
New LM Project -- Coming soon...

:shock: :love: No words, just drool ... and lots of it!

Ya know Jeff, if you ever need a second wife, I cook and stuff ... just sayin'! :naughty: :bigsmile:
Wowzers - at 40-50x magnification that honker looks like ice perfection. :clap:
I LOVE that stone! This will be amazing!
:love: :love: :eek: :o AH-MAZING stone. The ring can only be a stunner with this beauty in it. WOW
That is a beautiful stone, I love how crystal clear it looks! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Another amazing 'boston jeff' by Leon :love: :love:
The diamond and the setting both look amazing.
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: THUD

Absolutely Gorgeous!!!
OH . MY . GOODNESS. !!! That is purely stunning!
Gorgeous! :love: :appl:
Tremendous job! (By both of you). Have fun presenting it to your wife. Bring some smelling salts maybe or at least make sure she is sitting down!
Wow!!! Now that's what I call an upgrade!!! :love: :love: :love:
Beautiful! Can't wait for hand shots.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Wowed! I'd love to see some hand pics when they're available. Just beautiful!!
I don't even think I can find adequate words to describe how beautiful that ring is. I can't wait for hand shots!
Sooooooooo gorgeous! How on earth does he make those prongs so 'swoopy'?? Just perfection.
Wowza! We need some hand pics!!!
Magnificent!!!! :love: :love: :love:
Just amazing and perfect! Hand shots please!
It is stunning - can't wait to see hand shots either!
Yowzers! Can't wait to see the handshots!
WOW the stone in the video is amazing. :bigsmile:
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments

I will be picking it up on Friday once the insurance is in place and will try to get hand shots over the weekend, as long as my kids give my wife's hands some free time!
IT"S FRIDAY!!!!! :appl:
We're all waiting!!!! :dance:
That really is an AMAZING ring. Cant wait to see hand shots. What size finger is your wife? wondering if you successfully traded in old stone with LM for the larger one? I can't remember where you got your first original cushion.

Will she wear it alone or any band?

Thanks for sharing- really stunning!
Stunning ring!! Can't wait to see hand shots.
Stunning! :love: Can't wait to see hand shots!