
New Lady in Waiting, Hoping to be part of the group!

The only weird thing about my left being bigger than my right ring finger is I'm right handed. I am not sure why that is. I am convinced it's purely to spite me.

Thanks for all the advice! I appreciate it. I think you guys are totally right. I really do need to go into a jewelry store. It just makes my bf really uncomfortable as we aren't actually planning on buying on anything and he feels like they might, gasp, try to sell him something. :lol:

I really want to hear the cheesecake story too!!
I keep trying to reply to all of you but for some reason I'm getting a super annoying error message... Just seeing if this one works? :angryfire:
Ladies!! I must have tried to respond to you all for 3 hours last night and I kept getting some bizarre error message! :wall: I had everything written out all nice and had comments to all of the great stuff that you posted and IT WOULDN'T LET ME!!! :angryfire: :angryfire: UGH :angryfire: :angryfire: It was SO frustrating! :wall:

Anyway, I'm going to try to do my best here....

Elizabethess: I want to hear the "Cheesecake" story!!! I'm glad to know that we're not the only ones who talk in code about this particular piece of jewelry ;)) Also, you're getting your ring back from the jeweler tomorrow!!! YAY! You'll have to let us know how it feels to actually be able to wear it comfortably! It's such a pretty ring! :-D

Ariadne: STOP STRESSING ABOUT YOUR RING SIZE!!!!! ;) Your ring sounds amazing, and I can't wait to see it. I love the symbolism of your ring and how it attributes to your relationship. It's incredibly sweet and of course, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that it was your grandma's! It doesn't sound ugly at all! I'm pretty glad for your sake that your side stones aren't 6mm across! Can you imagine how big your center stone would have to be?! :o I'm not sure what your situation is, but if my BF was saving up to buy a stone that huge, I'd be a LIW for a REALLY long time!! ;) Also, don't be afraid to go into jewelry stores to look at jewelry and to learn about diamonds. They're there to educate you about your jewelry and prospective purchases as much as they're there to sell you something. If they're really pushing for a sale after you've told them that you're there to learn and to look, not to buy, then walk out and go somewhere else. They don't deserve your sale if they don't want to help you learn. Do you have many jewelry stores where you're from? I would always recommend a family owned place over a mall store any day if there are options like that :-D

Thank you ladies for all of your kind words about my stone!!! :-D I went over to the jewelry store on my lunch break yesterday and my boss gave me a GORGEOUS wax cast to take home to show my BF and to see how the stone looked in it. He was pretty quiet about the whole thing other than to ask where the "chain" attaches to this "necklace". haha... My stone did look really pretty in the cast, even a little big which would require modifying it a little but not too much... I'll post pictures later if I can get this to work... His being quiet can be a good or bad thing... The fact that my boss knows that we're looking for a ring makes me nervous though... If he doesn't go and see her about my ring I'm going to be pretty embarrassed to show her something that he finds online... keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
Hahaha. You sound like my boyfriend!

I am DYING to see this wax mold!!! Hopefully, he already went in to see your boss? Maybe that's where the mold came from and he was being sneaky? :naughty:

I hope you can get pictures uploaded.
Let's see how this works.... Here's some pictures of the cast that my boss put together for me.... What do you think?
I'm kind of undecided if I like the asymmetry, or would want it more symmetrical? What do you all think? How do you think the stone looks in it? What kind of wedding band do you think would look nice?
WOW! I love it! I love flowers and flower rings.

I think with a complicated ring like that, I would try to do a thin ring that slides under the flower part as the wedding band. Maybe with a floral/vine engraving or something?
I like symmetry but that's just my personal preference. I am sure it would look good either way. :D
I wasn't expecting it to be such a big, full flower.
Ariadne_Theia|1458494430|4008390 said:
WOW! I love it! I love flowers and flower rings.

I think with a complicated ring like that, I would try to do a thin ring that slides under the flower part as the wedding band. Maybe with a floral/vine engraving or something?
I like symmetry but that's just my personal preference. I am sure it would look good either way. :D
I wasn't expecting it to be such a big, full flower.

