrated about the detective work we each have to engaged in when judging vendor pictures. The gem type, the past experience, the lighting, all need to be carefully evaluated. The new sticky thread of vendor/owner picture comparison is such a brilliant idea!

FrekeChild, sorry you had to keep stones you don''t love due to shipping costs. TravelingGal, sorry about your cost on the pad too. There just isn''t much we can do about it.

I usually don''t view gem cutters as business man, but after all, they are in this business.

Date: 3/15/2009 11:47:37 PM
Author: FrekeChild

Date: 3/15/2009 11:36:24 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/15/2009 10:46:53 PM

Author: FrekeChild

I''m with TGal on this decision. I would return it as well. I think that that last collage of pictures, the stone looks beautiful, but it still doesn''t look like the picture. In this case I''d say that the picture is pretty misleading.

After looking at the thread on vendor pics, I think there are some vendors that I''m going to start staying further away from because it''s really hit or miss between their pictures and what the stone looks like in real life. Kind of sucks.

I hear ya Freke. Even if it''s not the most flattering pic, vendors should try to photograph as true as possible. Obviously the best of both worlds is to do manage both! I went through only looking at 2 pads and the shipping cost me $95 total. 20 bucks for the JW pad, 40 bucks to return fully insured via usps priority (it was the insurance that cost a fortune) and $35 for Richard to send the stone to me. That''s not chump change. If I had not wanted the RWise pad, it would have been out about $135 with NOTHING to show for it!!

I completely agree. This is another reason why I never bothered returning stones I think. Its freaking $15 to return something that''s somewhere around $100. Which is why I''m stuck with two stones that I don''t particularly want and won''t do anything with... (Although they were both above the $100 mark...)
Well, it''s annoying but understandable. Online vendors can''t afford to send out stones for free willy nilly. And you figure you are usually getting a nice stone for less than you could at a jeweler, even with the shipping factored in. But it IS disappointing to get a stone that looks nothing like the stock photo. So I agree, that stock photo thread is a great idea!!


Jun 3, 2008
I have been trying to post on that thread but I don''t seem to have the necessary program to do so. I have noticed that some people are able to post more than one pictures at a time, I haven''t been able to figure that out yet. Oh well...

I wonder if there is a free collage photo place that can do this??


Jan 14, 2004
Mochi, I use Picasa from google. It is a free photo-editing software. It is no PhotoShop, but really not bad as a freebie. I used it to create all my collages if that give you some idea?

Date: 3/16/2009 12:08:59 AM
Author: mochi
I have been trying to post on that thread but I don''t seem to have the necessary program to do so. I have noticed that some people are able to post more than one pictures at a time, I haven''t been able to figure that out yet. Oh well...

I wonder if there is a free collage photo place that can do this??


Sep 20, 2008
I think you''ll enjoy this thread

This PS''er was looking for the "right" tourmaline for a while. She purchased a pretty indicolite tourmaline, and it was gorgeous in one light setup, and went darker in another. She returned it, because like you, she wasn''t 100% satisfied, even though she loved the color. She did the right thing and held out for the right stone, and she bought a TDF stone from paraibainternational.
Perhaps this thread might be some help in your decision making.


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/15/2009 11:52:27 PM
Author: TravelingGal
This is a great point TL. With one of the pads, I would not have been in the position I was in if I had asked for more photos. I would not buy another stone again just based on a stock photo. If they don't want to humor me, then they don't care for my business.

The RW pad I took a chance on because the photo that was taken was not a stock pro photo. Of course, this was the fakey that I decided to keep. The final pad was sent to me with free shipping of course, so I opted to look at that one without ever seeing a photo. In fact, Richard said there was a pro photo taken, but I have not seen it yet.

Freke, I hear ya...I obviously sent it back because these stones cost way more than a few hundred bucks, but it still sucks to pay that much in shipping!!
TGal, I agree completely(except with Barry, he's always completely honest and forthright with me, not to mention his photos always seem to come out almost exactly true to life, if not better). There was one vendor that it was almost like pulling teeth to get another picture out of. And that is one stone I ended up sending back. If the stones had been much more expensive, I would have sent them back right away. My first silver topaz wasn't exactly what I was expecting--but it was BETTER, so I ended up keeping it.

Mochi--there is I believe. As far as multiple pictures, it's a little complicated, but you have to upload them to the PS gallery area and then put in html to insert them into your posts. Unless they are already uploaded, in which case it's more of a process of finding the URL for the pic and inserting that with html. It took me a while to figure out...


