Last pics. These are the pics with my little yellow sapphires, which are set in a ring so harder to photograph very well, but I think you can get the idea. I think this is the yellow I would want, but it would mean another purchase.
I should add that my plan was to set the sapphire in a ring, I meant to have done it already but ended up buying several more loose gems (so there went my setting budget). I'm still not sure if I will do a bracelet or not, as I did have plans for the sapphire...but it's fun considering it and seeing the gems laid out like that, I do really like the idea. I'm torn, but in no hurry so plenty of time to think about it, anyway. Buying the mahenge wiped me out for a bit funds-wise, too.
Oh wow the original three look spectacular on that YG chain!!!!! From the pictures, I'm not sure the Mali can hold its own among those super saturated stones.
I think they look incredible along the YG chain - def that's the colour gold to set them on for SURE --- but I agree w Rosebloom, I think you need a more saturated stone to be able to compete with the other jewel tones, this mali seems to be 'lost' on that chain.
Oh - look!! another reason to buy another stone!! Weeeeeee!!!
I do agree with you both; I think the Mali is too pale for this potential project.
Rosebloom - that yellow Montana sapphire would be very much right up my alley both color and cut-wise. It's more than I would want to spend though. I honestly am not crazy about yellow gems, and I just can't see myself spending that much for a yellow. That might sound odd but it's how I feel, lol. If I go this route, I'll look for a sub- carat gem to save money wise. That is the general style I would like though, most definitely.
Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but I don't like an orange gem for this. I have an orange grossular garnet and an orange/red spess; I tried them next the trio and it just didn't do it for me. But that's probably bc I'm just not big on orange gems, they don't do it for me the way blues, greens, and mahenges do