I think you're probably right... I hinted to my BF this weekend that a wedding band should probably be made at the same time, so that it sits next to it without looking weird.

I'm with you on the symmetry... The more I look at it, the more I think it will bother me if it's not symmetrical. I REALLY REALLY hope that his mind is working like mine though, I'll be so embarrassed if he shows up with something he found online... I think he's receptive to the fact that this means a lot to me for him to go through my boss. Have you ever watched "Say Yes to the Dress"? And the sales lady always tells the brides that it's the one if it makes you cry? When my boss showed me the ring that she had made back in the 70's (it was pretty much the same thing but with a diamond in the center and little tiny diamond "dewdrops" on the leaves, I wanted to burst into tears when I tried it on. So, I think we're going in the right direction ;-)

Anyway... what's going on with you? any vibes on the proposal front? Who has your grandma's ring? Do you keep it or does your family? Are you going to be very involved in picking out your diamond or is he going to be doing all the homework and picking it out himself? Do you think you'll have an idea when he's getting ready to pop the question or do you think you'll be totally surprised?
Awww. I totally know what you mean. That sounds so pretty. Diamond dewdrops sound amazing, like something out of a faery garden.

I've got the ring which is nice. Though I do have it locked away safe. Mostly so I stop playing with it all the time. :tongue: And my bf wants me to take the lead on picking out the diamond. Aka he wants me to pick it out with him along for the ride. He says I'm very "particular" about certain things and he wants to make sure I get something I will love. Plus, I am the one who is going to look at it everyday so if something isn't something I'm 100% on, he'll hear about it. :saint: Haha. "Are you sure it looks fine like that?" "Yes, for the millionth time, it's fine!" Better to just spend a couple month of crazy in the beginning and let me pick it out. :lol:

I think after they reset the ring, he'll probably take and hold on to it for a period of time and then propose. I have no idea how he is planning on doing that, except that I have always said that I don't want a whole bunch of people there.

So definitely not a surprise ring but a surprise proposal.
Unusual IMO it needs a round stone the square looks so odd
Ariadne_Theia|1458670789|4009470 said:
Awww. I totally know what you mean. That sounds so pretty. Diamond dewdrops sound amazing, like something out of a faery garden.

I've got the ring which is nice. Though I do have it locked away safe. Mostly so I stop playing with it all the time. :tongue: And my bf wants me to take the lead on picking out the diamond. Aka he wants me to pick it out with him along for the ride. He says I'm very "particular" about certain things and he wants to make sure I get something I will love. Plus, I am the one who is going to look at it everyday so if something isn't something I'm 100% on, he'll hear about it. :saint: Haha. "Are you sure it looks fine like that?" "Yes, for the millionth time, it's fine!" Better to just spend a couple month of crazy in the beginning and let me pick it out. :lol:

I think after they reset the ring, he'll probably take and hold on to it for a period of time and then propose. I have no idea how he is planning on doing that, except that I have always said that I don't want a whole bunch of people there.

So definitely not a surprise ring but a surprise proposal.

Well, the whole thing sounds wonderful! Do you think you'll see the ring once it's reset? Or do you think he'll pick it up and you won't see it again until he's on his knee? Do you have any kind of time frame in mind for when you'd like to get married? Are you going to have any other family heirlooms in your wedding?
Sphene|1458806360|4010264 said:
Unusual IMO it needs a round stone the square looks so odd

The stone is already purchased and the ring will be built around it... So a round stone is out of the question.... What do you think would look nice for my square stone? I'd love to see your ideas!
The flower ring looks like it will be really pretty with your sapphire in it. What kind of metal will the ring be?

I prefer symmetry, also, so I can understand why you would want that. I also prefer the wedding ring to be flush with the e-ring. If you feel the same way I agree that it would be good to have the wedding band made at the same time. I think a narrow band would be nice so it doesn't overshadow the beauty and delicate appearance of the flower.
mary poppins|1458834259|4010389 said:
The flower ring looks like it will be really pretty with your sapphire in it. What kind of metal will the ring be?