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/16/2009 12:08:59 AM
Author: mochi
I have been trying to post on that thread but I don''t seem to have the necessary program to do so. I have noticed that some people are able to post more than one pictures at a time, I haven''t been able to figure that out yet. Oh well...

I wonder if there is a free collage photo place that can do this??

On PS, if you are posting a NEW pic, you can only post one at a time. However, if you''ve posted the photo (or some else has posted it) somewhere on PS before, you can drag and drop the photo from another window into your post, and you can do this with multiple pics into a single post.

Otherwise, you can do a collage as suggested. Hope that helps!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/16/2009 12:17:42 AM
Author: FrekeChild

Date: 3/15/2009 11:52:27 PM
Author: TravelingGal
This is a great point TL. With one of the pads, I would not have been in the position I was in if I had asked for more photos. I would not buy another stone again just based on a stock photo. If they don''t want to humor me, then they don''t care for my business.

The RW pad I took a chance on because the photo that was taken was not a stock pro photo. Of course, this was the fakey that I decided to keep. The final pad was sent to me with free shipping of course, so I opted to look at that one without ever seeing a photo. In fact, Richard said there was a pro photo taken, but I have not seen it yet.

Freke, I hear ya...I obviously sent it back because these stones cost way more than a few hundred bucks, but it still sucks to pay that much in shipping!!
TGal, I agree completely(except with Barry, he''s always completely honest and forthright with me, not to mention his photos always seem to come out almost exactly true to life, if not better). There was one vendor that it was almost like pulling teeth to get another picture out of. And that is one stone I ended up sending back. If the stones had been much more expensive, I would have sent them back right away. My first silver topaz wasn''t exactly what I was expecting--but it was BETTER, so I ended up keeping it.

Mochi--there is I believe. As far as multiple pictures, it''s a little complicated, but you have to upload them to the PS gallery area and then put in html to insert them into your posts. Unless they are already uploaded, in which case it''s more of a process of finding the URL for the pic and inserting that with html. It took me a while to figure out...
Freke, Just open up a new window with the photo you want to use that is on PS. Then drag the photo into the one with your post in it. It''s super easy once the photo is uploaded on PS.


Jun 3, 2008
Thank you ladies, I''m going to go try it out..


Jan 14, 2004
TL, I really enjoyed this thread! The replacement tourmaline was so much better and glowed. I will call paraiba tomorrow.

Date: 3/16/2009 12:16:46 AM
Author: tourmaline_lover

I think you''ll enjoy this thread

This PS''er was looking for the ''right'' tourmaline for a while. She purchased a pretty indicolite tourmaline, and it was gorgeous in one light setup, and went darker in another. She returned it, because like you, she wasn''t 100% satisfied, even though she loved the color. She did the right thing and held out for the right stone, and she bought a TDF stone from paraibainternational.

Perhaps this thread might be some help in your decision making.

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
Date: 3/15/2009 11:47:37 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I completely agree. This is another reason why I never bothered returning stones I think. Its freaking $15 to return something that''s somewhere around $100. Which is why I''m stuck with two stones that I don''t particularly want and won''t do anything with... (Although they were both above the $100 mark...)
At least you don''t have to worry about getting some people b-day gifts


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/16/2009 4:10:34 AM
Author: ma re
Date: 3/15/2009 11:47:37 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I completely agree. This is another reason why I never bothered returning stones I think. Its freaking $15 to return something that''s somewhere around $100. Which is why I''m stuck with two stones that I don''t particularly want and won''t do anything with... (Although they were both above the $100 mark...)
At least you don''t have to worry about getting some people b-day gifts
Except that these cost more than I would spend (right now, being a student and all) on gifts for anyone but FI. And I know he''d prefer to have other things than stones. Like video games.


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 3/15/2009 10:46:53 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I''m with TGal on this decision. I would return it as well. I think that that last collage of pictures, the stone looks beautiful, but it still doesn''t look like the picture. In this case I''d say that the picture is pretty misleading.

After looking at the thread on vendor pics, I think there are some vendors that I''m going to start staying further away from because it''s really hit or miss between their pictures and what the stone looks like in real life. Kind of sucks.
Freke- Just one more reason to love Barry, right?
I''ve been so impressed with his photos in my own experiences, and the vendor comparison only further proves this. I think his photos are the most true to life. AND he is so accomodating and sweet too. Barry love fest

Yingh- I would still return it, too. Too expensive for a just "okay/ not what I was looking for" sort of stone, IMO.


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 3/16/2009 12:53:33 AM
Author: yingh
TL, I really enjoyed this thread! The replacement tourmaline was so much better and glowed. I will call paraiba tomorrow.