I prefer symmetry, also, so I can understand why you would want that. I also prefer the wedding ring to be flush with the e-ring. If you feel the same way I agree that it would be good to have the wedding band made at the same time. I think a narrow band would be nice so it doesn't overshadow the beauty and delicate appearance of the flower.

Hi Mary Poppins! :wavey: I feel like every time you post something, my response to you gets lost in a bunch of other posts! Nice to see you! :-D

To answer your question, I'm thinking yellow gold for the ring and maybe white gold for my wedding band? or maybe even doing a two tone for the ring? I've been really liking two tone and I feel like if I mix up metal colors right away then I won't have to worry about white vs. yellow gold preferences for my jewelry in the future... does that make any sense? :-P The flower part will definitely be yellow gold because the stone shifts color between green and blue and has yellow flashes in it, so I think it's the natural choice. For the rest of it, who knows? :-D It's really up to my BF and if he ever goes to talk to my boss at the jewelry store ;-)

As for the ring, I've come to the conclusion that instead of "symmetry" I think the word I'm looking for is "balance" The flower doesn't have to be totally symmetrical just as long as it looks balanced on my hand (ex. right now the ring looks heavier on one side than the other) does that make any sense?
I definitely think I'll get to look at it after it's reset. :dance: Just to make sure it fits and all that.

I am hoping we can get married on our 10 year anniversary. I think that would be really a great way to celebrate that milestone. And I've always wanted to get married on our anniversary so I don't have to remember another date. lol. I don't know if that will work out because we may be moving so the timing might be off, but it's my top choice so I hope it works.

If we do go ahead and get married on our anniversary, it would be a winter wedding. Do you have a particular season you are planning on?
Ariadne_Theia|1458841521|4010439 said:
I definitely think I'll get to look at it after it's reset. :dance: Just to make sure it fits and all that.

I am hoping we can get married on our 10 year anniversary. I think that would be really a great way to celebrate that milestone. And I've always wanted to get married on our anniversary so I don't have to remember another date. lol. I don't know if that will work out because we may be moving so the timing might be off, but it's my top choice so I hope it works.

If we do go ahead and get married on our anniversary, it would be a winter wedding. Do you have a particular season you are planning on?

That sounds so sweet! Do you think you'll have a very large wedding? Are your family pretty close to you? How far are you moving? when are you planning on doing that? I actually just checked our anniversary and it falls on a Wednesday next year so I think that's out :-( It's such a sweet idea, especially since you have already been together for so long it seems a little silly to have a different anniversary for your wedding :-D I hope it works out for you!

I think ours will be either a late spring, early summer wedding (typical, I know! :-P) maybe next year? It depends on when he proposes, but I don't think it would be too far fetched. My family lives across the country, so I'd have to give them plenty of notice so that they could make arrangements pretty far in advance to get out here if they're going to come. He did mention possibly doing something really small in Glacier National Park, but we'll see how that goes... I wasn't thrilled at some of their policies and I think it'd be difficult to have anyone there but us... Now, in a high mountain meadow surrounded by Montana wild flowers? That'd be my dream :-)
Small Wedding! I am not super social so I wouldn't want to have a bunch of people of there. I am super close with my family so it would be very important to have them all there with us. In fact, my bridal party would probably be my sisters and his sister. :) If it works out that we move -fingers crossed- it would probably be at the start of 2017. My bf is trying to get into some schooling but it's really competitive.

You looove flowers, huh? :lol: I think that sounds beautiful! I can actually see it in my mind's eye. Where is your family from?
Ariadne_Theia|1458927695|4010969 said:
Small Wedding! I am not super social so I wouldn't want to have a bunch of people of there. I am super close with my family so it would be very important to have them all there with us. In fact, my bridal party would probably be my sisters and his sister. :) If it works out that we move -fingers crossed- it would probably be at the start of 2017. My bf is trying to get into some schooling but it's really competitive.

You looove flowers, huh? :lol: I think that sounds beautiful! I can actually see it in my mind's eye. Where is your family from?

We'll probably have a small wedding too. I'm more of a people person than he is, but like you, he's not the most social person and isn't excited about big groups of people, even if they're there for him and a happy occasion :-P

Who doesn't love wildflowers? :-D Have you ever been to the rocky mountains? There are places that are absolutely ethereal! Plus, some of my "best days ever" have been with him driving around the mountains, taking in the beauty and making beautiful bouquets of wildflowers. It's really something to see and it should be added to your bucket list if you've never been in the Rockies during early summer ;-) The rest of my family are all in western Pennsylvania, I've been out here for about 3 years. It's pretty great that your family is close to you because that's the only thing I would change is that travel was easier or less expensive or that they could be closer to me. It is hard to not be close to them when large family events happen and I can't be there...

What sort of school is your BF looking to get into? It sounds like a pretty big deal and very VERY exciting!! :-D
Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you, my bf got sick and had to take off work. :( The illness that was making it's rounds around his coworkers finally got to him. Thankfully, I think I escaped getting it. -knock on wood-

My sister went to college in Colorado so we took a trip at Thankgiving one year to pick her up from school and we drove through parts of the mountains. Not many flowers that time of year though. :P It was really pretty. I have never been to the east coast but I'd like to. I would love to see more parts of the united states, like do a big road trip someday. Or actually get my passport and leave the country. That's our honeymoon goal. Get my passport and go international. (My bf has traveled a bunch in europe) Where do you want to honeymoon?
Ariadne_Theia|1459105300|4011762 said:
Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you, my bf got sick and had to take off work. :( The illness that was making it's rounds around his coworkers finally got to him. Thankfully, I think I escaped getting it. -knock on wood-

My sister went to college in Colorado so we took a trip at Thankgiving one year to pick her up from school and we drove through parts of the mountains. Not many flowers that time of year though. :P It was really pretty. I have never been to the east coast but I'd like to. I would love to see more parts of the united states, like do a big road trip someday. Or actually get my passport and leave the country. That's our honeymoon goal. Get my passport and go international. (My bf has traveled a bunch in europe) Where do you want to honeymoon?

No worries, I hope he's feeling better! If it's anything like the bug that went around here, you have my deepest sympathy. My BF is not the kind of guy to miss work because he's sick, but he was out for a week about a month ago, and after talking to people at work, he got off easy. Keep up with your vitamin c and I hope you don't come down with that plague!

I hope you get to do a road trip someday! They're so much fun! I used to do seasonal resort work so I did a lot of driving all over the country going to and from jobs before going home for a couple of weeks and moving on to the next one. Solo trips are always fun and very liberating as you just have yourself to take care of, can stop where you want, eat where you want, etc. But going on trips with someone you love is super fun too. When I came out to Montana, I drove across with my mom and she flew back and we had such a blast doing lots of "tourist" stuff and eating out, staying in hotels with hot tubs and listening to good music. "sigh" fun times, definitely do a big road trip someday, they're so great :-D How long was your trip to Colorado? Thanksgiving is an interesting time to travel in that area! Glad you didn't get hit with any big crazy storms!

Is there anywhere in Europe you'd like to go for a honeymoon? I have my passport but I've never used it. I was planning on driving with some friends up to a job in Alaska and I would have needed a passport to get through Canada, but the trip fell through and I flew up instead. Bummer, that's still something I'd like to do. We've actually talked about doing a road trip for our honeymoon or even just for a vacation. There are a ton of beautiful national parks between us and the Grand Canyon, to which neither of us have ever been to, so I think we're still kind of thinking about that as an option.
We spent about a week traveling through the mountains, and we hit the Grand Canyon on our tour which was super cool. It's a beautiful sight, I loved it! I think a road trip honeymoon would be really fun, especially in spring when the weather is nice.

We've been talking about maybe doing a honeymoon in Mexico because I don't want to get snowed on! :lol: Plus, I've never been even though I live super close so it would be nice to finally go. Of course, my bf has been there a whole lot because his grandparents used to live there. I love the beach (I mean, isn't it obvious from my avatar?) so I'd probably like to go somewhere on the gulf.
I think I understand what you mean by balance rather than symmetry. It looks like the petals on one side of the ring are much smaller and clustered together than the other side which looks bigger and heavier. Maybe more uniform size all around or having some smaller interspersed among bigger all round would be more balanced. Just a little tweaking.