Date: 3/16/2009 12:16:46 AM
Author: tourmaline_lover

I think you'll enjoy this thread

This PS'er was looking for the 'right' tourmaline for a while. She purchased a pretty indicolite tourmaline, and it was gorgeous in one light setup, and went darker in another. She returned it, because like you, she wasn't 100% satisfied, even though she loved the color. She did the right thing and held out for the right stone, and she bought a TDF stone from paraibainternational.

Perhaps this thread might be some help in your decision making.
Please also check out their ebay auctions, and look at what their past gems sold for in comparison to their buy it now price. They do accept offers, and if you investigate their completed ebay listings, you can get an idea of what to provide as an acceptable offer if you're interested in any of their stones. Just trying to help you save a little $$$, that's all.

I've also been getting tons of promotional emails from them as well, and you might want to ask what promotions they have going on.

BTW, here's the thread with the outcome of GreenWithEnvy's gorgeous tourmaline.
Now THAT's a tourmaline!!!


Feb 22, 2008
I think the stone is lovely, however it looks nothing like the vendors pics. I have never used any of the vendors here as I noticed many times the pictures they provide look nothing like what the buyer has received. Sometimes they are even more beautiful and sometimes they are not nearly as nice as the vendors photo. I did notice that Barry''s pictures seem the closest to being taken in natural lighting and by the time I see a new stone that I am interested in, it is already spoken for. (YOu PSers are on fire!)
I am always a bit leary of buying any gemstone if the photo looks too staged. It would do the vendor and the buyer a great deal of justice and less hassle of returns if they could take the photos of the gemstones in as many natural lighting sources as possible. In fact, I will ask a vendor if they can take more pictures of the stone in indoor and outdoor lighting before I make my final decision to purchase. No sense in spending big money to view a stone only to spend more money sending it back. All this said, the stone really is pretty....but if you were looking for a minty colored stone........... I would hold out for the one that absolutely makes your heart sing!! Also, make your final decision by looking at it outdoors...hopefully the sun will be your friend SOON!


May 27, 2008
I think it''s really pretty, but I can see why you''re not 100% sold on it. That''s one major thing that bothers me about colored stones. You never REALLY know what you''re getting.


Apr 22, 2004
Yingh, remember this mantra which is mostly true. There is always a bigger and better stone around the corner. Have patience and you''ll eventually find the stone that you''ll love 100%, not just 85%. I''d rather lose some money in shipping instead of having a stone I don''t love, will never look at again, much less set and wear.


Jan 14, 2004
Finally I have a verdict, and it is to KEEP IT!

To cut the long story shot, I finally found a ring-like stone holder and was able to ''wear'' this tourmaline on and off today. Still no sun, but I checked it out with outdoor lighting enough. Then I asked one of my colleague to wear the ''ring'', with me sitting about 6 feet away. This stone glowed entirely on her finger with this bright, almost minty green. (my office has no window so its purely indoor lighting) At that moment, I decided to keep it.

This is clearly not a love at a first sight story. But after pondering on the decision for three full days, I became so obsessed with it. I guess I fell in love before realizing it myself. I know its not perfect with sometime darkness and some extinction, but I cannot bear the thoughts of giving it to someone else now.

I want to say thank you to everyone who offered honest opinions and who told me to return it, I know you had my best interest in mind. Personally I found that is much harder to do than singing the praises. (Those who loved the stone, I appreciate your comments equally!
) I also want you all to know that I did some check around for similar tourmaline before finally saying yes. My acquired taste will probably require a Paraiba to make me happy, and that is way beyond my budget.

In all fairness to Gary and to this tourmaline, it is not as dark as my pictures were showing. After three days of stress (trust me, you see me on this site at 2AM everyday!
) I am feeling very happy to keep it. I think I''ll move it up on my mounting priority list to #2!

Lastly, I want to offer a thought on vendor pictures and their accuracy. I certainly prefer more accurate pictures like Barry''s. I don''t feel badly misled by vendor pictures AS LONG AS I can get additional shots when I request them. Think about the pictures on social networking websites, most people put up their best shots there. A lot of us have had nice portraits taken at studios and they sure look much better than our home shots. I don''t think the intention in those cases were to mis-represent, but instead to show the best side of oneself. I felt the same about most vendor pictures. As long as natural lighting pictures and accurate descriptions can be provided to aid purchase decisions, I can accept beautified vendor pictures as eye candies. As long as they don''t cause impulsive purchases (like my green tourmaline story here)

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