How many people do you think you will invite to your wedding? Also, if you are choosing between spring and summer wedding, my cousin pointed out before DH and I got married that late spring (and early fall) is better for honeymoon and anniversary travel costs. It's off-peak travel time because kids are in school but the weather is still warmer / summer-like. We ended up getting married in September and have gotten great travel deals!
lmcriss! how did I miss this?!! WOW! I read your descriptions but didn't imagine it would be such a big beautiful flower ring! Were you super excited to see it?? :D

I see what you are saying about balanced. I can't tell if it's the angle or not but for me, what is throwing off the balance/making it heavier on one side is that the stone seems offset to one side a bit, and rotated? I don't mind asymmetry in the petals leaves but I wonder if it would look more balanced with the stone set dead center, straight on?

What a beautiful showpiece of a setting! Going to keep hoping for you that the BF is getting the vibes to work with your boss :wink2:
lmcriss|1458828172|4010338 said:
Sphene|1458806360|4010264 said:
Unusual IMO it needs a round stone the square looks so odd

The stone is already purchased and the ring will be built around it... So a round stone is out of the question.... What do you think would look nice for my square stone? I'd love to see your ideas!

I do imagine round would work well with this type of setting as it mimics that round part the petals come out of, but I don't think it NEEDS a round stone. And like you said we are working with your very pretty square stone here. :bigsmile: Is it evenly square? It looks it from the photos but I didn't see any measurements posted. If it is, what about setting it kite style? For a square stone, kite setting (making it diamond shaped) gives it a really different feel, and may look really lovely centered in the flower.

I found this picture of a cushion morganite set kite-style in a very stylized flower ring as an example (etsy seller LaMoreDesign). It's not naturalistic like yours, but you can get the idea about how turning the stone gives a different feel.


Ahhhhh! It's all so exciting! :D
Ariadne_Theia|1459384892|4013441 said:
We spent about a week traveling through the mountains, and we hit the Grand Canyon on our tour which was super cool. It's a beautiful sight, I loved it! I think a road trip honeymoon would be really fun, especially in spring when the weather is nice.

We've been talking about maybe doing a honeymoon in Mexico because I don't want to get snowed on! :lol: Plus, I've never been even though I live super close so it would be nice to finally go. Of course, my bf has been there a whole lot because his grandparents used to live there. I love the beach (I mean, isn't it obvious from my avatar?) so I'd probably like to go somewhere on the gulf.

Hi Ariadne!! your dream honeymoon sounds WONDERFUL!!! Sometimes I wish that my BF liked the beach more because I enjoy it a lot, the sun the sand, swimming in the ocean and finding shells.... It sound wonderful :-D Maybe I can convince him to take a ride over and spend a day in the sun with me ;-)

mary poppins|1459532767|4014233 said:
I think I understand what you mean by balance rather than symmetry. It looks like the petals on one side of the ring are much smaller and clustered together than the other side which looks bigger and heavier. Maybe more uniform size all around or having some smaller interspersed among bigger all round would be more balanced. Just a little tweaking.

How many people do you think you will invite to your wedding? Also, if you are choosing between spring and summer wedding, my cousin pointed out before DH and I got married that late spring (and early fall) is better for honeymoon and anniversary travel costs. It's off-peak travel time because kids are in school but the weather is still warmer / summer-like. We ended up getting married in September and have gotten great travel deals!

Hi Mary Poppins! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who sees the unbalance in it. I would love it if it were not actually symetrical, but just balanced so that it looks even.

I'm not really sure how many people we'll have at our wedding... I'm thinking it'll be somewhere around 25 depending where we go... maybe as many as 50, maybe as few as 8 or 10. It depends how many of my family back in PA will be able to make the trip out. Plus we have friends around here that would want to be there, so unless we go somewhere way up in the mountains that's difficult to get to, we would have friends there. Actually late May (or early June) or October would be ideal I think... I love the idea of having lots of wildflowers but there are a few lodges around here high up in the mountains that have GREAT winter rates so I'm actually kind of warming up to the idea of a winter wedding.... but late spring/early summer is definitely my first choice :-) Thanks for the tips!

elizabethess|1459799257|4015353 said:
lmcriss! how did I miss this?!! WOW! I read your descriptions but didn't imagine it would be such a big beautiful flower ring! Were you super excited to see it?? :D

I see what you are saying about balanced. I can't tell if it's the angle or not but for me, what is throwing off the balance/making it heavier on one side is that the stone seems offset to one side a bit, and rotated? I don't mind asymmetry in the petals leaves but I wonder if it would look more balanced with the stone set dead center, straight on?

What a beautiful showpiece of a setting! Going to keep hoping for you that the BF is getting the vibes to work with your boss :wink2:

It's definitely heavier looking on one side than the other. It doesn't matter how you hold the cast, it's lopsided :-P I did mention this little tidbit to my boss last week and she assured me that it is an easy fix... Thank you for your well wishes..... I'm actually kind of stressing out about him NOT going to talk to my boss... I hate thinking that I'll be embarrassed if he buys something offline, but at the same time.... I don't know how I'd look her in the eye... even though the manager there has told me that it would be a complete non issue and don't let it stress me out lol... :errrr: ugh..... They do know that i would like a more balanced look done in 14k matte (unpolished) yellow gold :-D

elizabethess|1459800065|4015358 said:
lmcriss|1458828172|4010338 said:
Sphene|1458806360|4010264 said:
Unusual IMO it needs a round stone the square looks so odd

The stone is already purchased and the ring will be built around it... So a round stone is out of the question.... What do you think would look nice for my square stone? I'd love to see your ideas!

I do imagine round would work well with this type of setting as it mimics that round part the petals come out of, but I don't think it NEEDS a round stone. And like you said we are working with your very pretty square stone here. :bigsmile: Is it evenly square? It looks it from the photos but I didn't see any measurements posted. If it is, what about setting it kite style? For a square stone, kite setting (making it diamond shaped) gives it a really different feel, and may look really lovely centered in the flower.

I found this picture of a cushion morganite set kite-style in a very stylized flower ring as an example (etsy seller LaMoreDesign). It's not naturalistic like yours, but you can get the idea about how turning the stone gives a different feel.


Ahhhhh! It's all so exciting! :D

I really like the square stone in the setting. It needs to sit lower in the petals and I think some petal shaped prongs would look pretty to hold it in place... but I love the square look. My stone is 5.95mm x 6mm x 4.8mm. It looks perfectly square when you're looking at it straight, but when you turn it sideways, I feel like at least I can tell that extra .05mm is missing... I do really like the idea of turning it to the side though, I think it would add a really cool element to an already really cool setting. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the ring is so substantial... you can feel it on your hand but it's delicate looking at the same time. I tried on on that my boss had made back in the 70's that was very similar to the pretty piece of wax she gave me to bring home and I fell immediately in love with it.

I have made a decision to not mention any of it to him unless he brings it up. Personally, as much as I love looking at my stone, I feel let down every time we have to put it away again or even when he just goes and grabs it out of the safe... I don't want it to be in the safe, I want it to be at the store being set in that pretty flower mounting. I had loose plans to propose to him on April Fool's Day if he hadn't proposed before, but I feel like because of taxes, he bought himself some time by purchasing the stone. I think we'll be having a discussion about it if he hasn't proposed by the end of summer. So until then, i'm keeping my mouth shut and very impatiently waiting.

How are all of you dealing with the waiting? Any of you feel kind of burned out on it and just want him to get on with it already?
Welcome lmcriss! I'm a fellow LIW. Your sapphire is beautiful & I really like the flower ring you've chosen it's very unique. Hope your wait is short and you get your "necklace" soon!
Well, in my case, it looks like some new school opportunities may be opening up for my bf. Which, while totally a good thing, throws the plan into chaos. And since none of it is actually for sure yet, we can't make any firm plans. So I am making several possible timelines, like my a choose your own adventure book. Which is pretty stressful. I kinda feel like tearing my hair out. I just want to know what is happening. The constant shifting sands under my feet are driving me nuts.

I hope the other LIW are doing better at waiting than I am right now. :lol:
Hi Ariadne_Theia!
Hope things get settled and you figure out whats going on soon! Kinda same situation here. My SO was hoping to get a promotion we found out today his less qualified but older counterpart got it- office politics :? now our timeline is also unclear. ;(
Ariadne_Theia|1459885604|4015823 said:
Well, in my case, it looks like some new school opportunities may be opening up for my bf. Which, while totally a good thing, throws the plan into chaos. And since none of it is actually for sure yet, we can't make any firm plans. So I am making several possible timelines, like my a choose your own adventure book. Which is pretty stressful. I kinda feel like tearing my hair out. I just want to know what is happening. The constant shifting sands under my feet are driving me nuts.

I hope the other LIW are doing better at waiting than I am right now. :lol:

Ittybittykittykat|1459891048|4015861 said:
Hi Ariadne_Theia!
Hope things get settled and you figure out whats going on soon! Kinda same situation here. My SO was hoping to get a promotion we found out today his less qualified but older counterpart got it- office politics :? now our timeline is also unclear. ;(

Ladies!!! I'm sending calming dust your way!

Ariadne- I can't imagine feeling like you're in limbo! is there a least a timeline that things HAVE to be figured out by (like all will be settled somewhere somehow by fall, etc.)or is it all just up in the air? That's very exciting that he has some great opportunities with school! Good luck to both of you! What kind of scenarios have you worked out for yourself? I don't know if this will help, but can you think of it as kind of an adventure? Would you have to move very far from your family and where you are now?

Ittybittykittykat- What the heck?! stupid office politics... Are there other ways for him to move up in his company?

I'm so grateful that the LIW forum exists!! I've stopped all mention on my stone and the ring and engagement and everything on the advice of my boss. I'm usually pretty skeptical to take advice like that because it (to me anyway) feels dishonest, like I'm trying to manipulate and play mind games with him and that's just not who we are as a couple. However, on the other hand, stopping all mention of it seemed pretty harmless. So I'm glad that I can talk to you all of you ladies on here rather than suffering in silence at home. I'm getting pretty darn impatient!!!
Unfortunately, there isn't really a deadline. And it could be a big change, we may be moving to a different country! Half the time, I am really excited about possibly getting to live somewhere totally new and the other half is me panicking. However, we could end up just moving to a different city in the us somewhere. I would just like to know for sure! Some of the schools start in the fall and some of them start at the beginning of the calendar year, so when we would move is up in the air as well. And my bf wants to go to the courthouse and get legally married before leaving the country in the case that we end up moving abroad. And then just have a wedding after we return to the us. (approx 2 years later) So we are trying to figure out the best path for each possible school. It's more than a little overwhelming.

I give you major bonus points for managing to not talk about it. That's really hard! I hope some thinking room gets the cogs in your partner's mind turning. Feel free to let it all out here. I know that for me, I love to hear everyone else's stories!
Ariadne_Theia|1460137362|4017021 said:
Unfortunately, there isn't really a deadline. And it could be a big change, we may be moving to a different country! Half the time, I am really excited about possibly getting to live somewhere totally new and the other half is me panicking. However, we could end up just moving to a different city in the us somewhere. I would just like to know for sure! Some of the schools start in the fall and some of them start at the beginning of the calendar year, so when we would move is up in the air as well. And my bf wants to go to the courthouse and get legally married before leaving the country in the case that we end up moving abroad. And then just have a wedding after we return to the us. (approx 2 years later) So we are trying to figure out the best path for each possible school. It's more than a little overwhelming.

I give you major bonus points for managing to not talk about it. That's really hard! I hope some thinking room gets the cogs in your partner's mind turning. Feel free to let it all out here. I know that for me, I love to hear everyone else's stories!

Wow! I hope that you can find a way to let yourself relax and kind of just let circumstances take you where they'll take you! Where could you be moving to? Different countries is a big deal! Would there be a language barrier? That would terrify me... Are you holding up ok?